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I've hesitated for a long time over this, especially seeing that the Patreon scene is saturated with furry artists. I needed to have a clear direction and plan on what to do if I was going to commit to this. There isn't anything much YET. I've only just started on the new Meatier Showers comic TODAY. So by the end of April 2015, we should see more pages and such. I'm still really new to this so we'll see how things run.



Good to hear you aren't just getting into this for all the wrong reasons! I've heard about way too much abuse of this site on the part of artists. As long as you remain reasonable and keep being frank and honest with your patrons you'll go far.


I think it's a risk that's always been present with crowdfunding projects. Thus the whole potato salad joke. But yeah, I set up Patreon as a means of sustaining some form of passive income so at least I can work on my comics comfortably without worrying at night I might starve the next day. I have to make sure my reward tiers are something I can achieve on top of all my other commitments. Currently the goal is to produce at least a page per week to keep the ball rolling.


I think this Patreon is a great idea for stability to do what you want at your pace. I hope it takes off! I hope I get to see you do hip hop, travel, work well, eat well, draw awesome stuff. These are all great personal goals. I hope it pays off in the long run. Your art is too good to have it unseen or undrawn. This is going to be great.


Thank you for your support guys. I'm hoping that this helps take some financial burden off my load. As some of you know, long term projects such as comics and animation require extensive periods of commitment with little to no funds. With Patreon, hopefully this will work more favorably and provide some flexibility to my lifestyle, as well as fund my hobbies :)