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Hi guys, just wanted to keep you all in the loop of things. We're currently entering a phase of transition so there's a bit of logistical upheaval going on here and there (might wanna put on that hard hat.) If you look at the project front page, you'll notice that the Meatier Showers cast has been added, as well as a project preview of what's to come - Meatier Showers: After Dark.

We'll also been introducing our new hire hopefully by April, who'll be on board the Meatier Showers side project, "Mass Masseur".

Do check out the updated rewards list as I've currently revised the tiers back to 3 formats, now ranging from the basic $1, to backstage access $3 and a $10 V.I.P access. You don't have to commit now, especially since nothing much yet has been revealed. But do hang around for the rest of the episodic releases of Meatier Showers: Bulge Indulge and I'll have more reasons for you to upgrade your reward tiers down the line!



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