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You know Toby right? The bestie whos mom you banged... tsk tsk tsk.

I want to have you play with toby too for next part. But I cant decide if I should go full femboy or make toby go  through transition so hes like a chick but with ding dong and boobs, so futa. 

What do you think?

I still have no idea for a femboy model. So I cant provide a picture. I really dislike how femboy models look these days, its just too bland :3


Los Vaqueros Press

If you post it as a poll, femboy is going to win every time. It sounds like you want to go futa here, so why not just do it?


You already know my answer lol.


I'm kinda down the line. There are some femboy avi's that are not good, but on the flip side their are a lot that are really good. Just depends what your looking for. Could also think about trying to look for a different femboy model instead of the usual ones you use that all have a similar feeling to one another. I wouldn't think too much about it though. If Femboy does win, then just do a poll with some models and pics of said models, and just let the viewers decide.


Also, like the post a few above, I'm also on the same mindset of the creative vision your trying to make, as in even in the description it sounded like you were leaning more towards the futa, so you might as well do it at that point. Cause if you do make a poll with femboy as an option but your unsure if you actually want to do it and it wins, then you have a problem of conflicting interest between the content you want to make, and the content you think you should be making. Regardless though, whichever you choose to do, people will watch it and enjoy it, so I wouldn't burn yourself out over it.


wouldn't be too upset if you went with more androgynous male look instead of a femboy look either, but go with what you like more.

Young Entirety

I wish futa tbh not done many futa would be a nice change kinda makes me sad not having many futa


Your femboy models are always frankly fantastics, so yeah, would love another femboy to the collection


If the femboy models aren't doing it for you then personally I think you should go with futa


not into either one so I will just not vote