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Here is this month's comic! Thank you so much for supporting the Meatier Showers 10th Anniversary update from start to finish. This was done way before the Fast & Furious "family" meme went around. Given the time gap between the movie and this, I do hope that it doesn't detract the comic's intended message and meaning from everyone's reading experience. Something's are simply out of our control, and we just have to roll with it.

"Family" has always been this feeling and concept that has eluded me, coming from one that had been highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive. While I am in a better place today, I've only had glimpses of what "family" feels and means.

We Are What We Choose To Be

Meatier Showers started out as a romance comedy about finding love in the oddest places, but as I grew older and matured with my relationships, I also wanted Meatier Showers to be about our "chosen family", especially for LGBTQI folk.

We might not be born into the best circumstances, but with patience and perseverance, we can choose our future paths, and who we associate ourselves with. It means a lot to be finally able to place a proper bookend to the original series. Stay safe and take care!

Oct 2021



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