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Hi everyone!

Hope this post finds you all well. In light of various personal developments, I've decided to merge both my previous monthly line-up posts with my development diary into one singular update on the 5th of each month. It's been difficult to maintain a positive-vibes-only marketing PR tone, especially for a self-run business and project all the time. For long-time supporters, you'll know that I was made redundant fairly recently. Since then, recovery has been challenging, and being unemployed for an extended amount of time has severely affected my housing loan eligibility, nothing that US$65,000 can't fix overnight. Unless I have that amount of cash on hand, I may potentially lose the home I've been working towards all these years.

Regrettably as a result, my production speed has slowed down significantly trying to fight my personal fires. As much as possible, I will strive to meet the updates as promised on the 5, 15 and 25 of each month.

Jun 2024 Lineup

  • PAGE 4 DRAFT - 15 JUN

  • PAGE 4 INKS - 25 JUN

With pages 4 onwards, the line mileage of Meatier Showers 2024 increases exponentially, affecting the time required to properly ink each page. While I am still on track for this month, I may pause billing, if necessary, while my personal situation evolves. You can expect page updates on the 15 and 25 Jun for draft and ink progress respectively.

Story Fixes

For those of you who recall the original Stargazer plan, several pages had to be removed as the Stargazer arc was too convoluted to include with the growth arc of Meatier Showers 2024. Stargazer will be put on the backburner and probably slated for 2026 during the compendium project. The story design is meant to tie together loose ends, as well as all the separate color chapters into a cohesive timeline. With the Stargazer arc removed, several original pages have been edited out, affecting the pacing of Meatier Showers 2024. Most of my previous comics have been around 18 pages, which seems to be the sweet spot for my gag-driven stories. With Meatier Showers currently standing at 16 pages, I've reviewed the action sequences to determine what moments needed more emphasis, especially so that the physical growth feels more gradual than having skipped a few "stages".

Of the two pages that will be added in, one of them is primarily a gag page created for the purpose of adjusting the pacing (labelled as 12+1), while the other )15+1) is written to add a little more context for the escalation of events in the following pages leading to the end at page 18. You'll find the thumbnails of said pages below. These will need to be drafted and properly expanded upon at a later time.


What Lies Ahead

Truth be told, things are pretty uncertain and unstable now. My hope is to find more moments of calm and clarity to continue delivering Meatier Showers on a regular schedule for you all. I know not everyone will read this, let alone empathize with my situation, but this is my current reality. I understand that there are other folks out there going through worse, and don't expect to be sympathized either. If anything, I'm deeply humbled and grateful for your continued support and patience. That is all I could ever ask for.

Stay swole and take care.

Jun 2024



Woynich Fermat

That is a lot of money to make back up. I wish you luck. I do look forwards to what you can create in this time.