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Hi everyone!

Firstly, I just want to take the time to thank you all for supporting my Patreon project through another month! I also want to thank all you new supporters for joining us on this journey, and by "us", I'm also referring to Donryu who's been regularly assisting with production on Meatier Showers.

Progress Report

As of this writing, all 12 pages of the Meatier Showers 10th Anniversary project have been fully inked. Moving forward, the goal would ideally be to have all 12 pages fully toned by end of March. Donryu is toning 4 pages, and I'm toning another set of 4. Once the toning phase is complete, I can finally shift my attention to starting coloring work for the cover art. If everything goes according to plan, we'll hopefully begin the compilation and publishing process by end of April 2021.

(Edit: To clarify, this is on top of the original trade paperback content with several art fixes and revisions that you can read more about here.)

Meatier Showers 10th Anniversary

Over the years, my perception and principles regarding romantic relationships had dramatically evolved, and using Tanz and Groover as a storytelling vehicle became increasingly difficult. With the 10th Anniversary project, it was my personal goal to right some long overdue wrongs in the original trade paperback and make it a more complete experience.

It wasn't until 2020, when I was at the peak of my anxiety and depression as the pandemic hit, that I found clarity on how to repurpose the roles of Tanz and Groover - which would be to explore new kinks together as a couple, especially for this book - pup culture, that also led to the introduction of Preyford Dobermanners.

(Edit: You can learn more on how the new pages fit into the Meatier Showers timeline here.)

Long & Short Formats

With all that's happened since last year, my creative energies and focus have been anything but consistent. After much deliberation, I've decided to take on a mix of short and long project formats, allowing me the option to alternate gears so as to keep the momentum going.

With the results of the previous poll, "Stargayzer" will serve as the project title for my short format. The series of short monthly comics are designed to be compiled into a standalone book, depending on its performance with readers, either 12 to 24 pages long.

Series Line-up

What you're seeing above is the projected production pipeline from now till 2024. I am currently in the planning phases for the next project after the 10th Anniversary compilation, and hope to share more details as and when we cross that bridge. The tentatively named, "Meatier Showers Beach Comic" will be another standalone comic, separate from "Stargayzer".

The next update should drop around 5 Apr. For now, please stay safe, be kind and thank you for continuing to support me in these trying times. 

Mar 2021




I can’t wait to see all this projects, your work is awesome and inspire me 🤩🤩🤩