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Chapter Six

Meanwhile, at Ichiraku, three women sat to enjoy some delicious ramen, unaware their lives would change forever in a few short moments. They were Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata’s younger sister, dressed in clan robes; Karin, who had just arrived in Konoha, dressed in a strange lavender coat and shorts; and Moegi Kazamatsuri, the strict kunoichi who’d joined them, and wore a sleeveless jumpsuit with a light green jacket over the top. As Karin was so new to the village, the others were giving her the lowdown on how things worked.

“...so Naruto is my sis’s boyfriend!” Hanabi explained.

“He’s the boss and a super ninja!” Moegi added. At that moment, a rustling came from the curtained entrance to the kitchen and a woman at once familiar and unfamiliar - to Hanabi and Moegi, at least - emerged with a smile on her face. She was holding a small sachet of sauce.

“Hey girls! Try this new sauce!”

“Ayame?!” Hanabi exclaimed, her eyes wider than they’d ever been. “What happened to you?”

For the hand holding the sachet was part of an arm so powerful it held more muscle mass than Ayame’s three customers put together… possibly even doubled. Ayame’s robe failed to hide her wider, stronger body, giving the three shocked onlookers a very clear view of mountainous traps that clasped her neck like a vice, pectoral muscles that would shame even the biggest of strongmen, and breasts so huge the three would each lose their hands - and a great deal of their forearms! - had they dared to dive into the cavernous cleavage. Veins ran the surface of her skin like a series of rivers.

“Got an upgrade from a technique that Naruto and Hinata developed,” Ayame replied as she tipped a portion of her sauce into each of their ramen bowls.

“That’s cool!” Karin exclaimed. Ayame gave a wink that all three women caught and slipped back into her kitchen. She moved with surprising stealth for such a big woman… but there wasn’t time to explore the mystery - their food would go cold!

Hanabi, Karin, and Moegi tucked into their food, which tasted somewhat more salty than they might have expected. Privately Hanabi and Moego decided they’d tell Ayame her sauce had unbalanced the delicate flavours that Ichikaru was famed for. In any case, for a few companionable minutes the only sounds the three women made were the clicking of chopsticks and the contented chewing of food.

Right up until Karin dropped her chopsticks in her ramen bowl with a clatter. ( Trailer of the progress )

Fonk47 continue his hard work.


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