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Hinata was as good as her word. Shion and Yūgao were taken to the Allied Mothers Force HQ and left at the entrance while the blue-haired kunoichi knocked at the door. Hinata then used the incredible muscle power of her legs to flee the scene of Naruto’s prank, but not before she hid to make sure the unconscious women were taken into the building.

There Shion and Yūgao were tended to by the members of the Force on duty: Yoshino Nara, in her usual pink blouse and dark skirt; Mebuki Haruno, who wore a white qipao with three-quarter length pink pants beneath; Ino’s mother Jun Yamanaka, clad in her usual teal dress; and Chōji’s mother Riruko Akimichi. They all worked hard and fussed over the unconscious pair, lying them on individual mattresses with pillows, trying to make them as comfortable as possible. Once the work was done, the quartet stood guard, talking amongst themselves to decide what had happened to their patients.

After twenty minutes or so of nervous wait, the Allied Mothers spotted the eyelids of their patients slowly flickering. There was a general murmur amongst the four women as hope rose in their hearts. A moment later both Shion and Yūgao began to open their eyes, much to the relief of their carers.

“They’re waking up…” Mebuki said, giving voice to the Mothers’ relief.

Shion and Yūgao came to their senses, blinked, and recognised their surroundings. Their bodies were tired, aching; almost tied to their impromptu hospital beds, at least for the moment. They groaned in tandem and tried to keep their inability to remember what had happened to bring them here from overwhelming them with worry.

“Are you two alright?” Mebuki asked, now giving voice to the Mothers’ worry for their patients.

Both Shion and Yūgao sat up in their beds, carefully, slowly, as if they’d been in a horrific fight and only just escaped with their lives - though neither woman had any outward signs of injury. They huffed and groaned with the exertion, their bodies filled with a dull ache. It was a little while before Yūgao could answer the question Mebuki had posed.

“Ugh… I think so…” the purple-haired Anbu began. “Where are we? Don’t remember anything…” She lifted her left arm to the back of her head to check for bruises, or any other reason she might have fallen unconscious.


“Me neither…” Shion added.

“Are you sure you’re doing okay?” Mebuki pressed. Something about the way Shion and Yūgao were moving filled the Mothers with concern, as if there were more to come. Shion frowned at the blonde woman’s insistent questioning.

“Yes, I’m…”

But the sentence would never be completed. At that exact moment, Naruto and Hinata’s prank came to life in the biggest way, and the fates of the six women in the room were sealed. Their lives would forever be altered and there would be no going back to whoever they were before.

End of the tailer 2 of the chapter 7


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