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Hi everyone!

Hope you've all been doing well! As of this writing, I'm quite pleased with the new drafts for pages 1-6. While some revisions and cleaning up remain to be done for page 6, I've proceeded ahead with thumbnails for the next 6 pages. What you see above serves primarily as a guide / estimation for how things will be. These aren't necessarily set in stone and will be subject to further iterations. I've actually lost my momentum hitting page 6 partly cuz I seem to have "lost my horny" and don't really know how or why... and also in part since I've been debating with myself how the characters should behave in the next segment:

  • Does Snares draw attention to the fact that Pridestar's musk is triggering his sudden growth?
  • Should Snares take the driver's wheel and be the active player under that circumstance?
  • Should Pridestar instead, take the active role and use his musk to his advantage?

I'd been flip-flopping between the 2 potential scenarios where either party takes a more dominant role, but after a few weeks of deliberation I'm arriving at the sense that the whole "musk" thing should just be information ONLY the audience knows about. You'll see the fumes emanating from Pridestar, you'll see Snares inhaling a waft of it and the results. But I've decided the characters themselves should be completely oblivious to what the trigger is, primarily on the account there's more potential for comedy that way - at least that's how I strongly feel about it right now.

Given that Pridestar's jizz has already done some amazing things in the past with little or no explanation whatsoever, it seems fine in cartoon logic that well, anything from him is bound to have some kind of whacked out crazy effect on his subject of desire.

Of course, Pridestar being himself, will no doubt want to take advantage of such an opportune moment. Whether or not he figures out its his own musk driving Snares wild, he's bound to be grabby paws all over his favorite lifeguard in any case.

Next month, I'll be sharing page 5 draft and working further into the next 6 pages. Thank you again for your support this month! Take care and stay safe!

Aug 2021



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