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Today Genomod will finish the first page and the second will follow in the coming days. And the color of the-muscle-girl-fan will be ready later today too.

And tomorrow the page of Odoruyama will be ready.

And the day who will follow Rogerhyde and Jomart will continue their work in the coming day. ( This week or the next ).

Zetarok continue his hard work and will continue in one or two week.

The-muscle-girl-fan will continue at the middle of the month. ( Between the 15 and the 20 maximum ).

This weekend fonk47 will continue his hard work.

Riseart will continue his hard work this month.

Another good news the comics Mutant Unleashed will be complete this month or the next. The next issue will begin shortly after.

Dayviate will continue his hard work too.

Manthomex too will continue his hard work.