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Hi everyone,

My apologies for the extended inactivity these past 2 months. The very nature of Patreon requires a fair amount of content buffer, meaning to say, additional material done in advance in preparation for further updates down the timeline. Whenever a comic project ends, there is inevitably a dearth of material to show and sustain audiences. To that end, I am regretful and deeply sorry for making everyone wait on me, while I acclimatize to my new work environments and schedules.

What's Happening?

This has especially been challenging transitioning from full-time comic production, to a complete cessation of such activities, and switching to a new framework. A fair amount of time was required in determining the best path to take (you may have seen the Twitter poll results from an earlier update). The next thing that had to be addressed was "what to tell everyone", "how are we getting there", and generally, how best to word my intentions in a fashion that makes sense... something that I struggled with for weeks. The last bit, and probably the most painstaking and time-consuming part, is creating the "new" content itself, that would replace the comic production project. And now that I actually have something to show, let's look at next month's line up:

Commissions Are Returning

Of the various things I'm currently working on, based on the recent Twitter poll, is to make commissions available for everyone, and integrate the process with my Patreon project. Supporters will have "early bird" notifications as and when my slots are open. They will also gain access to sketches from the commissions and get an inside look on my process from sketch to finish. 

Currently I'm occupied with building new art assets for my commission form. What you see above is a size chart for character physique, which I personally believe will help clients and commissioners better decide what they want represented visually. What you see now is still a draft, but should provide an idea as to how folks can quickly "select" their desired body type for their commissions. To diversify, the body types don't just end at "regular", "bodybuilder" or "superbuff".

To better cater to a larger audience, I've also included plus size body types that include, "muscle gut", "chub" and "super chub". In the past, I have sensed that folks may have shied away from asking for "fat fur" commissions on the basis that I have a lack of them in my gallery. For the most part, I think based on my furry portfolio, I may have unintentionally given the false impression that I only do muscle art. With my new commission form, I'd like to rectify this misconception and provide potential clients with a wider range of options.

$1 Monthly Sketch Dump

With my schedule and energy levels stabilizing, I am now committed to streaming every Saturday for 4-6 hours, during which I will be working on commissions and doing warm-up sketches and porn doodles in between. I will be posting the better, more presentable stuff here as part of the transition from comics to sketch gallery.

Starting June 2018, the content schedule will be as follows:

5th of every month - news updates, early bird commission notice
25th of every month - sketches from a month's worth of Saturday streams

I'll be checking in again next weekend, hopefully with more stuff to share. Thank you for your patience and support.

May 2018



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