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Getting Back on Track

With all the recent developments that's transpired, I've been trying to adjust and adapt my production workflow. I think one of the challenges of working on a comedy title is that a lot of the joy that goes into the comic, has to come from a genuine place within. When you're struggling with basic needs such as job security, housing and a mid-life crisis, it all becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the necessary tone required of the project Fortunately, most of the creative development work has already been established, freeing up my emotional and mental bandwidth to focus on more technical tasks such as inking and lettering.

Lettering Phase

Speaking of lettering, starting this month, I'll be revisiting earlier pages to fill in all the missing dialogues, text, sound effects and speech bubbles to complete the look and have them available for public release.

For full transparency, having some form of public release to act as sampler pages has become necessary especially with the current social media landscape. This comic project is made sustainable through the generosity of supporters such as yourselves - most of which goes straight to utilities and daily necessities such as groceries and meals. Having "demo" pages on my socials will hopefully help drive more traffic here as well as grow an audience on the newer platforms.

Early Access Still Ongoing

Patreon supporters continue to receive early access content that is at least 6 months ahead of what will be released publicly. By joining the Meatier Tier at $3, supporters get exclusive access to draft page previews and their inked state earlier than everyone else.

Now that I've gotten back into a mental state where I can tap into the voices of the characters, I'll be starting work on lettering and dialogues so that readers have more context as to what's been happening in the preview pages.

The lettered pages will drop on the 10 of each month, so you can expect to see future updates as scheduled below:

Content Rollout

  • PAGE 1 FINAL (Public) - 10 JUL

  • PAGE 5 DRAFT (Patreon Only) - 15 JUL

  • PAGE 5 INKS (Patreon Only) - 25 JUL

If you have any thoughts, concerns or questions about the new rollout, please feel free to leave a comment in the thread below. I do want to make this project and experience better for everyone.

Stay swole and take care.

Jul 2024



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