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By now, all paid and processed accounts should have received a link to a downloadable file showcasing the color process involved for Meatier Showers 6. As of this writing, while there are still some minor amendments to be made, I'm happy to announce that 50% of all Meatier Showers 6 pages have been fully colored. Of the other 16 pages, 10 of which have already been flatted out and toned by Donryu, which I'll be going over this coming week to add in backgrounds, make color adjustments and work in the final lighting layer. With your enduring support and generous contributions, I've been able to hire Donryu again this month to settle the remaining 6 pages.

Based on optimistic estimates, I should be able to complete the coloring phase by Valentine's Day, 14 Feb and have the pages locked down. The last 2 harrowing weeks of February will be spent working on the cover art, ensuring that every supporter is properly credited in the credits page, adding in and editing dialogues as well as lettering. I hope to achieve all of this by 25 Feb, as I will be heading up north to Malaysia again end of the month to visit the fur family for Zootopia's premiere.

There's really not much room left for error or complacency. Every month more that goes into this comic production, does so at the cost of my ability to take in commissions and my financial reserves. That said, thank you very much for supporting me through this project. It's been a long journey, especially for those of you who've followed me since April 2015, you'll have seen how much the project has evolved to its current final phases. I hope that you'll continue to remain patient and faithful that this project will complete, and once that does happen, I certainly hope you guys enjoy the finished product!




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