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Hey everyone!

Thanks again for another month of support and kindness. A downloadable link has been forwarded to all processed accounts, so if you're viewing this through YiffParty or an "@trbvm.com" account, you'll most likely only be seeing these little update posts.

Come December, I will be phasing out the pencil draft phase of the comic page preview and begin rolling out the inked version instead. As of this writing, 29 out of 32 pages have been fully inked. It's still too soon to celebrate, as I still have to color and go over the 32 pages another round (with Donryu helping out). I am pacing myself with a daily quota of one completed page per day. This may not seem like a whole lot to everyone, and it's probably true. The past weeks have been emotionally grueling for me as I struggle to push myself to churn out pages, despite feeling creatively burned out. And I've been using all manner of motivators to get myself going no matter what. I'm accountable for this project, and to everyone's support, and I do very much want to have a completed product by January 2016.

I'm stressed, I'm tired, but I'm pushing day by day, one page at a time, eyes on the prize. Come this weekend, 26 - 30 November, I will be taking a short hiatus once I finish inking the remaining 3 pages. Hopefully once December arrives, I'll be fully recharged from the break, and ready to finish up the rest of the race.

If you enjoyed this months' comic page updates, share it with a friend and let them know this Patreon project exists, and recommend them to check it out. Every dollar helps. Leave your comments here or just contact me through Twitter (@snareslion) Thank you and see you next month!




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