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Hi everyone, just wanted to keep you guys in the loop of developments with Meatier Showers. There's always a huge risk for consumers backing crowdfunded projects, especially one that has an indefinite production timeline. While other Patreon accounts run on the business model of providing long-running, regular entertainment services, Meatier Showers Buffhaus, at its heart, is all about realizing a product that ultimately everyone can hold in their hands. Therefore, in this instance, having the project run indefinitely is highly counter-productive to my own goals and achievements.

This post is to share with all my existing patrons, newcomers and potential supporters what things are going to be like down the road. From the get-go, Meatier Showers 6 is slated for a Further Confusion 2016 release, and the physical version will be made available through my publisher, Furplanet. To that end, I'm looking at a relatively tight schedule with little room for error. Over the course of 2 weeks, my goal is to complete the pencil drafts for SIDE B story. When this is accomplished, that will mean all 42 pages of Meatier Showers 6 will be ready for inking. At this point, it is imperative for me to finish inking at least 18 pages before mid-August as I will be travelling to visit my extended fur family up north. During this production "down-time" on my part, I have Donryu, author of Rat Pack and a good colleague of mine, working on color flats for the first 18 inked pages (SIDE A). This means that even though I'm away, there will still be a certain measure of automation.

Upon return, SIDE B ink phase will resume during the last week of August (which happens to be my birthday week), and this will stretch over to September until all remaining 24 pages are completely inked. After which I would most likely be spent, so I've not slated anything else beyond that. Ideally, Meatier Showers 6 production should wrap up by December 2015, and hopefully with enough travel funds saved, I will get to see you all at Further Confusion 2016.

I hope this gives everyone a clearer picture of what's scheduled for the project. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them under the comments here.



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