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Thank you everyone for supporting me through last month. November turned out to be a relatively busy month, between inking and toning my pages, trying to get my driver's license and entertaining visiting guests, most of the month itself had gone by in a flurry of events. Without the endless support of you guys, doing this full-time would not be possible. With the year drawing to a close, it's time to review a few things and talk about the road ahead.

Weekend Trip

This coming weekend, I'll be in Malaysia for 5 days, attending a small furry convention and catching up with friends. I'll be bringing along my Bara Bear products to sell (and hopefully clear them). While I'm there, I'll also be having a short breather before switching gears back into production mode. At this point, I'm mostly focusing whatever energy I have left in me to completing last month's sketch rewards for the VIP supporters.

Project Projections

December's schedule is a little tighter than what I would've preferred. With FURUM around the corner and my actual start-of-year vacation in January, it's imperative for me to get all pages inked before JMoF 2018. My trip to Japan will afford me some down time where I'll begin thumbnailing and drafting out Season 9 of Meatier Showers, tentatively titled, "Hard-on Collider". Once I'm back from my vacation proper, I will commence on the coloring phase for the current season's Meatier Shower: SUPERSIZED.

Projected completion date would probably be February 2018.


Beyond SUPERSIZED, I intend to allocate a month to resuming work on FANGRA, a comic project that's been on hiatus for awhile. My goal is to finish the final chapter by March 2018 and have that settled for good. As a general heads up, this means that there may be project overlaps next year on my Patreon.

Booby Badge Giveaway

The STAY SWOLE badges will be sent out over mid December after I'm back from my trip to Malaysia. Usually at the end and start of a month, there's a lot of movement with patrons. Once the dust has settled and mailing addresses updated, I'll get down to logistics. Do remember to update your pledge if you wish to receive one!

That's generally all the housekeeping for now, feel free to drop me a message here if you have any questions pertaining to future plans or projects. Thank you for your patience and support.

Dec 2017



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