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Chapter One

It was so late, and Caulifla was so drunk, that the music blasting at the party she was at no longer made sense to her. She stumbled over to a table that, at the start of the night, had held more cocktails than she could count… and at that point had maybe two or three left intact. The Saiyan was just about to take the one she could see the best through her swaying vision when someone nearby spoke and distracted her from her important task.

“I lost my sister recently,” the woman lamented, her pain very obvious through Caulifla’s dulled ears. “Her boyfriend killed her…”

The woman’s friend gave the only response that made sense.

“I’m sorry…”

That was the final straw for Caulifla. She had heard too many stories just like that during her time on Earth, far too many - of women being ruined by their men, or by men in general. These outbursts of violence, far beyond the bounds of what was acceptable, hurt more than the victims themselves: a culture of fear was created, one that Caulifla was determined would end.

Put simply, it was an appalling state of affairs that had to change as soon as possible… so Caulifla resolved, then and there, to change it.

Of course, the power of the wish she would make would change the world forever. Caulifla knew not to trifle with it, so she spent a good few days working on wording her desires perfectly so that nothing would go wrong, no loophole could be found, and the outcome would be the one she wanted. Once she was satisfied with the phrasing of her thoughts, Caulifla summoned Super Shenron.

The Saiyan stood opposite the Eternal Dragon and gave voice to her thoughts.

“I wish that all innocent women killed by men be resurrected, and after that they will become stronger than all man united and will never need them in the future,” Caulifla said.

There was a pause as the dragon mentally worked through the best way to make Caulifla’s wish manifest. It was not going to be an easy task to change the world so thoroughly.

“This will take time,” the dragon rumbled. “In one week I’ll be ready to make this possible.”

Caulifla was filled with thrill that it would even be possible for Super Shenron to make her desires real. Waiting a week to see what the new world would be like would be no problem at all for her. With a bow she left the Eternal Dragon’s presence.

Of course, to work up the courage to ask for her wish, Caulifla had gotten almost blind drunk. As she walked away from Super Shenron, the Saiyan warrior clutched her forehead. The alcohol was definitely catching up with her!

“I’m not feeling well,” she mumbled, though there was no-one around to hear her or come to her aid. With nothing else for it, Caulifla simply curled up on the ground and let the sweet arms of oblivion - well, ‘passed out due to extreme intoxication, again’ - take her and keep her safe. The alcohol took hold of her most recent memories and tore them up into little pieces.

Put simply - Caulifla forgot she’d ever made the wish, or even wanted to in the first place.


Novelisation of the comics of the same name ( the second chapter is almost compléte ).

Fonk47 continue his hard work.

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