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Thank you so much for your kindness and patience, and for supporting me throughout the year of 2019. For what it's worth, I had put in my best efforts in maintaining a weekly schedule to produce Meatier Showers, in addition to my day job commitments. It has not been easy, and to see myself be able to pencil 6 pages over the course of 6 months, I'd say it wasn't bad at all.

However, nothing lasts forever, and life is in a constant flux of change. For me personally, that is no more truer than when I decided to leave home back in 2016. Since then, things change considerably every 6-12 months. With my previous post explaining the gist of my situation, there's no need for me to harp on what has already happened. I am moving forward, but always with Meatier Showers as my goal and guiding compass. Whatever I do in life, it's to work towards an environment and situation that is conducive of producing comics as my lifelong passion.

In This Scene

Meatier Showers 2019 was designed with little "intermissions" in between story arcs for new readers to get a better sense of the characters as a group, and for returning readers to sort of "eavesdrop" and catch up on what's been developing with the cast.

This is the first of the diner scenes, where Tanz and Groover curiously inquire Pride on such developments. We are taken through a brief but raunchy montage of flashbacks. Onviously hiding something, Pride responds with, "nothing much". Groover curtly shouts, "LIAR!"

Beyond page 6, the trio spend a few more moments chatting, gradually leading us to the second story arc of Meatier Showers 2019.

Thank You

Thank you again for supporting me. There is one more development diary installed for the end of the month. All Patreon payments have been suspended for the month of September, and I will continue to do so indefinitely, until there is new content to share.

Aug 2019



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