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Hi everyone, thank you once again for your support and generosity in seeing the first Meatier Showers Patreon project through. 

Planning Phase

The above image covers very rough plans for Meatier Showers 7-9. The mid-section illustrates the page breakdown of issue 7, "After Dark", in a similar style and fashion that was employed for issue 6.

The rectangles represent pages, with its corresponding page number on each, while the groupings and separations represent the story "beat" or a scene, like notes on a song sheet. I'm still wrestling with conflicting ideas and in a mental process of exploring what my options are. Naturally, as a result, no comic pages of the new issue will be available yet at this point.

While issue 6 explores muscle growth and briefly touches on the genre of macrofurs, I am personally inclined to explore muscle inflation in issue 7, as well as sex toys and some growth-induced immobility kinks. Trying to fit them all into one story is confusing, so I am working out what needs to be left out for things to flow in a sensible manner.

Issue 8 will be the collective result of the side story collaborations between my team and I. Issue 9 tentatively will touch upon the origins of the Meatier Showers bathhouse and Pridestar's origins.

Honest Talk

Towards the end of issue 6's production over the past 2 months, I had been receiving feedback from individuals who saw this Patreon project as a form of service provision and expect every dollar of their pledge made worthwhile. Even though these have been only a few, statistically negligible instances of complaints, nonetheless I felt it necessary to address the matter as a whole, 

While I personally try my best to honor each promised reward and validate each tier's worth, I hope that supporters remember that if you are at anytime unable to support the pledged tier, or unsatisfied with the rewards promised, you can always either:

1) pull out of the project support, or

2) switch to a lower pledge to suit your needs

Rather than being controlled by the fear of losing patrons and pandering to people who may have unrealistic expectations, I have chosen to stand by my principles and strategy and continue working on my projects regardless.


With the passing of April 2016, I've taken much time to reflect on my journey and where I wanted to drive the next Patreon project towards. In retrospect, Meatier Showers 6 was an incredibly tough project with its own unique challenges.

By August 2015, 4 months after the original concept was announced and started on, I had come to realize that not only was the original 2-part story not working, but it had major story issues with the ending and overrunning (the comic hit 46 pages and wasn't close to ending.) It wasn't until after my birthday celebrations when I had returned from my hiatus that I figured out an emergency plan to fix the story. It was a harrowing time and by September I had the story structure completely reworked, with only a few months to spare before Further Confusion 2016 arrived.

I was feeling the immense strain and pressure of the sudden emergency maneuver, but had to see the project through no matter what. Towards the end of November, I had miraculously managed to ink all 32 pages of the reworked story line before burning out completely and taking a nosedive into a state of depression. I knew I wasn't going to make it Further Confusion, and trusted in myself that I'd make a recover after my visit to Tokyo for a much needed emotional & spiritual reboot - which I did, and colored all 32 pages with the aid of Donryu within the month of January. Everything else was hastily put together and by the end of February, the completed product - inked, colored, lettered, edited & properly compiled was delivered and made available for online orders.

Wrapping Up

Patreon basically serves as a platform for creators to receive donations from supporters like yourself, who believe in the project, and wish to see it through - and for creators to connect with patrons through their works and production journey. I believe that was the original spirit of Patreon. To be honest, there's no way I can ever repay the generosity given dollar-for-dollar. The only true artistic promise I can hold myself accountable for is to ensure that the proposed product is realized in some readable state, in a quality and fashion that I can personally be proud of - and share that with the world.

With all that said, hang around for 5 May, where we'll be rolling out our next newsletter with new details on story and production developments. Thank you and hope to be sharing more.



Rito Deltaro

Stay committed to your vision and your principles! The journey has been incredible so far!


So much complexity... So much... Writing @.@