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Sawwy, I was suppose to drop this yesterday for Wednesday but I forgot πŸ˜…

Not much horny in this one, just some sound I think might be relaxing, like tapping on a can and playing with sand plus some complimentary ear licks at the end :3

I dont upload much because VRChat roleplays take a lot of time to make. So maybe these can fill a ASMR craving.

What would you like for the next one?

What would you like to see besides VRChat roleplays? Share your ideas in the comments :3 



I'm a big fan of the more structured audio only asmr roleplays that have been done in the past. I (imagine) they take less work than a full VRchat video. Also as a weird trigger idea , the sound of chalk breaking is oddly relaxing.


Read us a bedtime story? Love these audio only uploads πŸˆβ€β¬›


I am addicted to anything with ear kisses and ear rubbing.


The whispering slowly from to ear and the kisses are always great


I'm a big fan of all the content you release, but I really enjoy your asmr stuff. It's how I found your content initially, roughly two years ago or so, I think? I agree with Mathew and Silent_Watcher, the ear kisses, rubbing, and licks go hard. It really helps me relax, somehow


Love me some water sounds!