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Important question that will impact the way roleplays are made.

So be sure to answer if you care and have a little amount of time :3

Thank you!  

QUESTION: What length of role play would be ideal for you? My scripts are usually sum up to 30Minutes so if it was 10-15 minutes that would mean i would be splitting the roleplay into 2-3 parts. ( More uploads but shorter roleplays )  Let me know :3



Seconded for long roleplays, as I like establishing the scene and having a 'conversation' with your characters.


then you cuties will love the next roleplay ^^ It's very conversation / story driven :3


I love longer asmr videos. Helps me relax and sleep


yep, 20-30minute is usually what i enjoy altho the longer the better so long as its not just looped audio (not a big fan of audio that are "1hour" but in reality are 20min of audio then 40min of breathing loop.


personally i prefer longer stuff for ASMR, 45min to an hour is a good length for a nap