Naked Yoga - TG Caption (Patreon)
Morgan let out a moan as she felt herself reach the limit of her downward facing dog.
Two years ago Morgan wouldn’t have been caught dead practicing naked yoga in her living room.
But then again, a lot has changed for Morgan.
Two years ago Morgan was in a fraternity, a real jerk of a man. Having gotten into college on a football scholarship he was as red blooded as a man could get.
But it all changed after he had met Julia.
After receiving an injury on the field, Julia had encouraged him to take up yoga and a vegan diet. She convinced him it would help him heal.
Julia would fix him smoothies full of vitamins and nutrients that she said would encourage the strengthening of his ligaments.
It didn’t take long for him to notice changes to his body. At first it was just a little weight loss and his nipples felt sore.
But after a while he could swear he was starting to get fat but only in certain areas, Julia told him he was imagining it, and that's when he lost control of his emotions. Something he hadn’t done for years.
Now, two years later, Morgan was practicing his morning yoga routine with her generous breasts hanging in front of her face. Excited about what she had planned for tonight.
She was going to ask Julia for her hand in marriage…