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Hi everyone!

The past month had been challenging on a personal level, dealing with anxieties and burnout so much that I had derailed and lost my art muse. While I hesitate to lay out any arbitrary deadlines or targets that I've no clear sense I'll be able to commit to in my current mental state, I did want to share some minor breakthroughs with "Swole Mates":

With the current comic rework, I have a few key scenes in mind that I wish to put down on paper, which provides some goalposts to aim for, compared to the original. what you see above is currently the draft for page 4. In this new iteration, I've managed not only to reuse the original setup where the characters are all still at the beach, with stuff happening that result in muscle growth, but to have it all play out within a more natural, believable context.

Admittedly I may have been too self-conceited into thinking that I would be an advocate for championing things like consent, healthy boundaries and so forth. Well I still feel those are very important themes, I don't see it in myself to be able to execute the concepts in a way that isn't preachy or natural. Deep down inside, in the current hellscape that is reality... all I really want to do a funny sex comic that I myself can escape to, and that is all - I don't want to or need to be some kind of hero.

As of this writing, my current mental and emotional state hasn't been at its peak performance. I've been trying to rally myself and hopefully I'll have more updates to share. Thank you once again for your generous support last month, and for your kind patience while I've been busy adapting to new circumstances.

Jul 2021



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