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Just a quick update to share with everyone that Meatier Showers 2020 has officially entered its inking and clean up phase as of 26 Nov. Admittedly, inking the façade of the Castro has presented some challenges and taken longer than anticipated. To that end, I'll be toning in the details instead of well, having to draw in every minute detail, since the first panel was primarily to establish the location and setting. It was important to set Meatier Showers in the backdrop of its fictional furry equivalent, the Astro since a lot of what Chapter 4 entails is based on my experiences visiting the place way back in 2015. (I just wish I had taken better photos then, since the above reference is actually from Google.)

In any case, just a heads up to everyone that you can expect a fully inked and toned comic page by 30 Nov, earlier if the architectural challenge works out easier in toning!

Black Friday Sales

From now till 30 Nov, all titles on my Gumroad page will be 50% off for the weekend! If you enjoy the series and know a friend who might like it, do let them know and check out the sale! To enjoy the 50% discount, just enter promo code: meatier50 on checkout!

Nov 2020



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