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Chapter One

Dark clouds had gathered around the shrine, the pregnant sky tainted an eldritch deep purple that promised the worst storm in living memory. Nothing had risked being outside: there wasn’t even a bird in the sky. As if to punctuate the horrific threat that hung in the air, a scream rang out; a young woman, unmistakeable.


Hinata Hyuga was trapped, her wrists and ankles bound to a stone platform by thick metal restraints, her arms doubly secured by strong chains. Her black hair was splayed beneath her prone form, her eyes screwed tight shut to block out the nightmare that was the man standing next to her, over her. Hinata wore a sleeveless crop top that emphasised the beauty of her breasts and her flat stomach, whilst a pair of shorts hugged her hips and upper thighs for comfort.

There was precious little of that.

Hinata panted, a futile attempt to recover breath after her scream. No-one had heard her, save the mad scientist who stood tall beside her, her captor. The man’s arms were folded and he loosed a little scuttering laugh as Hinata huffed oxygen back into her body.

Hair dark in a mirror of Hinata’s own, the monster Orochimaru began to speak. His face was pulled into a triumphant glare, his smile foreboding. Hinata made sure to listen to every word the malevolent man uttered, hoping to gather some clue as to his plans: fortunately, Orochimaru was quite forthcoming.

“I’m fed up with Konoha following him and spoiling my projects,” he began. “You’re going to serve as a distraction whilst I take the body of Satsuki. She was going to serve as a guinea pig for this latest invention with the virus, which causes muscle growth impossible in normal time and causes the body to produce male hormones which result in extreme arousal, which only stops after three days or if the subject satisfies this desire.”

Hinata noted every word, even though she couldn’t understand much of the villain’s plan. Male hormones? Extreme arousal? What could it all mean?

“Anyways,” Orochimaru continued, “you will forget all the explanation… but I had to explain such a work, even if you only remember it as a nightmare.”

The villain flicked his tongue out and a drop of saliva dripped from the tip, a moment that made Hinata shudder even more than the promise she would forget what was about to happen.

Sure enough, Hinata woke up and spread her pale eyes wide, face a gasp at the powerful villainy she’d just experienced. She grasped at the memory of her dream but it fell through her mind’s fingers like sand, just as Orochimaru had promised her. Hinata blinked.

She sat upright and raised her left fist to her forehead. Whatever it was that had frightened her so was slipping away: the only sensation that remained one of mild dread. Eventually even that settled into the background.

However, even as Hinata tried to lock on to what had occurred in her dream, veins were snaking the length of her forearms…


One hour later Hinata was going about her usual routine, which meant training at the dojo. She’d already worked with her shuriken and knives, both embedded in the face of the training dummy without mercy, and had moved on to hand-to-hand combat. Her stance was strong as she planted a particularly wicked palm strike with her right hand on the dummy’s chest, her face lined with concentration… but then her success was interrupted.

A sharp, painful sensation made her stop, a wordless cry bursting from her sweat-streaked face. Hinata’s right hand fell to her pelvis, the source of the hurt, and her questing fingers found something. Far more than there should have been.

“AAAAHRGH!!” she cried, half in agony, half in surprise. A bulge had formed in her underwear, thrusting a sudden tent into her pants. As Hinata reeled the bulge burst up and out, not content to be a mere tent any longer.

Fortunately, Hinata was not alone in the dojo. Her friend and fellow kunoichi, Sakura Haruno, was working through her own training regimen nearby. The pink-haired girl had heard Hinata’s scream and ran into the room to offer her help.

“Was it you who just shouted?” Sakura asked. Hinata had her back turned to her friend, so the exact cause of her predicament had yet to be revealed.

“I need help!” Hinata managed as sweat slid down her paled face. Something in her tone lit concern in Sakura, whose own face took on much of the worry of her friend. Sakura took a step forward.

“What is wrong?” Sakura asked, a hint of tremor through her words. “Turn around, Hinata!”

Once Hinata had turned to face Sakura, the problem was immediately obvious. Sakura leaned forward and got close to investigate the bizarre bulge in her friend’s pants. She pressed her index finger to the curious, thrusting bump in Hinata’s pants: it was warm, maybe even hot.

“Is that a joke?” Sakura whispered.

It was not.

Making contact with the strange growth proved to be the wrong thing to do: it doubled in length with an absurd and yet very appropriate bulge sound. Sakura moved her finger away as if it had been stung by a wasp. A clear liquid began to pulse through Hinata’s pants as the cause of the liquid did much the same.

“Wha?” Sakura exclaimed as she reeled away.

But she didn’t move far enough. The feelings that tore through Hinata - and the absurdly long, sweet cock that tore through her pants at the exact same time - forced her into action. She grabbed Sakura’s head with both hands as the urges Orochimaru had warned of robbed the black-haired kunoichi of her thinking mind.

Sakura, meanwhile, was utterly powerless. Hinata’s dick was deep in her throat: the hot, veiny expanse of pre-spattered majesty a most incredible part of her world. Her eyes popped wide as precum slicked down her cheeks and spilt from the rigid beauty of Hinata’s futaprick, so long that Sakura couldn’t fit it all in her slender body.

If the experience was good for Sakura, it was transformative for Hinata. The dark-haired kunoichi had shut her eyes to take in as much of the feeling of having her powerful prick sucked, the blush lighting her cheeks at the same time as her libido fired pleasure directly into her willing brain. The very highest peak of bliss was only moments away.

At the same instant as her thoughts washed away, the right sleeve of Hinata’s training robe exploded violently, the fabric instant confetti that flew far away from her burgeoning body. Hinata’s right arm had grown the most incredible muscle in an instant, just as Orochimaru had said it would. What he had not made clear was just how much there would be.

Hinata’s new right delt was as big as her head and that was only the beginning for her luscious limb. Beneath that dominating deltoid was a bicep to be reckoned with - more likely ‘run away from’, given the absolute brawn of the burly bulge, magnificent before Hinata had even flexed it. A pencil thick vein echoed its curve, feeding the meaty muscle with power.

But even the size and strength of her beefy biceps could not compare to the warmth and wonder of her tremendous tricep. An absolute feast of flaring, fiery force, it ran the entire length from Hinata’s delt to her elbow and tore into the air as size incarnate. Its colossal curvature took breath from the viewer’s lungs as wonderfully as it added strength to Hinata’s body.

The veins that ran down Hinata’s mighty forearm didn’t just speak of strength: they roared it up to the heavens so everyone could hear and know. In an instant it was as thick as her thigh and many, many times more powerful. Sakura felt the burst of heat the change caused through her hair as Hinata’s hands stayed resolutely where they were, holding her pink-haired friend in place so they could both work through the pleasure.

Orochimaru’s promise had not included the possibility of a lop-sided body, though, and so it proved a moment later when Hinata’s left sleeve burst open too. Her left arm became a perfect mirror of her right in terms of size; though the veins trickled different down the newly enlarged length, the same striking striations roared into lusty life. Hinata had been empowered beyond her wildest dreams, but the only thought running through her head was release.

The transcendent transformation was far from over, though. As the moment of all-important, all-consuming release neared, every part of Hinata’s body that had yet to change went under an abrupt and incredible transformation. After all, if Orochimaru was being truthful, then she needed to become before she could cum.

Hinata’s torso exploded in all available directions. Her traps bulged up and out to form the perfect complement to her distinctive delts, large and luscious power to grasp the kunoichi’s slender neck, itself pumped to new thickness to complete the look. The graceful arcs her trapezius formed were like mountain ridges; appropriate, given the boulderiness of her new bod.

Below them Hinata’s pecs formed a platform, a shelf of strength that began just below her neckline and did not quit for a second before her abdomen ablaze took the baton in the smoothest changeover possible. The slabs of pectoral perfection contributed to cleavage that ran from her neck down, the megamuscles knitted tight together in a bond that none could break. Hinata’s robe didn’t stand a chance and tore to pieces that fluttered away on the heat.

However, pretty much every pound of her beefchunk chest was hidden behind the largest and most perfect breasts ever seen in the region - even bigger and better than Tsunade-sama’s now humble-seeming endowments. Both beautifully rounded and deliciously shaped megamounds of mammary magnificence were bigger than Hinata’s head by some way. If she hadn’t been so concerned with keeping Sakura’s head in place, the black-haired buffbeauty would have grabbed them and kneaded them roughly.

As it was, the pretty perfection of her sweet pink areolas, a sensual and inviting oval shape, remained untouched. Likewise, the gentle urge of her thick nipples stayed unlicked. Of course, the one largest erogenous zone on Hinata’s body was receiving quite some stimulation - whether Sakura consented or not.

Unconcerned, Hinata’s abs popped up to complete the picture of a torso of which the strongest Amazonian warrior would rightly be proud. Eight muscles in total licked to the surface of Hinata’s skin, billowing with enough power to ensure she would never need armour to protect her midsection again. Her slender navel burst to the surface of her belly, crowning its delight.

Hinata had reached the point of no return. She let her head fall back as the promise of release surged through her, biting her lip as pleasure began its tickling overload. The blush coating her face deepened as her eyes half-closed: the black-haired kunoichi’s orgasm face.

She withdrew her obscene megacock from Sakura’s lips just in time to shower her pink-haired friend in thick ropes of jizz, giving the smaller woman her own orgasm face. Sakura had just enough presence of mind to shut her eyes and purse her lips as the first wave of cum splattered from Hinata’s cannon. Her cheeks and chin were covered, with one particularly powerful spurt landing just above her left eyebrow.

That orgasm seemed to be the catalyst for Hinata’s growth to continue the aggressive expansion in quite a big way. The kunoichi’s pants ripped as her glutes burst from meek and mild into brawnbeef bulks of fabulously fitting forceful. The entire red-hot expanse of Hinata Hyuga’s hulking huge was now muscle made real: her lats and traps had made of her back an alien landscape of mass, whilst her arms were barbarian battering rams of the most strutting, steaming strength.

Hinata would be able to defend Konoha solo from now on - and her body still wasn’t done.

Sakura, meanwhile, could not escape being affected by the superspecimen Hinata was becoming, right in front of her eyes. By pure instinct she leaned forward to take Hinata’s gorgeous girthy girlcock in her mouth again. Sakura shut her eyes to drink in the sensations sucking Hinata gave her, as well as the tastes as she licked the appendage clean of any forgotten cum, the thickness of it spreading all around her mouth as she indulged.

Although she had the upper body - and ass! - of some forgotten goddess of muscle, Hinata was rather top-heavy… right up until monumental mass layered onto her thighs in an instant, tearing her pants into gleeful shreds of nothing. The moment was as explosive as her orgasms: her quads bulked wider than Sakura, each, by far; utterly in keeping with the impossibly well-built woman she needed to be. Pencil-thick veins streaked around each of the majestic muscle heads like a lover’s fingertips tracing the beauty they found there.

The moment pulled Sakura from her cum-hungry trance. The pink-haired kunoichi staggered back from Hinata’s cock and loosed the mighty beast from the comfort she’d given it, and couldn’t even look as the appendage wobbled about from the sudden release, its motion like a snake trying to mesmerise its prey. Sakura managed to stand and turn, a sudden squall of emotions bringing tears to her eyes.

“Leave me alone!” Sakura cried, eyes wide in true fear. She raised her right arm to block any revenge that might have come from Hinata, but the newly birthed muscle goddess was rooted to the spot. Sakura saw and seized her chance in the same moment.

She turned and ran for the dojo door as fast as her unsteady legs could carry her. Despite the devastation of cum and burst clothes on the floor, Sakura managed a wonderful turn of speed. For her part, Hinata watched the smaller woman go.

“Why are you running?” the new Hinata called after her now much smaller friend. Her eyebrows drew together in a dark frown as veins crawled up her face to reach, and yet not touch, her eyes, themselves lit with a dark flame. “I can see your bump!”

The ‘bump’ in question was a not-too-discreet bulge in the crotch of Sakura’s shorts. It was a pretty good replica of the one Sakura herself had investigated in Hinata’s pants only moments earlier, and it could only mean one thing for the pink-haired kunoichi’s immediate future. At that point, though, she was more concerned about finding help.

That’s why, a few moments later, Sakura burst into another room in Konoha.

“Lady Tsunade!!” Sakura exclaimed on finding the city’s great healer, Tsunade, an older blonde woman, with her apprentice Shizune, a great friend of Sakura’s. The emotions on Sakura’s face were a mixture of fear, anger, and disappointment in herself. She’d managed to clean her face of tears and cum on the way over, for which she was grateful: that would be no way to present yourself to your mentor!

“There’s something wrong with Hinata!!!” Sakura continued, hollering the emergency before either Tsunade or Shizune could act. “She’s…”

Sakura’s words came to an abrupt halt, as something about the looks Tsunade and Shizune were giving her felt very wrong indeed. The pink-haired kunoichi took a moment to study the pair of them, her eyes narrowed and brow furled into frown. When the realisation hit her, she couldn’t help but cry out again.

“Wait, you’re both drunk?”

The special blushes and dopey/hungry grins on both their faces told Sakura the answer more clearly than their words could have - and that was fortunate, as neither Tsunade or Shizune actually spoke. Shizune simply held her glass whilst Tsunade stared hungrily at poor Sakura, her robe open to reveal much of her large breast. The Strength of a Hundred seal still glittered on her forehead, but something about her expression spoke of intentions that were far from healing.

It was too much for Sakura. In that momentary maelstrom of emotion, the ‘bump’ Hinata had given her took over. She touched the underside of the bulge with her left hand, fingertips delivering the most gentle of caresses to what she found.

And that was all it took.

Sakura’s very own futacock tore through her shorts. It reached full mast instantly, an eye-watering length with both an amazing girth and the most wondrous of curves, guaranteed to be the envy of any man she knew. Its head was large and angry purple, whilst her egg-sized balls hung sweetly beneath.

With no warning whatsoever, Sakura experienced the first of her new orgasms. A virile volley of jizz shot from her cum-cannon in a great torrent, thick and sticky and everywhere. Once the monster had pumped her load, it stayed exactly where it was, proud.

The merest fraction of Sakura’s shot cum landed on the faces of her mentor and her friend. Shizune, standing slightly further forward, bore the brunt of the batter-blow, most of which covered the right side of her face in thick and sticky globs. Tsunade had been blessed, too, with one particularly powerful splash landing between her sweet-blonde eyebrows

Both women surrendered to the first change immediately, neither showing the restraint Sakura had managed as she ran from Hinata. Two more futadicks entered the fray, filling the chamber with strong, virile musk. Shizune grasped her new cannon with her right hand, barely able to hold more than a third of it with her comparatively dainty hand, whilst Tsunade revealed herself to be left-handed with her grip, shoving her little finger back hard against the root of her own beast to stimulate her beautiful balls.

If it was a race between the two to see who would cum first, then Shizune won at a canter. The merest touch of her new colossal appendage seemed to push her over the edge into a throbbing and powerful orgasm. Shizune’s tongue hung loose from her mouth as she grinned like a lunatic, blush decorating her lean face as another surge of semen spattered into the air.

Opposite Shizune, Sakura worked her own cock to another orgasm, fist pumping up and down its length as she shot her own load again. A second giant splash of thick jizz shot from her prick, raining onto the now quite slick floor in big globs of superspunk. Sakura’s balls began to churn mightily with production as she reloaded for a possible third round, for her fat futadick hadn’t lost an inch of its impossible hardness.

That second torrent of futacum was enough for Sakura’s fragile control, fractured by the unbelievable events she’d experienced in the last ten minutes alone, to shatter into a thousand thousand pieces. The transformation rode her into muscle goddesshood in an instant: her back broadened as her biceps burgeoned and her belly bloomed with blissful brawn, abdominal armour harder than stone. Delts the size of her head and arms to punch through any city’s defences growled before they roared defiance and challenge.

The metamorphosis never lost sight of the fact that it was empowering women, though, as it blossomed Sakura’s curves into the bargain. Her breasts ballooned from ‘slight’ to ‘supersized’ in less than a second, tearing through the front of her shirt as her lats ruined its sides and her bulked-up back ripped its rear. The rags of ruin fluttered all around, most landing in pools of jizz too thick to be absorbed.

Now overcome, if not overcum, Sakura’s only thought was further release, to feel the overflow of orgasm thrill through her frame once more. Without word, ceremony, or consent, she grabbed the beautiful blonde head of Tsunade in her now extraordinary and powerful grip. The most powerful kunoichi of the land, the Fifth Hokage, did not even have time to register that she should struggle.

In the next moment Tsunade’s face was full of Sakura’s girthy futadick. Tsunade’s throat was lined with a slick river of sweet precum as Sakura, eyes shut with the promise of future ecstasy, used the older woman like a toy. Saliva soaked the length of Sakura’s prick as her lower body burst with megamuscle, just like Hinata’s earlier: she now had a richly rounded ass, coated in purest power; thighs the width of her titan’s torso, but much more powerful; and a pair of split calves whose muscle heads almost glowed with vascularity.

Stood nearby in the heat and thick musk of the chamber was Shizune, whose urgent orgasm had unlocked her own transformation before Sakura could make use of her. The changes began with her chest, blowing up her meagre bosom into dozens of pounds of the softest, most gorgeous of flesh. Shizune’s kimono fell open under the pillowy pressure, and the bindings round her chest gave way to reveal the upper third of a very sensual pair of areolas.

Shizune looked down at her new assets with a gleeful blush on her pretty face, right up until the moment she was filled with explosive force. Then her kimono didn’t so much fall open as fall apart as her body widened with the same muscular gift Hinata and Sakura had received. The blessing gave her an upper body twice the width of the original, with enough majestic muscle mass on her traps and lats to make every movement as easy as lifting a finger.

Titanic traps rose to engulf Shizune’s pretty and slender neck, which throbbed to luscious and fitting thickness in a fraction of a second. Her delts erupted into the classic pumpkin shape as her arms gave a new definition to the word ‘size’ (and ‘definition’ itself!). As with the others, the transformation ensured Shizune’s femininity was retained when it bulked her waist, ensuring a (relatively!) dainty taper inwards to show off the most stunning of muscle hourglass shapes.

Shizune’s breasts - more like udders at this point, as her new ultrabody continued to rip through its colossal chrysalis phase! - were not-so-gently repositioned by the growth of incendiary pectoral muscle. Below those massive slabs of magnificent might sat a trail of abdominal awesome that swallowed the black-haired kunoichi’s navel as surely as even an expert shinobi would shatter the bones of their hand if they punched it. Sadly most of this show-stopping sight was obscured by Shizune’s positively huge cock, the veined and meaty monstrosity arcing into the air with the grace and power of a rhinoceros’s horn.

Away from that arresting sight sat arms to equal the sturdiest pillars of any temple or shrine. Shizune’s biceps had inflated from her svelte limbs to become stunning bursts of vein-soaked strength, each one the equal in volume and density of her torso before the changes. The accompanying triceps and forearms spoke of power with few rivals and the confident smirk on Shizune’s sweet face told of a woman who would not be afraid to use that power.

However, there was one woman in the chamber whose potential power would go untapped. Tsunade had had no opportunity to bring about her own orgasm when Sakura had forced the older woman to suck her mighty megacock. In the moments it had taken Shizune to rise into her destiny, Sakura had cum again down the throat of her mentor.

The fierce storm of futajizz had overwhelmed Tsunade, who’d passed out in a puddle of cum before her own transformation could occur. Sakura stood above her, panting out her second orgasm of the last three minutes. Cum was still leaking from her flaccid-yet-still-enormous penis, easily longer and thicker than the forearm she had woken up with.

Even that impressive appendage was only barely in keeping with thighs like barrels and calves that even a big man would not have been able to grasp in his hand - maybe both. The tip of Sakura’s vast futadick reached the middle of her knees and was on its own the size of Tsunade’s untransformed fist. Sakura found the patience to wait as her futacum pooled up around her feet.

Chapter Two

An hour or so had passed before Tsunade came round from her ordeal. All the cum that Sakura and Shizune had shot so freely around the chamber had soaked into the floorboards, leaving only a heavy musk behind. Tsunade rose slowly, like a snake uncoiling, and brought her right hand to her pounding head.

“What just happened?” she asked, giving voice to the only thought bouncing around her mind like a headache. As other thoughts filtered in, it seemed that her recent experiences had been wiped from her head as cleanly as the jizz had been wiped from her face. Soon, though, one thought struck louder than the rest.

“Damn, I must be late for the water inspection,” Tsunade almost groaned. She took her duties as Fifth Hokage very seriously, which was only fair and fitting, so the blonde kunoichi took her leave to head for Konoha’s water processing facility.


A short while later, Tsunade found herself in the company of Anko Mitarashi and Tenten, having to give an excuse that she herself was not sure of to disguise the reasons for her lateness.

“Good afternoon,” Tsunade began. “Sorry I’m late, had some extra paperwork in the office. Let’s work.”

If the others believed her or not, they certainly weren’t going to challenge the word of the Fifth Hokage there and then without further evidence. Tenten stood to attention, ready to serve the older woman’s needs, whilst Anko took a more loose stance, scowling out her more stubborn nature at the attentive Tenten. If anything, Anko was somewhat annoyed that she’d been made to wait.

Tsunade may have picked up on that vibe before she issued her instructions.

“Me and Anko will inspect that tank over there,” she ordered. “You check the pipes.” Anko, sullen and silent, began to walk away with Tsunade, but she cast a last glance at Tenten before she left.

As Tenten responded with her almost forcefully polite “Okay!!”, a pair of bandaged hands emerged from the mist behind her, targeting the brunette kunoichi’s neck. Tenten, whose eyes were closed and lips turned to the sweetest smile, seemed oblivious to the incredible danger she was in. And the others had already left…

Anko and Tsunade strode over to the water tank and made all the proper checks: it was neither leaking nor open, and so the reserves of water Konoha would need to rely on if their primary water source ran dry were safe.

“Well, everything looks in order,” Anko said, summing up the situation in her usual succinct style.

“Yes!” Tsunade replied. “That’s good.”

Tsunade had done a remarkable job of resisting the influence of Sakura’s jizz on her body and mind; she’d even completed the biggest task in her diary for the day. But it seemed that no-one, not even the strongest kunoichi and greatest medical-nin in the world, could hold out for very long. Words Tsunade never expected to hear herself say sprang from her lips in the next moment.

“Ya know, you look good today!”

Tsunade, beautiful, blonde, and busty, gave Anko a little smile, her sweet pink lips curling in admiration of the younger woman’s figure.

“Eh… thanks,” Anko managed in reply.

Thus encouraged, the next sign of the virus began to impress itself on Tsunade’s grey, three-quarter length pants. A long, beefy cock, lusty with girth and flirty with length, sprang to life and surged down a good portion of her left pant leg. Its sudden appearance forced the pants to their breaking point… but before anything more urgent could happen, a pained cry erupted into the sky from nearby.


Tsunade reached the obvious conclusion instantly and her protective instincts took over.

“Tenten!” she exclaimed, the anger at having left the younger woman alone evident on her face.

Tsunade and Anko sprang into action, leaping to the side of their stricken colleague with speed and skill. The two kunoichi take a moment to assess the danger. The figure in front of them is odd, to say the least.

It was a man, covered in bindings from head to toe, save one hole for his right eye so that he could see to accomplish his dastardly deeds. He also wore a short-sleeved kimono, tied at the waist with an obi. More important to Anko and Tsunade than his villainous appearance, though, was his prey: poor Tenten was unconscious, held in slump by the villain’s left arm.

“Meet your doom,” he intoned, the words sliding into place like a funeral bell’s morbid chime.

“A nukenin?” Anko exclaimed.

Tsunade had neither the time nor the inclination for thought. With a cry of “Die, you vermin!”, the blonde kunoichi leaned forward, put all her weight on her left foot, and punched her extraordinary left fist through the villain’s stomach. Blood and devastation splattered all around the group, not least from the nukenin’s mouth, which rang with “AAAAHRGH!” as his none-too-memorable last words.

Anko and Tsunade then spent their time on two important tasks: Anko made sure that the nukenin’s remains didn’t get into the water supply, and Tsunade, with her greater medical experience, made sure Tenten was okay. Barring a bruise that would surely heal in a day or two and the shock of the experience, the slender brunette seemed to be fine. Emotion got the better of Tenten and she grabbed Tsunade in the most fearsome hug she could manage.

“Oh, Lady Tsunade,” Tenten cried, “thanks for saving me!!”

Tenten rested her still-shaken head against Tsunade’s extraordinary bosom. The close contact, coupled with Tenten’s tight grip, brought a little gasp of surprise from the pleased lips of the older woman. The gesture was so unexpected that Tsunade had no time to reciprocate - besides, Tenten was holding the blonde’s arms tight to her sides with surprising strength.

The touch of the grateful kunoichi broke the final barrier for Tsunade and her pants finally tore: her huge and gorgeous erection broke through with throbbing beauty, the heat of its huge head tapping Tenten gently but firmly on the belly.

“What is this?” Tenten exclaimed.

Something about the thick tool rapping on Tenten’s slight stomach made the kunoichi drop into a respectful bow before the elegant Tsunade. She looked towards the floor instead of the bizarre but beautiful sight of the blonde kunoichi’s vast member, as if afraid, somehow. Whatever her feelings were, Tenten’s actions drew the attention of Anko.

The tokubetsu jōnin drew her kunai and readied herself for whatever would unfold in the next moment. She looked fierce, protective; a lioness protecting her pride. Anko’s was an open stance, ready to grapple with further foes if necessary.

“Tenten! What’s wrong?” she exclaimed.

But Tenten was never the problem.

In an instant that Anko never saw coming, Tsunade moved around behind her with speed she’d never seen before. The dark-haired jōnin only just had time to gasp in fear at the threat the blonde-haired kunoichi provided, her eyes shrouded in darkness as she slipped through space with ease that only came through practice and diligence. Anko began to sweat with the sudden increase in terror.

“Lady Tsunade!?” Anko exclaimed. She’d turned in time to see the blonde’s hands reach for her head, but could not find a moment for a counter of any kind. Her eyes bulged with absolute and thorough fear.

In many ways, it was fortunate Anko had opened her mouth so wide to give voice to her shock at the highly unexpected attack. It meant Tsunade had a far easier time shoving her thick, lengthy futadick down Anko’s unsuspecting throat, filling her mouth to more than capacity with delicious, veined cockmeat. Young Anko’s eyes found room to grow wider than before, just as her body found room to hold as much of Tsunade’s rocket cock as possible.

Tsunade had barely got into her desired facefucking rhythm by the time she came into Anko’s mouth, its heat and beauty too much for her greedy, needy dick. As was fitting for the strongest living kunoichi, however, Tsunade’s load was not only the biggest, nor the thickest; it also lasted the longest and tasted the best. ‘Poor’ Anko was so overwhelmed that futacum leaked from her nostrils as the stuff burst from her mouth, splashing all over not only her face, but Tsunade’s majestic cockmeat as well.

Tenten’s worshipful nature had worked wonders on her body, as well. The tentative tenting of her pants had torn as her own futacock speared the sky, sweet beads of precum gathering at its delicious tip. Tenten stroked her beautiful beast of meat, pumping her right fist - which was frankly inadequate for the task of beating off such a long and impressive monster - up and down its luscious length. The brunette’s eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out as urges gave way to surges of pleasure.

How Tsunade had held herself back from this ecstasy, she would never know. The fact that she could have become a goddess earlier in the day, in the presence of Sakura and Shizune, barely registered in her mind as the bliss of orgasm into Anko’s slender body raged through her body like a tidal wave. Of course, most tidal waves are destructive, whereas the one that rampaged around Tsunade’s system was much more - creative.

A wealth of muscular might exploded onto Tsunade’s frame, giving her a body fitting of that most colossal of cocks, the amazon appendage still deep in the throat of ‘poor’ Anko. The blonde’s mere clothes tore themselves to shreds under the relentless onslaught, the rags as nothing in the light of Tsunade’s megamajesty. The blonde behemoth gave a smile equal parts wicked and delighted that the power she’d trained to earn over countless thousands of hours was now reflected in the body she deserved.

Most gratifying of all to the fearsome Fifth Hokage was the new power of her breasts. The plump, gorgeous boobs of a moment ago had been quite definitively replaced by a surge of sweetest flesh that could now only be described as the most mouthwatering of udders. The perfect ovals that were Tsunade’s areolas, crowned in the purest sense by nipples that would never stoop to being begged to be sucked when the order was given just by the sight of them, looked lost against the background of her mammoth mammary magnificence.

There were other benefits, too. Chief among these was a perfectly protruding pair of pecs, huge and ranged with vascularity across their entire widths, to hold her boobiful bounty with the erect carriage they deserved. Tsunade’s body had to stretch wider just to accommodate these new massive muscles, but that simply meant her breasts had a chance to grow ever larger to fill (overfill!) the gap.

The blonde medical-nin’s traps rose above the hillocks of her pecs to engulf her now thick, strong neck. The new sweeps of power arced with the smoothness and raw beauty of a giant snake, big and rich and raw. They leapt from her back like salmon and reached down her back to form a power-packed crest of bulging brilliance.

The deltoids that crystallised into place on either side of the lusty landscape that was Tsunade’s shoulders may not have won any size contests, but they made up for it with density and vascularity. The deepest striations etched into them as they formed their own kind of perfection, reinforcing their brute power. They jutted out as pale rocks from Tsunade’s gorgeous body.

A thrilling pair of biceps surged from Tsunade’s slender arms, dense, stuffed with mighty power, and covered in a network of vivid, pencil-thick veins. The bulk-built blocks of amazon strength surged into the air like a futa cumshot. Like her delts, they were more on the lean side of things, but no-one would dare to mess with the Fifth Hokage when she flexed their ripped and rigid brawn.

Not that they would have anyway, of course.

Round the other side from her biceps came Tsunade’s triceps, titans in their own right. Swollen horseshoes of power set in deep and thick and strong, the perfect accompaniment to her beautiful biceps. The aforementioned bicep flex would show off triceps of the most uncommon curve and beauty.

Last but by no means least, given their thick thews and superior strength, were Tsunade’s forearms. A perfect part of the puissant package, their size and force could help the blonde medical-nin fire her fists through a thousand nukenins before even considering that she might need to break a sweat. Laced with vivid vascularity and layered with lean brawn, they completed the picture of behemoth beauty that Tsunade had become, as if with the final brushstroke of a master artist.

And she wasn’t the only one to burst with mass and might unbridled.

Only a little distance away, kind and caring Tenten let her fierce side roar to the heavens as the changed virus blessed her with majestic muscle mass and goddess-tier tits, the benediction blasting her clothes to shreds. Huge slabs of pectoral beef roared as Tenten herself did, projecting new might to the heavens. Their sudden and sumptuous expansion provided a perfect and powerful platform for the most mouthwatering mams in the complex - well, second most, of course, for Lady Tsunade’s unbelievable udders would always take first place.

As was tradition for the virus’s wonderful work by this point, Tenten’s traps rose like dough in the oven to form huge hills of bulky brawn. The veins that layered on their gorgeous growth looked like paths up and down huge mountains - which, in many ways, they were. The brunette’s neck would have been swallowed whole if it hadn’t developed its own thickness and lusting strength.

Delts in the classic pumped-up pumpkin shape burst through the shoulders of her blouse, far bigger and better than the slender masses they had once been. Multiple deep striations carved their splendour into the quivering muscles, just as a network of thick veins made their way across the dense yet sensual surface of strength. By the time they’d finished bulking up, Tenten’s delts were as big as her head.

But her delts were only the beginning of the journey for Tenten’s unassailable arms. Meaty mass emerged from her slender limbs like it needed to be seen, heard, felt; KNOWN. Tenten had long desired strength but, when found lacking, had carved her own path forward - now, she was her own deepest, brightest fantasies made firm and formidable flesh.

The work of tearing Tenten’s sleeves to ribbons was mostly done by her triumphal triceps, as it happened: the robust riches that bulged from the back of her upper arms grew thick and stalwart strength in fractions of a second. The newly hunky kunoichi hadn’t even flexed them, either; if she had, the backs of her sleeves would have fired from her form with enough force to ruin a city’s defences. As it was, several strips of tattered white cloth made it several feet from Tenten’s radiant body in the explosion.

Of course, to ignore Tenten’s brilliantly buffed-up biceps would be a scandal bordering on the criminal. Imposing blocks of barbarian beef came to the boil and burst her sleeves in the other direction, the fine spray of failed fabric making two intersecting arcs on the ground around the kunoichi-colossus. The classic single thick vein grew from top to bottom on both, drawing the eye to the singular beauty of the muscles: few indeed would be those who would see Tenten flex them and not be drawn to their imperious, imposing, impeccable impenetrability.

The third member of the inspection crew, ‘poor’ Anko Mitarashi, now had a bellyful of Tsunade’s rich, thick, heady futacum, so the inevitable happened. The mutated virus provided the tokubetsu jōnin with the means to effect her own transformation: a wonderfully beefy and deliciously long futacock, the almost perfect equal of her forearm with fist apparent and ready for use. Of course, no forearm can have quite such a beautiful arc, perfected for the sustained stimulation of G-spots everywhere.

Thick veins trailed lazily along Anko’s perfect prick. They may not have had the purpose and vigour of the veins bubbling to the surface of Tenten’s tremendous titanbod, but they did their job admirably nonetheless. In fact, precum had already beaded at the tip through Anko’s cute cockslit.

Tsunade hadn’t stopped fucking Anko’s face - far from it, in fact. The blonde beast-beauty came again down Anko’s throat and, just as before, the latter’s lips were an imperfect seal for the volume of futajizz that Tsunade’s goddess girlprick produced, her billowed balls immediately churning up into production in case another load were needed. Huge splatters of uncontainable cum splurted from Anko’s lips in a reflection of the torrent she’d just tried and failed to take into her stomach.


Something about the power of the Fifth Hokage’s fine new form - or maybe it was just the fine new futacum, fired down her throat with the speed of an arrow and the delicious of perfectly cooked beef - made Anko’s cock twitch. Less than a second after Tsunade’s jizz added to the sticky spatter on the floor, Anko’s own cum fountained into the now-much-smaller space between Tsunade’s legs, somehow expertly missing the blonde’s berserker body to land with a splashy splutter amongst the rest of the spent orgasms.

Tenten, meanwhile, had been observing the scene with interest - but she had not been still, no. Below the in-built armour that was her awesome abdomen, her left hand had been quite the busy beaver indeed, pumping the length of her hefty-hot futacock. Two hands wouldn’t have been enough to cover her impressive prick from its rigid root to the lower part of its huge head, with that titan’s tip giving Tenten a more impressive member than any man in Konoha.

She too couldn’t stay unaffected by the raw power that Lady Tsunade now possessed. Once the blonde medical-nin emptied her balls down Anko’s throat, Tenten reached her own personal peak of powered pleasure and heralded her orgasm with a deep, rumbling grunt, the events as connected as loosing an arrow and its immediate flight. Yet more syrup-thick futacum arced into the air and made quite the splendid splash around the feet of the trio.

Just as with Lady Tsunade, Tenten’s hefty yet beauteous balls eagerly turned to the task of making more lush jizz for her to spend however she wished. The three women took a moment to get precious oxygen back into their bodies, Anko most eagerly of all. The pause reached a definitive conclusion when Lady Tsunade made a pronouncement that would change the face of the city forever, a powerful grin of mischief and desire spread across her bewitching, beautiful face as she uttered five simple words.

“Let’s infect the water supply.”

Chapter Three

It was the work of moments for the three futas - albeit temporary ones, if Orochimaru were to be believed - to stride through the complex to the biggest water tank they could find, one through which Konoha’s entire water supply flowed. Well, Tsunade and Tenten strode - Anko had yet to effect the second change, so she still had her slender, lithe body, with the only exception being her girthy, rocket cock. Her gorgeous prick stood to full attention, as did Tenten’s, both their heavy cockheads leaning out over the water tank.

Tsunade’s amazing arm was around Anko’s shoulders, but the younger woman needed no encouragement. The boon of superhuman strength and size that Tsunade and Tenten had both enjoyed was something that had to be shared amongst Konoha’s women. She considered for a brief moment how it might affect the men…

…right up until the first stroke of her meaty member. From then on all other thoughts disappeared from Anko’s head in the pursuit of pumping pleasure. The violet-haired kunoichi pumped her hand back and forth as her tongue lolled out of her head and her eyes rolled back a little… the moment was close at hand.

As it were.

By an incredible coincidence - or perhaps it was their urgent, gasping breaths egging each other on - Anko and Tenten came at the same time. An awful, queasy moment clawed at Anko’s stomach when she spotted that the arcs of their powerful cumshots were going to clear the water tank with ease… but she needn’t have worried. Lady Tsunade simply raised her hand and guided the pudding-thick, syrup-lush futacum into the water with the merest moment of her now-incredible magic.

It was something of a shame to let the jizz go, and not fire it into another person’s eager mouth; but all three had understood the pact when they made it. The women of Konoha would be grateful for this one moment of sacrifice and, when a new normality settled into place, they could each know the part they’d played in its creation. Anko gave a small, pleased nod as her cum, and Tenten’s, sank beneath the water’s churn, to go where it might.

The moment of release - blissful, utter release - triggered her transformation. A pair of breasts the equal of Tenten’s (but of course not Lady Tsunade’s huge and hefty, heavy and hella hot hooters) burst through her mesh shirt, the brief moment of pain worth it to feel the chill air and thrill heat on her happy nipples. Anko spent a moment in gasp as a different kind of lusts settled upon her.

But she was not yet used to her new bountiful bombshell burden… and Anko was the closest of the three to the water tank…

“Whoah!” she exclaimed. “Too heavy!”

As none of her musculature had come in yet, Anko’s titanic tits were indeed too heavy for her to cope with. The tokubetsu jōnin fell from the side of the tank before the others could react and stop her. Anko Mitarashi fell head-first into the water - or whatever the water had becum, at least! - with the most tremendous splash.

Neither Tsunade nor Tenten dove in after her. Anko, they both knew, could very well take care of herself - and so it proved when, moments later, she burst from the surface of the water-cum combo. The violet-haired kunoichi had just planted her hand on a platform to the side of the tank when it began.

The right sleeve of her overcoat disappeared as an arm packed to the brim with muscle mass majesty burst through it, making Anko grit her teeth, shut her eyes, and reel back as she tried to lift herself from the water tank. The rigid roar of her damn huge deltoid soon gave way to the classic big, brutal and beefy combo of bulky triceps and terrific biceps, thick with power, rich with vascularity, and definition redefined. The brawn of Anko’s new forearm alone was equal to the mass of her soon-to-be-former thighs… if not greater.

Her left arm quickly followed suit, a perfect mirror for its twin sister on the opposite side. Anko’s arms looked hewn from solid rock from her delts down to her wrists, the hefty stone of that delt giving way to the positive boulder of her upper arm before the volcanic slopes of her forearms. The layers upon layers of thick, explosive power were her own personal gift from the virus and, therefore, from her former mentor Orochimaru.

That fact should, perhaps, have troubled Anko in some way - but other feelings were at play.

“What is this?” she cried. “This… this is so good!”

Just like moments before, Anko’s tongue slicked loose from her mouth, and the watching Tsunade and Tenten had both learned that sign meant only one thing. Sure enough, in less than the blink of an eye, Anko’s cock - aching, hard, and beautiful - shot another load of the sweetest, thickest futajizz high into the air. As if to compensate for any of the heavenly cum she’d got on her clothes during her tumble into the tank, the stuff landed in the water.


Anko’s latest orgasm only accelerated her transformation. A bursting, bountiful booty of muscle and rich padding alike burst through the seat of her poor, overwhelmed miniskirt and the mesh beneath in moments. Anko’s newly perfected bubble butt was so round, so firm, and so high that had its succulent sweetness been covered, it would have been tantamount to a crime.

The random nature of Anko’s metamorphosis rumbled on as it transformed her back. The violet-haired kunoichi experienced a moment of gratitude that she finally had some heft to support her enormous knockers as her traps and lats exploded through her coat and mesh with vibrant, vivid mass. The beauteous ridges and valleys of that large and luscious landscape were all present and oh-so-correct, tracing a stunning kind of reverse cleavage down from the bottom of Anko’s neck to the outrageous sumptuousness of her sweet ass.

Last to fall into line were Anko’s legs. Lean and lithe before, they quite left that life behind when hunks of long, lusty megamass layered in and on and on, rendering her grey shin guards to powder as they bellowed out into beef everlasting. A series of pencil-thick veins swept her legs, only pausing their progress for the kunoichi’s knees, calves too littered with vivid vascularity.

Finally it seemed Anko’s beefy futacock had a body worthy of its stunning girth and droolworthy length.

Stood triumphant on the edge of the water tank, Anko broke into a confident and joy-filled smile. Her traps had risen beyond their bounds to the top of her neck, forming a gorgeous mountain range between the bouldery beef of her delightful delts. The tease of her mighty pecs also helped to keep her billowy pillowy tits in check - but now there was only one thought on her lust-addled mind.

“Can I infect Kurenai?” she grinned.

“Sure, just take the two kunoichi back for me,” Tsunade returned, her own smile broad and happy - until her eyebrows, knitted together in mischief that bordered on ‘devilish’. It seemed that Anko was not the only one with plans for spreading the virus, however. The newly transformed Tenten turned to the others to have her say.

“What about Yakumo Kurama?” she suggested. It would be an easy win: the fragile girl would benefit greatly from the extraordinary empowerment the virus would bring, enough to defend the honour of her clan. The three women grinned at each other as their individual plans unfolded from the depths of their temporarily depraved minds.


Meanwhile, across town at Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga had sat down to an order of the establishment’s expertly made ramen, Hinata back in her small and slender form. The pair smiled at each other as memories of their first date flooded to the surface. Of course, quite a lot of relationship water had passed under the bridge since then.

There had been… certain other changes, too.

“Let me give you a hand, love,” Hinata purred under the general hubbub of the busy restaurant. Naruto blushed as his girlfriend’s hand finger-walked its way up his thigh to trace the length of a steaming hot sausage that was only on the menu for one customer. Hinata kept her eyes fixed on her task, her determination the reason she didn’t care if other patrons saw her.

Over at the servers’ station, waitress Ayame took advantage of a well-earned break to take a drink from a cup of water. She shut her eyes in appreciation as the liquid slipped between her lips, a welcome quenching of her thirst. From the first sip, though, it was very obvious something was wrong.

What is this? Ayame thought, her large, dark eyes wide in alarm. She took the cup from her mouth with well-judged speed, but felt unable to spit up in front of the patrons of the restaurant and cause a scene. Her cheeks bulged with the oddly salty and… thick?!... water until she decided to swallow it down.

In the meantime, Hinata had taken Naruto’s huge hardon from his pants and was stroking its sublime length and rigid girth mercilessly. The blonde shinobi kept his cool despite his girlfriend’s ministrations, not even a single gasp ripping from his lips, the pair’s lust-addled activities hidden behind the table they were sitting at. Naruto found an extra frisson of pleasure tumble through him at the audacity of the suddenly super-confident Hinata.

Just before completion, Hinata pulled out her own dick, itself thick, long, and juicy, and began to stroke it with her left hand as she pumped Naruto’s monster cock with her right hand. Although her face was lit with an impish grin, the black-haired kunoichi blushed at her own daring, right up until the point that handling so much megameat took her brain away in a rush of purest pleasure. Before that, though, the formerly tender flower uttered the exact right words for the situation.

“I’ll join you!”

The pair are so in sync with each other’s feelings and needs that when Naruto orgasms, a sweet torrent of jizz erupting from his cannon high into the air, Hinata does too. Her seed was thicker and her shot more powerful but, as the perfectly timed and perfectly positioned arcs of cum splashed into each other, it felt like the most wonderful declaration of their love. Even better than that, Hinata’s orgasm incinerated her clothes as she transformed back into her supermuscular, megabusty, hyperendowed form.

With mischief and mayhem forethoughts in her mind, Hinata’s smile turned borderline evil, though the cute blush would not leave her cheeks. She raised her right index finger into the air to indicate to Naruto that she had a plan, though whatever cunning thoughts she was having were hidden beneath her silence. Her gesture also had the sad side effect of covering most of her luscious right areola with her bulked-out forearm.

Not that it mattered to Naruto, for there would be plenty of time to enjoy Hinata’s incredibod later on.

Although the pair’s orgasmic gasps had been silent, there’d been no way to disguise what the fountains of cum were from everybody else in the restaurant… and even if they hadn’t seen Naruto and Hinata empty their balls, they had to spot naked muscle Hinata. A deep blush lit Ayame’s cheeks as she wandered over to the pair, almost not of her own volition. Her voice was all seductive purr when she spoke.

“Looks like you are having fun…”

Naruto considered that something of an understatement, but nothing could prepare him for what Ayame said next as she padded closer. Her hips swayed in sultry slink, and Naruto found himself stiffening once more - although the effect of Huge Hinata Hyuga sitting right next to him was quite the contributing factor. Nothing could have prepared him for what Ayame said next, though.

“May I join y…” But Ayame was destined never to complete her request. She would have been welcomed at the table - by Hinata, at the very least! - but fate had a very different goal in mind for the young waitress, who screamed as her body began the first of its changes.

Whereas Hinata had torn through her clothes in an instant, Ayame’s transformation was much more sedate - although quite effective in its own right. The virus’s first goal as it ran rampant through the mild waitress’s body was curves. An extraordinary and extraordinarily large pair of breasts surged through the top of her white robe, huge, well-rounded, and heavy.

Immediately afterwards Ayame’s ass expanded into an equally well-rounded beauty all its own. Mirror-twinned globes of mouthwatering muscle-backed plush tore the lower back of her robe to shreds, a positive explosion of deliciousness just below where her apron was tied. Ayame stood dumbfounded as her body blew beyond its bounds.

The sights and sounds of the last few seconds were too much for Naruto. His cock had been hard from the moment the transformation had taken hold of Ayame and delivered unto her curve beyond spectacular. The rigid beast, soon to be only the third biggest erection in the Ichiraku Ramen building, roared a second time with another very full load that splurted high into the air.

Scarcely content with giving Ayame the gifts of tremendous tits and an awesome ass, the transformation swept onto the next phase of its plan.

Ayame’s legs exploded with some of the most incredible muscle Naruto had ever seen, even with Huge Hinata so near to him. At their broadest, Ayame’s thighs were wider than the blonde shinobi himself, and they practically shone with the sweetest network of thick veins. Their definition redefined the word ‘definition’, with each of the four sweet muscleheads powerfully apparent in a swirling sea of strength.

Below the comparatively slender beauty of Ayame’s knees lay her calves, now superbly muscled weapons of either destruction or attraction, depending on the wondrous waitress’s mood. The swells of size were positioned just so, beauty in their own right. The blocky bulges had their own fair share of vital vascularity, deep and rich and strong.

Of course, ‘strength’ was the key word for her entire transformation.

In a teasing flash Ayame raised her right arm into a classic and perfectly performed biceps flex. Oceans of majestic, magnificent muscle swelled into the sweetest possible places at her command. The eye was instantly drawn to the main event, because of course it was: a bicep so gloriously large and lusciously grand that to see it was to fall in love (or lust) with muscle forever.

The impossible bulge seemed to reach wider than Ayame’s arm should have allowed, leaning over its edges dangerously. The splendid split of its perfected peak reached most of the way up her roaring wrist, her fist minuscule in comparison. The same lush-thick veins that ran down Ayame’s queen quads had taken up position all along her stunning ‘ceps, feeding the fibres with the fuel they required… and desired.

Despite its sheer size, Ayame’s bicep seemed a little pushed out of place by the exceptional extraordinary of her deltoid. The well-capped and utterly stunning brawn had shot from her shoulder like a cannonball, which it resembled in more ways than one. The delectably defined mass was more than enough on its own to make the mouth water at the sheer power Ayame now held.

After such an incredible sight, it was something of a shame that Ayame’s tricep muscles were no more than a sideshow. Her bicep was the headline act, and rightly so, given its size in the moment - but the right kind of flex would have revealed a horseshoe-shaped bulge of the beefiest brawn. No animal any of them had ever seen would need a shoe as large as the one Ayame’s upper arms could provide.

Ayame’s forearm was a monster of its own making. Her forelimb had thickened up to such an extent that it alone weighed more than her entire torso before she’d slurped down the infected water, rich with wriggling veins right down its terrific taper to her wrist. The cherry on the beefcake’s flexcake was a fist now in control of enough power to shatter boulders.

“That makes me so horny!” Hinata cried, the wicked grin on her lips seconding the notion her words had made clear. Between Naruto’s second orgasm, and the incredible - and, even better for the black-haired kunoichi, incomplete! - transformation of Ayame right in front of her pale eyes, she felt the throb of thrill reach around her body once again. By now, it was a very familiar companion!

Speaking of familiar companions, the robe that Ayame had worn for so many years of service in her father’s restaurant lost its position as her body burst with more width than the tables that surrounded them. The winsome waitress’s traps blew up both tall and wide, each side now wider than her head. The superb slabs of strength had bubbled up down her back as well, providing Ayame with brutal barbarian bulk.

Her delts joined the party with significant strength added on both sides. The muscles had exploded with both size and shape, larger than her head by far. The deep striations that emerged as they billowed bigger and better gave them the true pumpkin look - or ‘pump king’ look, perhaps - that all true muscle fans look for and desire.

Amidst all the wild destruction of clothing in favour of the second most stunning growth of female muscle Naruto had ever witnessed, he found a moment of calm.

“What is all this?” he asked Hinata. The sweet and swole woman by his side managed to tear her jacked neck away from the sight of Ayame’s megametamorphosis for long enough to answer her beau.

“It’s a gift for her, and all kunoichi who will have a taste of this,” she explained. Naruto nodded in return and, seeing as the pair were in no danger, he let events play out. They both turned back to Ayame’s quaking body, ready to enjoy the remainder of the show… after all, so much of her body had yet to really change…

The outrageous surge of Ayame’s brand new breasts was boosted to a further extreme maximum by the rampant rocket blast of her pecs bulging with extra layers of magnificent brawn. The mighty shove provided by the brilliant beefy urged her udders out and, most beautifully, slightly up, the orgiastic thickness of her nipples pointing slightly skyward. A set of veins ripped to life along the tight-knit tautness of Ayame’s power-packed pecs, mostly to remind the viewer that there were strong, deeply strong muscles behind the rather eye-catching exquisiteness of her boobs.

Beneath them sat a seriously sensual stomach, the flatness of Ayame’s belly quickly replaced by the vast hills and hot valleys of abs an Amazonian athlete would have been proud of. Veins flicked and licked over their super surface like new rivers forming, easing precious life to where it was needed. Ayame’s navel sank deep beneath the onslaught.

The transformation continued with Ayame’s back, swapping its slender for siren and significant size. Her lats bulged with wondrous width and delicious depth, spreading like armour across her body - which, in many ways, it was. The waitress began to loom with lashings of luscious large.

“This feels so good!” Ayame exclaimed, a grin of the devil at now being so, so indecently powerful written across her lips like a demon’s spell. Her eyebrows came together to herald her new self and her new desires, swirling around her mind like a vortex and just as dangerous. In her favour, it was the only natural conclusion one could make from the extraordinary metamorphosis she was still undergoing.

Ayame’s traps surged upwards to claim the space around her neck as their own. The picture from the front was like a series of hills working towards the skies: the comparatively round and jolly landscape of her luscious breasts gave way to the serious veins and striations of her megapecs, which occupied all the remaining territory from the top of her titan tits to the bottom of her increasingly-crowded-out neck. Above them the gorgeous mountaintops of her traps sat, lording it - or should that be ‘ladying it’? - over the rest of the luscious landmass of her fabulous-beyond-fabulous physique.

The virus’s most severe body alteration soared into the air in front of Ayame: her full-length futacock, a blessing like none of the others she’d received, a surge of superb sensuality with an arc like a rhino’s horn. The vivid streaks of veins that wrapped around it lazily drew the eye slowly towards the vast, achingly perfect tip, roaring to an impossible and yet deluscious height, just below the outer curves of her equally-perfect breasts. The mammoth and meaty member bobbed and wobbled like a snake trying to hypnotise its prey as Ayame’s amazon transformation continued.

Ayame made the snap decision to flex her right bicep again, to see how far her body had come since the first. The differences were as definite and demonstrable as they were degenerate and debauched: it seemed like a second bicep had grown on top of the original, all monstrous, meaty mass, far bigger than the waitress’s head and right to the top of her wrist. The veins that ran from the peaks down her arm to her transfixing tricep flowed like a flash flood from a mountain top.

That tremendous tricep curved like nothing else on Earth. Even though unflexed, it purred with size so stupendous that a number of the patrons in the restaurant became mesmerised by its ascendant astonishment alone. If Ayame had decided to switch to the classic triceps flex, horseshoes of the fullest and thickest megamuscle would have surged from her upper arm like a fist to the face.

From the absolute peak of her bicep to the lowest point on the crushing curve of her tricep, Ayame’s arm was bigger than her breasts - an incredible feat of muscle engineering.

Lastly, but by no means leastly, Ayame’s legs received their full muscle blessing from the virus’s lust-packed work. The formerly winsome waitress had to spread her legs wide to accommodate the intense and intensive size of her quads… megaquads… gigaquads… as they positively roared to sizes thicker - and thiccer! - than her waist, itself a colossal column of abdominal amazement. The absolute burst of muscle mass made monstrous, frightening flesh - enormous, gargantuan slabs of the mightiest meat and the meatiest might - was too much for many onlookers, who either fainted or made quite the mess of their undergarments.

In the middle of the stupefying, sensual sight sits the ultimate symbol of the futanari: a powerful penis of pulsing potency. Ayame’s balls are like the biggest eggs you’ve ever seen, thrumming and throbbing with production, but the main event is above them. Her cumbersome cumcannon bulged in the middle in an expansive echo of the shape of her thighs, looking ready to explode with finest jizz at a moment’s notice.

Even better, a drizzle of sweetest precum slicks from the titanic tip to slop juicily onto the rags of Ayame’s outfit far below.

Amidst the passed-out patrons and others hurriedly rushing home for a change in underwear (if not an entirely new outfit) were Naruto and Hinata. Lust had risen in them both until - well, other things had risen - and they were sharing a kiss of gentle passion. Both of them knew it was just a prelude to further, hotter, deeper passion; but, for the moment, in the middle of Ichiraku Ramen, it was almost chaste.

Ayame stood in the middle of the chaos, so much more than she was before. More of everything: sturdiest strength and most sensuous sexuality combined into a form to make the jaw of a warrior drop as far as their tongue. She’d literally burst open her cocoon on the way, the defeated scraps of her apron and undergarments lying beneath and around her.

And now she knew her role, too.

“I’ll search for another kunoichi to infect!” she said, and anyone still present to hear it knew her word was true.

Chapter Four

Sakura observed Hana Inuzuka and her mother Tsume sitting on a bench in the park, from a covert position behind a tree not even half the width required to hide her new body. Fortunately for her the pair were in animated discussion, and didn’t notice the mega-sized medical-nin spying on them. Once Sakura spotted the flask on the bench next to Hana, her plan came together with a speed that surprised even her.

“Looks like they’ve drunk the water already!” Sakura said to herself. “I’ll try to trick them with a henge.”

The magic came much easier to Sakura now, as did everything else. Sakura hid all her muscle mass away, leaving only her big breasts, plump ass, and near-knee-length cock as hints that she’d been transformed in any way. Her shorts couldn’t contain her gorgeous girthy girldick, with over half its length on show - it couldn’t be helped, and Sakura was too proud of her cannon for it to really matter anyway.

“Hey, guys,” Sakura said once she’d rounded the tree and adopted the pose she wanted. She clasped her hands together behind her head and angled her hips just so, the ideal position to show off her jumbo juggs, flat stomach, goddess ass, and that ‘hint’ of cannon cock. She tilted her half smile up to the sky, deciding against a pout - her nipples were more than pouting against her shirt anyway.

Hana and Tsume turned to each other and burst out laughing at Sakura’s sexy posing.

“What’s with those balloons?” Hana giggled.

“Is that a henge? Hahahah!” Tsume chuckled.

After a second of silence, the mother-daughter pair stood to investigate Sakura’s henge, scoffing all the while at what they called the ‘overdone’ nature of the illusion. For some reason, Tsume chose Sakura’s balloonish chest as her first place to poke holes in Sakura’s magic and raised her hands to the young woman’s improbable bust. Her expression changed in an instant quicker than the blink of an eye.

“Wow, they’re real!” she gasped, both her hands sinking into Sakura’s enormous and very friendly right breast. “How did you get like this?”

Sakura blushed at the surprisingly skillful attention of the older Inuzuka, a sure sign that the water was making them feel things they may not have otherwise. Sakura had to summon all her acting skills to suppress a gloat at how easy this was all going to be. Instead, she turned slightly to Hana to keep the younger woman part of the conversation.

“A sickness has infected the water,” she explained. “Tsunade is infected, but she made a serum which made me produce an antidote in my body. The result is my breasts, ass, and cock. I can only give it orally and fresh because of the fast degradation.”

The story had the advantage that it was mostly true, and so easier to sell to the now quite visibly horny Inuzukas. They didn’t even gasp at the news that Tsunade, the world’s premier medical-nin, had been infected, which any sane person would have known spelled ‘trouble’ with a capital ‘T’ - possibly even a capital ‘TR’. It was then that Sakura realised Hana’s hands were gripping her newly enlarged ass, and her blush deepened.

There was no need for further explanation: both Hana and Tsume knew exactly how they were going to receive their oral treatment. They looked at each other and grinned. Despite her characteristic impatience, Tsume’s love for her child won out as she made a decision for the group, giving a nod to Hana that moved her spiky brown hair not one jot.

“Okay, let’s do it,” she said. “Hana, you go first.”

Hana didn’t need to be told twice. She sank to her knees with a sigh that was at least ninety per cent lust, sliding Sakura’s woefully inadequate shorts down her legs as she did so. If anyone had asked Sakura, she would’ve said how impressed she was at the exceptional skill the chūnin displayed during the manoeuvre - but Hana would’ve struggled to speak, as in the very next instant she had a face full of thick femmeprick.

Eyes closed and jaws wider than wide, Hana sucked Sakura’s stiff shaft, wriggling her tongue all over and around the head, which already leaked sweet precum. Hana mentally mapped every one of Sakura’s cock veins and treated them to a little gentle rasp from her teeth as she bobbed back and forth over the impossible, gorgeous rod, trying to bring every last inch of its throbbing heat into her body. Both pairs of watching eyes went wide at the lewder than lewd from the normally calm Hana, each feeling the temperature rise in their own way.

Within a minute of getting her first taste of Sakura’s huge hardon, Hana managed her goal: to have Sakura’s full futacock inside her supremely skilled mouth. Her eyes opened finally to stare up into Sakura’s, to ram home her own sexual dominance, even from her sub position… but the task was sadly impossible, for there was a massive set of monster mams in her way. Even if Sakura couldn’t see Hana’s determined eyes, she certainly felt them bore as deep into her as she was inside Hana.

And that pushed her over the edge.

What felt like pints of futacum exploded from Sakura’s inexhaustible balls, straight down the willing, desperate-to-be-dominated throat of Hana Inuzuka - well, almost straight down it. Even as Hana leaned back to make room inside her body for her medicine, lips sliding down Sakura’s still-stiff meat with a delicious slurp, Sakura shot further loads into her, and the seal broke. Thick jizz fell from her lips to the ground below, a horrible waste, particularly when it started to burst from Hana’s nose as well, red hot and raw.

Tsume had been watching, waiting, all while her precious daughter was ‘attended to’ by the kind Sakura. She hadn’t been idle, though, oh no - the tokubetsu jōnin had whipped Sakura’s sad excuse from a shirt from her body, exposing her enormous, bigger-than-her-head breasts. The older woman’s smile twitched when she saw that Sakura’s nipples were as sweet pink as her hair.

Once Hana had swallowed her treatment like a good girl, she stood back, wiped her mouth, and tried to ignore the burn in her nostrils. Cleaning her face of Sakura’s futacum was the work of a second; barely a second later the treatment’s first effect on her young body roared into life. A cock longer than her forearm and harder than steel burst through her shorts and, given the heat of the past few minutes, Hana couldn’t keep her left hand from her new and beautiful dick.

And that was all it needed.

A torrent of her own cum powered into the air in front of Hana, splashing in a rough arc so high it powered well over her head, despite the fact that her cocktip was only about level with her breasts. The brown-haired medical-nin’s tongue dropped loose from her mouth, panting her joy at what almost felt like her first orgasm again, so powerful was the shot. She shut her eyes to savour and concentrate on the physical sensations of cumming with such a power-packed rod.

“Oh, my!” she cried as bliss ran through her, hugged her, became her.

By now filled with more horn than an orchestra, Tsume knelt in front of Sakura’s medicine delivery system, adopting the required position like a seasoned professional of the art. She wrapped her left fist around it and, though Sakura couldn’t see the act beyond her enormous breasts, she later swore that Tsume licked her lips. The older woman’s eyes certainly narrowed as she dove onto Sakura’s futacock.

“My turn!” Tsume exclaimed, though her words were a little difficult to distinguish due to the mild obstruction of her mouth and throat.

Tsume, now orally occupied, was oblivious to anything other than the service of Sakura’s sex. She failed to notice the changes Hana underwent in the next few seconds, despite them tearing the younger woman’s clothing to ruin. Hana, however, almost pumped out her next volley of orgasms then and there.

After her more-than-impressive girlcock, the second sign that Sakura’s medicine was working turned out to be her breasts, which went from ‘relatively humble’ to ‘bigger than her head by far’. The firm, fertile flesh made a mockery of the mere bounds of Hana’s medic uniform, low though the zipper was: it tore open down the middle, exposing her flat stomach in addition to unbelievable udders that whispered seduction to all who saw them. Hana adjusted to the new weight on her chest easily, as if she should always have had tits this titanic.

Where there are tits, so should there be ass; at least, that seemed to be the thinking of the transformative magic. So, to accompany Hana’s gigantic juggs, an ass worthy of the name burst through the seat of her shorts, all firm and plump and juicy. It was something of a miracle that her shorts remained on the young brunette’s body, what with the front and the back now torn so thoroughly - but cling they did, to the tops of her thighs.

Meanwhile, Tsume’s expert blowjob techniques had brought Sakura off in record time. The older Inuzuka had swallowed all her medicine like a good girl, unlike the mess her daughter had made of her face and the ground below. With so much heat between them, the medicine was quick to change Tsume’s body… for the better.

Tsume’s old flak jacket was the first part of her clothing to be ruined by the changes as a similar pair of juicy megamelons to her daughter’s surprised the spiky-haired matriarch by roaring into the sky. Each of her fat mams outsized Hana’s, as was only right, and was made complete with a beautiful pair of sweet brown nipples that pouted “Suck me and you shall be rewarded”. The thump and jiggle as they settled into the perfect position on Tsume’s chest made her mouth water with future possibility.

Her dark pants then underwent a double assault, something like a pincer movement. The most successful attack, at least initially, was her butt, which ballooned up and out from ‘sweet’ to ‘intergalactic gorgeous’. The round, perky superpeach sat higher and jigglier than it had ever done, and would give every ass fan in the village something to dream about on cold and dark days.

Or warm and bright days.

Round at Tsume’s front, though, the final present was beginning to show. A bulge the size of a fist started to emerge and press damn hard against the crotch of her pants. In its defence, the material took the strain admirably… to begin with.

Of course, it was never going to last long: Tsume’s futadick tore through with a ripping sound so sensual she shot her first load there and then. Her tool may not have been the longest of the three, but it was certainly the most girthy, being thick and riddled with fat veins. The perfect, plump head roared out the contents of her heavy, firm nuts; Sakura stood back to avoid being splattered, as much as she would have loved to feel the hot cum decorate her.

“Good,” the pink-haired medical-nin thought. “They’ve grown like I was thinking.”

Out loud, she said, with her eyes wide and in the most heroic voice she could manage with so much primal, animal, sexual heat in the air, “You must help me heal the village.”

The words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the women of the Inuzuka family just stroked their long, fat, hard dicks. Neither could wrap her hand around her pole, so they made do as best they could; grasping what appeared to be just a little more than half of the circumference of their prime meat. The scenario was only made worse when Sakura realised they were pointing their cocks at each other in some kind of bizarre pistols at dawn scenario.

Well, anti-tank guns at dawn.

Sakura decided to take advantage.

“I’ll deactivate the henge while they’re distracted,” she thought, and moved her hands into the required position.

As most of her old body disappeared in a puff of smoke, Sakura summoned all her acting skills.

“What? This seems to be a side effect!” she exclaimed, now a literal walking mountain of muscle mass most extraordinaire. Her traps had taken over three-quarters of her neck, and that was only the beginning. Mirror-twin vast slabs of pectoral perfection were sadly and beautifully obscured from about a third of the way down by her sensational breasts: juggs that would inspire any futa to cum her brains out in tribute.

Speaking of futa, Sakura’s dick, hard as cannon - which it resembled too! - had risen so the fist-sized, throbbing head was right at the level of her nipples, themselves just as juicy hard. Her bulging delts and sensational biceps looked extra swole as she adopted her sweet and innocent ‘Look at my body!’ gesture, a veritable avalanche of human musculature so powerful you couldn’t look away… and the Inuzuka women certainly couldn’t. Sakura’s forearms were riddled with vascularity and size, and the fraction of her abs you could see were brutal, built blocks.

No wonder Hana and Tsume wandered casually next to the superstrong she-beast Sakura had become, hypnotised in their horny states by the perfect heavenly body.

“Love these muscles!” Tsume breathed, left hand jerking her rigid futarod in strong, long strokes as her right hand caressed Sakura’s enormous left breast. She could get about halfway up that colossal megamam mass and had to content herself by sinking her palm into the pillowy plump plush. She half-turned to stare at how big Sakura had become… and dared to dream that even a fraction of the pink-haired powerhouse’s strength could be hers.

Little did she know.

Hana, for her part, was on Sakura’s right. She ran her left hand up and down the mighty landscape of Sakura’s back, taking the time to feel and understand every little muscular bulge and prominence, before ‘accidentally’ brushing up against Sakura’s enormous ass. Hana’s right hand was too busy to join in the fun of feeling Sakura’s megabod: instead it stroked her own cock, pouring layer upon layer of sensation into her body and mind.

Like mother, like daughter, indeed.

“You look so hot!” Hana exclaimed, and that tipped all three futa over the edge: they came at the same time, three torrents of thick jizz arcing into the air in perfect sync. The three were helpless as their fat, heavy balls splurged seed in multiple mouthwatering cumshots. If there were a competition for greatest distance, though, Sakura’s thicker and girthier girldick won.

Once she recovered from the latest emptying of her balls - and boy, was she getting good at that now! - Sakura stood back to watch a mother’s muscle mass mushroom and a daughter’s delectable development drive on. She licked her lips at the prospect and the lure of her still-stiff supercock proved too much. Unlike a moment ago, though, Sakura was able to slow down and layer the pleasure upon herself with expert ease and expertise.

She didn’t have long to wait.

Hana’s body seemed to be the most eager to transform: her shorts were finally obliterated as her legs bulked up to incredible proportions instantly, huge layers of impossibly large and hard power appearing in instants, making it look as if she’d been training flat-out for strength her entire life. Every inch of the surface of her quads was power perfection, massive and rough and veiny. Her calves blew up in the sweeping changes too, both looking like rocks had been stuffed beneath her skin.

In comparison Tsume’s changes seemed more sedate: her jacket tore further as her lats exploded. Her upper body’s width doubled at their widest but, judging from her expression, the older woman was Not Satisfied. If looks could kill, the frown and unhappy pout combo she wore would’ve put you out of action for a week.

Despite the fact Hana already had the lead in the transformation stakes - and the only other entrant in the race was her own mom! - her body powered up and on, determined to crush the maternal competition. Her back erupted in a festival of majestic and meaty muscle, the material unable to keep up with the supersymmetrical surges of size and strength. Having stepped back Sakura had the only front row seat to the show, and nearly painted Hana’s broad, beef-blown back from top to bottom with futacum.

Meanwhile, Tsume's transformation was trying hard to catch up. Her traps had grown up and out, ruining the collar of her flak jacket as they swallowed her neck whole. However, it wasn’t the fabulous new form of her shoulders that had caught the tokubetsu jōnin’s attention - something had pulled her gaze out along her right arm.

Later she would describe the pull as ‘irresistible’, as would those who saw it in the future: Tsume flexed her arm, and right then and there there was no doubt who would be the most powerful of mother and daughter. The entire limb, from shoulder to wrist, was bursting with the most magical and mind-blowing muscle, making confetti of the mere fabric that had contained it earlier. The lower curve of her tricep - relaxed, of course, in the classic bicep pose! - hung level with the lower curve of her lats, whilst the bicep - and, for the record, what a bicep, with a split peak so beautiful that, even though she was seeing it from behind, made Sakura gasp! - roared out to take up pretty much all the space from her elbow to her forearm.

Sakura’s viewpoint sadly could not take in the next wave of transformation on Tsume’s body as her pecs ballooned out to form enormous, almost wrecking-ball slabs of purest power. They just ripped into the air in front of Tsume, burgeoning bulges of beautiful big that made a mockery of even the billowing breasts Sakura’s medicine had given her as they pushed those awesome orbs out of the way as if they were nothing. Veins crawled up, down, left, and right at random over the pulsating pectorals, as if to highlight the sweetest striations of Tsume’s pure power pump.

Of course the transformation wasn’t finished with Hana, either. Her back muscles, already huge and delicious, positively exploded into the most incredible and absolute size and power imaginable. Her traps grew so high they were halfway up her ears and each and every pound of new muscle layering on and in to her neo-goddess bod roared with vascularity and shone with striation.

Meanwhile Tsume, who’d been forced into a kneeling position by the sheer pressure of the changes, continued to grow apace… albeit seemingly at random. She’d just managed to plant her left foot on the ground - her movements impeded by a flaccid cock that refused to shrink any, and acted something like a trip hazard - when the madcap metamorphosis selected its next target for transformation. It turned out to be her right leg.

The fabric of Tsume’s pants tore clean down the middle - truth be told, it almost disappeared under the sheer pressure her new quads brought to bear. As it happens, ‘bear’ is a good word to use in relation to the gigantic hunks of hard and hefty huge that burst into life with a rumbling growl which became a godly roar. There was something raw and animalistic about the colossal quads Tsume now possessed: delicious bursts of brute strength.

Delighted with this influx of priceless power, whatever governed the direction of the transformation decided that Tsume’s left leg would receive the same treatment immediately. No muscle was left untouched or out-of-keeping with those around it: glutes that would be the envy of both top-tier athletes and the most mesmerising of models burst into being; thighs the size of more-than-average guys were complemented - and complimented! - by hamstrings bursting with sweet size and sizzling strength; whilst over and beyond her knee was a calf it would take more than two hands to cup. The whole limb, like the rest of Tsume’s transformed body, now had a liberal sprinkling of veins to power it and striations to show off its lean power.

After that the changes went to town so hard that, metaphorically, the place would’ve been devastated.

The lats that had grown into power earlier then came into full bloom. The wonderful arcs of megamuscle flared bigger, better, brawnier, as befitted the powerhouse Tsume was becoming. They too were decorated with the same flaming veins and scintillating striations almost all of the rest of her body possessed like she’d been born to the strength.

The right arm Tsume had flexed earlier, the one that had become perfect? It turned out that perfection was actually waiting in the wings to make its entrance. Every muscle from her beefcake traps down to the smallest part of her forearm erupted in an explosion the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the trio came at the same time to trigger the changes in the first place.

Tsume’s delts took on the classic pumpkin shape and size - and of a prize specimen, too! - filled to the brim and beyond with most mouthwatering might. Her biceps became huge and perfectly round bulges of new-feminine beef, both peaks easily distinguishable with the merest flex. Even her forearms had thickened, lengthened, and improved… but the very best aspect of her final form was one gigantic, pencil-thick vein that started on her right pec before flowing in a jagged, river-like way around her delectable delt and down her brilliant bicep.

In the future that vein would be worshipped… for now, the changes could only continue like a runaway train.

The most amazing set of lean warrior abs filled out on Tsume’s stomach. Ten - because their clean lines and wonderful forms made them easy to count - stones burst into luscious life down her midsection. Although the rocky trail was partially obscured by her wonderful breasts, more than enough of the armour-like blocks could be made out to ensure their succulent strength was very, very evident.

Hana, who’d started the transformation race like a train, had found herself beaten by her mother’s last-ditch efforts to cross the line first… but that just meant she had more to come, and come it did. A pair of the most deliciously swollen pecs imaginable ripped onto her chest like mirror-twin fruits ripening. They were huge: the slabs of sheer beef seemed bigger than her head and, just like her mom’s, were deeply striated and rich with scattershot veins that not only covered the brawny bulges but led away to other muscle groups, as if pointing you in the direction of other places of power.

Hana only just managed to stop herself growling like a wolf defending its cubs.

At the last Hana’s own brand of abdominal amazing beefed into place, subtly but definitely different from her mother’s. To begin with they had bulged bigger than Tsume’s: still lean, for sure, and also slightly blocked by titanic tits - but the perfect column of cut they formed was definitely and defiantly more defined. The obliques that peeled away around to the side of Hana’s now-confirmed barbarian body only helped the picture of perfection, clasping that powered-up ‘pack like a seasoned warrior holding a spear.

Hana’s navel, an almost insignificant detail, had been ironed flat by the expansion. Veins like trees without leaves, naked for the winter, flared from the lowest part of her torso, reaching for the underside of her mammoth mams as if they had ownership over them. All in all, the rigid and righteous beauty of Hana’s belly made of her the most mind-melting strongwoman.

In fact, the Inuzuka women had really been changed into what they already were: warrior women of the strongest and fiercest kind. As the pair looked over each other and themselves post-transformation, flexing and bending to see what kind of muscle mass they now possessed, huge grins spread over their faces. Not only had they been made blisteringly beautiful, they now held the strength they’d always desired: the strength to protect themselves and the ones they loved.


Meanwhile, in a totally different part of town, Shizune had happened upon her fellow kunoichi Temari, whose sandy blonde hair was still in those strange four shocks of pigtails, and the unfortunate Isaribi, victim of Orochimaru’s strange experiments. The pair appeared to be in good spirits, clearly having shared a joke of some kind due to the big smiles on their faces. In ordinary circumstances, Shizune might have felt happy that Isaribi seemed to be integrating herself into Konoha life better… but instead she had something quite different on her mind.

I’ll trick them into going to Lady Tsunade’s, she thought to herself.

Fixing her happiest smile to her face, Shizune greeted the pair.

“Hey, girls,” she said, casual as she could manage. “I need you two to follow me!”

Temari and Isaribi’s eyes popped wide at the sight of the black-haired medical-nin, who was twice as big as when either of them had last seen her. Her long neck was surrounded by traps that arced with elegant grace into shoulders like boulders and arms with more muscle than the highly-trained Temari had in her entire body… to say nothing of the brutal pecs holding up breasts that would shame Lady Tsunade’s ample bosom. The mesh of her top was rather stretched in the task of covering Shizune’s chest and, indeed, it failed in the best possible way: nothing was revealed revealed, except for an unsubtle glimpse at her dark pink areolas.

“Shizune?!” Temari exclaimed. “You look amazing! How did you get that big?”

The musclebound medical-nin swept aside the question, for the most part.

“Tsunade wants to see you,” she replied, “and if you want, with her authorisation I can teach you how to get this big.”

Temari and Isaribi wordlessly decided to follow the giant Shizune, but for different reasons: Temari sought the power to protect others, to bring peace simply by planting her soon-to-be-powerful form in the middle of a would-be battlefield. Isaribi, as ever, sought a cure for her condition.

The walk to Lady Tsunade’s office took the merest of moments. Shizune had edged ahead of the other two and opened the door ahead of her, with one last instruction to the two women.

“Wait here. I will tell Tsunade you’re ready to see her.”

With that, Shizune went inside the room and closed the door carefully behind her.

Lady Tsunade was all smiles when she saw who had come to greet her.

“Shizune!!” she exclaimed, as if she had won all the jackpots on Earth. “Thank you! I’ve never felt so young in a long time!!”

It was the absolute truth: Tsunade no longer needed to use magic to keep her body young or strong and could therefore keep her mind clear for greater endeavours than before. Her robe utterly failed to contain the woman she had become - or, rather, the musclewoman she had become. The majority of her vascular, powerfully striated, and otherwise just huge slabs of pectoral muscle pushed the sides of Tsunade’s robe apart, to say nothing of the large and beautiful breasts that obscured much of the power below.

Shizune, for her part, smiled widely back at her mentor and musclefriend.

“I have a gift for you!” she said. “Temari and Isaribi are at the door! I managed to bring them here.”

The atmosphere in the room changed from ‘thankful’ to ‘expectant’. Tsunade’s smile changed character as, with utmost care, she brought a bottle of the now-sacred water from beneath her desk. With that same care she planted it on top and, once she was sure it was stable, let it go. The fervour in her voice was palpable.

“Tell them to come in,” Tsunade breathed.

Shizune fetched the pair from outside the office and smiled at them as brightly as possible. Tsunade followed suit: it was a delicate moment, during which so much could go wrong - and they both needed it to go so right. In fact, without quite knowing it yet, Temari and Isaribi needed it to go right too.

“Hello, young ladies,” Tsunade said, as calmly and evenly as usual.

“Hi… uh… why is Shizune this big when Sakura is very small?” Temari asked, seemingly the spokeswoman for the two. “Also can I get this big?”

Temari looked from one to the other, ‘studying’ the muscles the two medical-nins had developed, seemingly overnight - though her concern was real. She’d seen Sakura in passing, talking to Hana and Tsume Inuzuka, and the pink-haired medical-nin had not been anything like the two beefy beauties in front of her. Ever-prudent, Temari had had to ask the question - but her real reason for being there also slipped out.

“Me and Sakura use an illusion to hide our muscles, in order to make other ninjas and kunoichis lose their concentration and let their guard down,” Shizune began, a finger aloft to silence Temari - or punctuate her explanation, whichever she would find more believable! “We got these muscles from an ancient technique thanks to a sacred water. Once you use this technique for the first time, it can’t be reversed.”

There was definitely some truth in that, at least!

“With this power, you, Isaribi, will not be turned into one of Orochimaru’s minions or experiments ever again!” The petite Isaribi gasped and hugged herself for comfort: the news she’d wanted to hear for years was now presented to her. Once she was over the initial shock, her face turned to determination to do whatever was required to be truly free of the curse of Orochimaru forever - to begin to live her life.

“And Temari, if you want, you can get this strong like us!” And those were the words Temari was waiting to hear: the sandy-haired woman could practically feel her blood pumping as the excitement built. The chance to be strong enough to protect herself and others? Where would she sign?!

Tsunade softened her smile once she saw how Shizune’s deception - or semi-deception, not that the distinction really mattered - had worked magic of its own on the pair.

“You just need to drink the water,” Tsunade said softly, “and we’ll tell you how to proceed.”

“Righto!” Temari said cheerfully. Both she and Isaribi took the glasses of water they’d been offered and, without a second thought, downed them in one go. There was no question in either of their minds - and why should there be, given the trustworthiness of the two musclewomen who’d lead them to that point?

The changes began as soon as the two glasses were back on Tsunade’s desk. A huge, thick, erect cock burst from beneath Isaribi’s robe, spearing the air with its lewd and lurid length. A subtle network of veins covered the length from the fist-sized, bobbing tip back to the root, hidden somewhere beneath Isaribi’s clothes.

Of course Temari wasn’t spared this phase of the transformation. She looked down in a heady mix of shock and surprise as breasts the size of her head burst through her outfit. Just shy of half of the glorious globes were put on proud display, despite their owners’ lack of say-so, as well as a decent portion of her flat, well-toned stomach.

Neither woman had glutes built beyond what was necessary for their respective work, but now the first phase of the transformation had given them asses that were more than just assets. A pair of peaches pushed hard against their clothes, making their round and resplendent presence known as they went. Some of the fabric got sucked up between their plump and powerful cheeks as their majestic moneymakers grew  - in fact, it was a wonder neither woman tore her clothes from ass alone.

There was a moment of stunned silence as both Temari and Isaribi looked down at the most… obvious of the changes to their anatomies: their new cocks. Temari’s futadick was so long and curved that its head was on the same level as her nipples, its perfection complete with twin balls that audibly churned with production. Her left hand rose nervous into the air, trying to decide if she should touch her fat cock in this most revered company…

Isaribi seemed even less certain than Temari’s uncertainty. She held her arms well wide of the wang that had appeared from her pelvis. Whilst it wasn’t quite as impressive as Temari’s in length terms, it made up for the apparent lack with girth.

After an appropriate adjustment period of about four seconds, Tsunade spoke again, in the same calm tone she’d used to instruct the pair to drink the water in the first place.

“Now you’ll begin with the muscle growth by masturbating to the maximum!” she urged the pair. The way the smile twitched at her plump lips told the group Tsunade was eager to enjoy the upcoming show. She nodded a few times at the stunned Temari and the aghast Isaribi to encourage them to put hand to cock.

And so they did.

Temari was first, already tempted as she was, to lay hand to rod. Any guilt or fear of how she shouldn’t do something so odd in front of the others was washed away in the instant her cock fed her sensations to arouse anyone from apathy into full-on lust. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue dropped from her mouth like a thirsty dog on a hot day; her last action was to nod encouragement at Isaribi, who’d still not taken the plunge.

Poor Isaribi - timid, uncertain Isaribi. Both her hands trembled as she brought them closer to the burst of heat that was her girthy girlcock. At the first moment of contact, though, she squeaked in surprised pleasure and pleasured surprise, and an instant later was pumping her pulsing prick in the same crazed way Temari was not two steps from her.

The heat of one woman fed the other and vice versa until the crescendo of harmonised strokes they’d built together reached an inevitable climax. Oceans of cum burst from their dicks like natural geysers, pooling up in thick and virile wads on the floor in front of them - some distance in front of them, in fact. It was a wonder the walls didn’t need repainting.

Once there was nothing more that could come from Isaribi’s studly shaft, her silent prayers were answered. The bandages that had long encased her right leg, to stop people from seeing the ugly scales that lay beneath, burst into tatters as masses of mind-bending muscle layered onto her limbs in an instant she would never forget - could never forget. Thighs that put even some of the transformed women to shame for sheer mass and definition practically pulsed with power as they made short work of the life Isaribi had been living for so long - too long.

Each muscle group was biggest, brawniest beef, perfectly delineated from its friends - or perhaps they were rivals, given how they competed for size? Veins criss-crossed the hunky lengths, with deep striations to show off their perfection-redefined conditioning. Isaribi’s calves were gigantic, more-than-handful hunks of delicious strength whilst round behind her glutes had taken charge of her butt, adding impossible tautness to the beautifully-shaped peach.

In a similarly freeing fashion the bandages on her left arm were forced to flee the scene as mountains of the highest quality muscle exploded into their rightful place. If her legs were perfect power, what could one call the absolute Amazonian amazing that Isaribi’s arms had become? Starting at deltoids that a boulder-pulverising giant would fear, the symphony of strength played by an orchestra of awesome made the best possible start, the sweetest possible music.

Isaribi’s brand new arm was covered in veins: thick, long, powerful veins, tiny echoes of the thick, long, powerful dick between her amazing megathighs. Her bicep was a lengthy and luscious muscle, captivating in its volume and stunning in its size. The vein that ran from top to bottom like the straightest of highways was a beautiful example of the genre.

No bicep is complete without a tricep, and the powerful bulge that had emerged from the other side of Isaribi’s upper arm sure made things complete. The hulking bulk of brawn could not be covered by even the largest of hands, a rip-roaring rock of righteous resilience set in perfect place. It was ripped, it was ready - it was right.

And Isaribi wasn’t the only woman in the woman coming into power that felt right to her: Temari’s back blew out wider than she could possibly have imagined, the symmetry apparent as the line down its middle seemed to sink in deeper as the muscles exploded out ever further. The transformation made short work of her clothes, ripping them to shreds as its first order of business, as if to expose the incendiary bulk beneath as quickly as possible. The rises and valleys of muscle mass made manifest burst into near-impenetrable life.

Temari’s front was not spared, of course. A pair of pecs rose to her neck and bulged out like paving slabs to keep her previously unruly udders in check, and look ultrahot themselves in the doing. The striated supermuscles crashed into each other to form a cleavage of their own as a luscious set of veins emerged on top, both sinking into the canyon of colossal like a waterfall before rising to emerge on the other glory-packed side.

In short, Temari’s pecs were so big and heavy that they forced her massive mams apart.

Down the trail of her terrific torso were Temari’s abs, a solid six bricks of power. Flame-like veins burst from her crotch up and over the delicious surfaces, but whether they were reaching for the glory of her power-packed pecs or the sumptuousness of her tasty titties was a question no-one could answer. What was sure was that her slender navel had been reshaped into an arrow pointing upwards… although that simply added more fuel to the debating fire.

Enormous slabs of the best and most beautiful brawn continued to bulge from the women’s burgeoning bods. Lats like the biggest Christmas ham in the shop roared from Isaribi’s sides, making her half as wide again in an instant that added considerable steam to Tsunade’s office. Big, thick veins formed and met all over the superhard surface, forming a jagged relief like a map of the coast of some far-off yet ultrabeautiful country.

Isaribi’s back, too, joined in the fun, following the lead provided by Temari’s ultra-wide form. The only problem was that what once had followed became the leader in moments: enormous rocks of the most pure might burst from her body, as if a whole new island were rising from the ocean. Isaribi’s trapezius led the charge down her body to her perfect ass, adding muscle upon muscle upon muscle, with no concern for symmetry or beauty… and somehow still ending up with both in abundance.

Temari, though, was not to be left behind by her fellow transformee. Her own lats bubbled and bulged into the land of brawny and built, if not going so far as beefy and barbarian. Deep striations rose to their surfaces, providing clean and clear definition of those most majestic of muscle groups.

As she grunted the transformative fire raged further around her body, pushing her arms to new heights of strength and power. The journey from trap to delt now ended with an enormous boulder of the most incredible might, to say nothing of the goddess biceps roaring into the air where only the merest mound had existed moments before. Temari’s profile was not complete without at least a small mention of her pecs: the vast mounds of mouth-watering majesty held a liberal sprinkle of veins to feed the sheer magnificence with the blood they needed to pump.

Isaribi’s torso finally joined the growing fun: in fact, she had to arch her back just so her abs could blossom from buds to burgeoning oaks. Where Temari’s stomach was bricks, Isaribi’s was more like breeze blocks: enormous and deeply carved bulges of the most extraordinary strength, covered with veins reaching for the skies like a tree’s branches in winter. Lean and powerful, sturdy and strong; the amazing abdominals that were now hers forever had ruined the shape of her tiny navel.

A fair price to pay for such power.

With a soft sigh Israibi realised the changes were slowing down. The statuesque strength that her body had been blessed with was laying down the final touches: ensuring her back was impenetrable and vivid bulk; growing her delts out for the last push; bulking her pecs so her chest was at its finest, including the reach of her incredible breasts. The covers had well and truly been blown off her formerly scaly skin and if she hadn’t been so overwhelmed with the lava of her changes, she might have cried.

Temari, too, felt the magic slowing down and tried to eke out the final few moments as long as she could. Her arms became monuments to might and she held them, flexed, to appreciate the multiple muscle fibres rippling to life along her limbs. Huge, shredded biceps pushed into the comparatively soft wonder of her titanic titties, sending shockwaves straight to her still-rigid rod. The triceps behind, though relaxed, roared power into the heavens; even her forearms were thick blocks of vein-riddled meat.

The finishing touch for Temari was her legs: hamstrings to die for were allied with quads whose berserker bulk endowed her with the power to kick through anything you could put in front of her. Her calves followed suit and bulged with more sheer muscle mass than her whole body had had before she’d drunk the blessed, wondrous water Tsunade and Shizune had offered them both; a gift beyond words, a present beyond price. The body of her dreams and beyond.

No wonder her cock stayed hard as rock.

“This is awesome!” Temari exclaimed as she came again, her tongue lolling out of her mouth with the overload of sexual bliss. She held her fists mighty as her eyes rolled back in her head, her precious futaspunk still coming, as Isaribi posed and came alongside her, both women’s wads landing in thick splashes of the most feminine virility. Isaribi flexed her right arm to make her ripped and gorgeous biceps dance; her left arm she rose into the air, where its thickness made it look more like a strong man’s leg than a dainty woman’s arm.

The bandages had stayed in place on her face; Isaribi felt a moment’s pang for that, but wasted no more time on such thoughts.

“Your cocks will disappear in three days,” Tsunade informed the posing pair. “I suggest you hide them behind a henge until then.”

Isaribi smiled as she spoke, and so she should, with her traps having swallowed her neck and her delts having blown bigger than her head.

“I will look for Naruto,” she said. “Temari will go to the pub.”

There was laughter as the plans of Tsunade changed and evolved on the spot.

Chapter Five

Later that day the transformed Anko happened upon three of her fellow kunoichi: Kurenai Yūhi, Ino Yamanaka, and Yakumo Kurama. Ino was facing the other two as if they were deep in discussion, though, if that was the case, Kurenai and Yakumo did not look happy to hear what she was saying. Whatever the case actually was, Anko made it her business to interrupt them in her own quest to bring the three into the rapidly-growing group of musclebound kunoichi of Konoha.

“Oh, what have we here?” Anko exclaimed cheerfully.

The very instant before she became their centre of attention, the sight of Ino reminded Anko of one of her friends who, to her knowledge, had not joined the transformed just yet. The newly Amazonian Anko shifted her arms and hands into a jutsu position which ended with her first two forefingers against each other to form a simple cross. A second version of her appeared in a puff of smoke that left the scene as quickly as it had arrived.

Gonna send a clone to find Tenten! Anko thought, and sent the shadow off on its mission.

She quickly arranged her features into a smile to greet the three kunoichi. They were all agog at the incredible metamorphosis their friend had undergone, and rightly so! There was so much more of Anko Mitarashi to appreciate now: the sleeves of her overcoat looked fit to burst if she dared to flex her biceps, and the metal mesh that covered her torso now had to contend with breasts as big as her head, to say nothing of an abdominal column that could have held up any building you cared to name.

“Hey guys!” Anko continued with the same cheer as before. The trio’s eyes were all wide in shock as they made sure to roam the full extent of her body, to take in everything Anko now was. Anko gave them a moment to get used to the new her.

“Anko?” Kurenai exclaimed. “What is this? What happened to you?”

Anko’s smile barely flickered as she moved on to the next part of her plan.

“I was given these muscles by an artifact,” she explained. “It can do the same with you, but it needs at least three people to activate it!”

The three unchanged kunoichi were afforded a moment to consider what this meant. Each of them had different dreams for the power that would soon be theirs: Kurenai would be able to show her students so many more techniques, and those so much better; Yakumo would be able to control her powers at last; and Ino wondered how much more attractive to boys it would make her. Their reverie was interrupted by the arrival of Tenten, summoned by Anko’s clone self.

“You called?” Tenten said by way of introduction. The unchanged three had a second chance to marvel at another powered-up kunoichi, as Tenten’s sleeves were also literally filled with muscle. Her robe did a far better job of hiding her torso than Anko’s, but still there was no mistaking the huge breasts that bulged against the material.

“Tenten, you’re here!” Anko replied and, without checking the trio’s opinions, knew what the decision was to be. “Help me escort these three to Lady Tsunade’s office. They’ll have the same upgrade we’ve got!”

“Sure thing!” Tenten said, and no-one but Anko saw the wry little smile on her face.


The walk took mere moments, although Kurenai, Yakumo, and Ino had to scurry a little to keep up with the long and purposeful strides that Anko and Tenten were making. The muscular pair asked the trio to wait outside Lady Tsunade’s office so that they could announce their arrival. Once inside the preparations were quick, so as not to arouse suspicion.

“They’re here!” Tenten exclaimed, loudly enough for her voice to be heard by the waiting trio.

Preparations for the arrival of the three were quick and decisive. Lady Tsunade herself filled three vessels with cum, the thick liquid leaving her fat cock in jets. The timing of the operation meant that even with her precise aim, her jizz spilled down the sides of the bottles.

“Good!” Lady Tsunade exclaimed in turn once the third vessel was as full as it was going to get. “Tell them to come in.”

In short order the trio of Kurenai, Yakumo, and Ino presented themselves to Lady Tsunade. Each stood tall, a warrior in her own right. Tsunade only dreamed of torn sleeves and massive muscles.

“Hello!” Tsunade exclaimed, the exact same cheer in her voice as there’d been in Anko’s.

From the other side of the desk, none of the three were surprised to see the ultramuscular form of the new Lady Tsunade. They were not surprised to see her traps had engulfed her neck, or that her deltoids were wider than her head. They were also not surprised to see that Tsunade, always on the vain side, was showing the most skin of any of the megamuscled women they’d seen.

As she explained the situation to them, Tsunade sat with her elbows resting on her desk and had brought her hands together, all five fingertips touching each other. Whether this was to bring attention to biceps bigger than her head, or distract from breasts that were bigger than that - by far, actually! - none of the three could discern. Regardless, Tsunade smiled gently as she told them her tale.

“They probably told you of this artifact called ‘The Water Of The Hero’,” Tsunade began. “It’s a forbidden artifact, tested and modified by me. It gives a strange reaction but it will help you and Yakumo specially. For it to work, you three need to drink it at the same time.”

The real reason they needed to drink it at the same time was so that they couldn’t refuse to drink it on seeing what it first did to the other woman… but no-one needed to know that.

“Drink it entirely, here and now!” Tsunade exclaimed, gesturing to the bottles she had arranged on her desk.


Five minutes later the mysterious, somewhat thick, and mildly warm liquid had been drunk. A sliver of it was still stuck to the right side of Kurenai’s lips as she held her bottle, puzzled. Part of her mind wanted to work out exactly what it was that she’d just put into her body - but a larger part of it wanted to never think about it again.

“Did it work?” she asked.

There was then a second. A second where, for the three women, the universe divided into ‘before this moment’ and ‘after this moment’. There wasn’t enough time to appreciate the feeling of their bodies changing permanently, so surprising was the sensation.

Three huge and perfectly curved futacocks tore through three different sets of clothes, but the surprised reactions of their three owners was exactly the same. Three jaws dropped in awe as not only did their dicks - complete with fat, juicy, tasty nuts below, throbbing with power - form, but they also came on the spot. Thick and messy jizz burst from the trio’s cocks like fountains, making a wonderful mess of the floor of Tsunade’s office.

After a couple of moments of very necessary calming down, Kurenai addressed Tsunade.

“Why does it have this effect?” she gasped.

“It’s to expel your weakness and sickness,” Tsunade explained. “It will disappear in a couple of days. Now what you three need to do is masturbate!” she cried, and the slightly villainous frown that appeared on her face was missed by all the women as they looked down at their brand new dicks.

Kurenai, Yakumo, and Ino looked from their cocks to Lady Tsunade’s now benevolent smiling face, and then back down to their cocks again. They all blushed deeply at the thought of what they were about to do - or decide not to do, and walk away from the most incredible power that any of them had ever seen. And all they needed to do was masturbate in front of each other, and then deal with having a huge dick for a couple of days?!

The choice, in reality, was easy.

“Hmm… okay!?” Kurenai said, and she led the way for the others.

She grabbed her cock, still powerfully hard, and began to pump it up and down. At first, given her audience of both peers and superiors, Kurenai was a little bashful with her dick… but the sensations of stroking its stiffness soon won out, urging her to move faster and faster. Kurenai built it and herself up to a crescendo she would never forget.

Release was sweet for the jōnin. The little splatter of cum she’d managed on first transforming was like a small shower compared to the thunderstorm of jizz that emerged upon her first real climax. Even better than the stunning, powerful orgasm Kurenai was enjoying was the effect on her body.

“Oh... my!” the kunoichi spluttered as the transformative magic had its way with her lean yet powerful physique. The most prominent of the changes was at breast level: Kurenai’s bust shifted from ‘micro’ to ‘ultra mega supermax’ in the blink of an eye, blooming into a pair of gorgeous tits that were each far bigger than her head. Her areolas puffed out from the wonderfully opulent overabundance of flesh, and her nipples grew stiff as in competition with the spasming hose that was her cock.

Of course, that wasn’t all. Kurenai’s muscles pumped up and out into the most delicious strength, albeit not power in direct competition with the likes of Lady Tsunade… at least, not yet. No, the black-haired kunoichi’s destiny was not yet fulfilled at that point - but it wouldn’t be too long.

Backing her tits’ surge into size most sumptuous were pecs that roared power in all three dimensions, bulking up to fill as much space as they could manage. They began just a little lower than Kurenai’s neck and were made of so much delectable beef they could easily have been mistaken for a nice pair of tits on their own. The parts of her pecs you could see behind the immodest flood of breastflesh that covered them were rich with veins and striations, perfectly pumped and deliciously defined.

Below Kurenai’s amazing double chest bounty was a midsection that demanded human touch. Obliques and serrati stood watchful guard over abs that jutted into the air in front of her like plates of armour. The ripples of succulent stomach strength that had forced their way to the surface of her belly were as droolworthy as they were power-packed.

From deltoid to forearm it looked like Kurenai’s formerly slender body had been stuffed with rocks, if rocks could be veiny. From her shoulders downwards looked like an avalanche of mighty muscle: bulked deltoids followed by the twinned beauty of her biceps and triceps, with formerly lean and graceful forearms now turned to weapons of destruction. Kurenai looked like she could punch through the city walls without much effort.

Yakumo was next. Once Kurenai’s clothes had exploded from her frame, the brunette knew she could not refuse the gift that Lady Tsunade had bestowed upon her. Believing it might be the key to claiming her own power for herself, Yakumo took her fabulous futacock in her left hand and pumped it into a perfect fountaining climax, adding to the thick mess on the floor of Tsunade’s office.

Her change was not nearly so neat as Kurenai’s. The heiress of the Kurama clan turned in disbelief to her right arm as it demolished her sleeve in an explosion of power. The limb now held more muscle than the entire rest of her body put together - maybe even double that.

Much like Kurenai, from Yakumo’s shoulder down to her wrist had taken on muscle mass as if it was leaving the country. The indomitable rock of her right delt wasn’t the main event of the change: that honour was bestowed upon a bicep so large that if Yakumo had turned to kiss it, she may have hit her nose on the impossibly brawny bulge instead. It rose like Atlantis returning from the depths of the oceans, a scene even those who’d witnessed first-hand would struggle to believe had happened once it was over.

The arcing curve of Yakumo’s tremendous tricep was, even relaxed so the bicep could have its monumental moment, an incredible sight. The sheer swell of mesmerising muscle was, from top to bottom, about the same size as the brunette’s torso. The degree of muscle expansion would have been off-the-charts, if Konoha’s charts hadn’t hastily been altered in the wake of the changes its finest were undergoing.

Yakumo’s forearm was also power made flesh. Although her bicep was clearly the star of the show, her forearm wasn’t going to be an idle co-star: it billowed with incredible strength, the sweet bulges a fine echo of the split peaks only a little higher up her arm. It had its fair share of vascularity, the whole coming together to snake and criss-cross the entirety of Yakumo’s muscle-stuffed limb like a flood all over the nation.

Kurenai’s transformation continued to spread down her body by pumping her legs up to crazy sizes. The sheer bulk of each of the four muscle heads that made up her now-colossal quads was so intense it burst her shorts into scraps so small it would’ve taken an expert seamstress hours to make them wearable again. Each of Kurenai’s power-stuffed legs was a pillar of strength on its own, and the pairing was nothing short of extreme.

In between these most lusty of limbs Kurenai’s cock was still long and luscious. She may have stopped cumming, but her fine futadick had stayed hard and ready, fully loaded for fun or mischief alike. Kurenai, though, was unable to think of anything other than her burgeoning bod.

Ino, on seeing what the changes were making of the others’ bodies, knew she could not afford to be left out of the powered-up group. If this was to be the new standard of beauty for Konoha, and she had the means to grasp it… so she grasped it. The longing, lusty strokes Ino gave her own cock were soon rewarded, firstly with a burst of jizz that flew from her thick cockhead like a geyser.

The second reward was a surge in size for her slight bust, which made short work of her purple shirt. Huge, spherical knockers simply appeared on Ino’s chest, her sweet areolas and stiff nipples surging into the air as if they were reaching for something. The blonde kunoichi arched her back in an attempt to get used to the weight of her new jumbo juggs.

Although Ino’s journey to incredible strength was just starting, that of the women around her simply continued apace. Yakumo’s legs simply exploded into tree-trunk-like musculature, thick and full and power beyond power. The four muscle heads of her quadriceps had blossomed into such size that describing them as ‘slabs of muscle’ wouldn’t do: they were more like huge hunks of hard heft, beautiful bulges of bulk that would power her leaps, kicks, and runs forevermore.

Yakumo’s legs were certainly in keeping with the rocket cock between them, still stiff, still ready to pump pints of thick and luscious cum wherever it was needed.

In fact, her futadick did just that as her pants utterly gave up the will to contain such a beautiful, brawny bod. A pair of rich, round glutes tore their way through the seat of Yakumo’s pants, the shape utterly irresistible. Yakumo’s hair flew this way and that as the transformation continued to change her into a being of utmost force, albeit seemingly at random.

Ino continued to be blessed with beef. Her thighs began to pump up, which in turn caused the ruination of the bandages she wore there. Power akin to Yakumo’s was building up, one leg at a time, with her right the first invited to the party. The blonde’s naked ass was quite the sight, if not in the same league as Yakumo’s… yet.

Kurenai, the first to complete Lady Tsunade’s transformative task, was rightly ahead of the others in the muscle growth stakes. Her upper body was being moulded into that of a champion warrior, with every muscle from her neck down to her wrists now in a contest with its friends for size and vascularity. The black-haired beauty winced against the pain of such thorough change having its way with her body, eyes closed and teeth grit, but she knew better than most what effect a moment’s bravery could have.

And oh, boy, was it having an effect.

Kurenai’s traps had grown to engulf her neck and beyond; it looked like it would be a tough task for the black-haired jōnin to simply turn her head amongst the decidedly unreal muscle mass. The muscle looked more like a mountain range, if mountains could be riddled with pulsing veins. Worse - or better! - still, that was only the start.

Deltoids comfortably bigger than Kurenai’s head had burst into life to take their rightful place amongst the power of her burgeoning body. Bigger than her head and alive with pulsing vascularity, the extraordinary muscles would make even the widest doorways quiver in fear. Multiple striations were carved deep into the monumental masses, giving them quite the pumpkin look.

Just below and entirely in keeping with the rest of Kurenai’s ultra-imposing physical landscape were her biceps and triceps. As usual, the biceps were showing off much more than their more reticent friends the triceps: ultra-defined and mega-sized bulges of power flexed up, almost glowing with the number and spread of pencil-thick veins that covered their superior surfaces. The raging masses squashed into Kurenai’s breasts as she adopted an unintentional most muscular pose.

Although not in tension like Kurenai’s biceps were, her triceps were massive, densely packed with muscle fibre, and intimidatingly big. They too had more than their fair share of veins and striations, in keeping with the beautifully defined mass the transformation was building all over the black-haired jōnin’s more-than-impressive brawnbod. It seemed as if they had been hewn from solid rock.

Even Kurenai’s forearms were alive with pure power. Veins wriggled down their entire thickness, right down to her wrists. If you had wanted to, you could trace the path of her veins from her right wrist to her left, unbroken across the merciless landscape of her upper chest, and all the way over to the opposite side.

Yakumo’s transformation was nearly over and, to celebrate her newly musclebound - or should that have been ‘musclefreed’? - ultrabod, she chose to pull the most muscular pose that Kurenai had ended up in by accident. Immense muscle mass flexed hard into tits beyond reckoning as quite an evil grin stole across the brunette’s usually timid face. At that very instant Yakumo’s hair flew up and out of the way as her traps received their final burst of power; her cock had even softened enough to give the watching Lady Tsunade a full view of the majesty of her physique.

Put simply, Yakumo looked strong enough to wrestle dragons for sport. Every inch of her - except for her megamassive mams, which looked like they could feed the village comfortably - was superdefined brawn, beef beyond the telling. Her abs had come together into thick plates of mass, racing from her crotch up to the jiggly juggs that hid the top row perfectly, by way of a distorted navel that had been crushed under the awesome abdominal pressure.

Looking above Yakumo’s yummy melons, perfected with a wonderfully oval-shaped splash of areola and the sweetest, most perfect nipples, brought the brunette’s monster pecs into view. Both were mirror twins of breadth, bulk, brawn, and beauty, ripped and ready, flexed up as high as Yakumo’s neck.

At the moment, though, Yakumo’s torso was not the main event, as spectacular as it certainly was.

No, the headline act was the span of superb and superlative strength from right fist to left fist and back again, a journey the eye was compelled to make many, many times, not least simply to try and make sense of it all. Yakumo’s traps, heroic hunks of hugeness, interfered with her ears, such was their size. Their outrageous bulk set the tone for what was to come.

Delts bigger than Yakumo’s head - bigger than her goddess gigaglobes, even! - came next, easily the thickest and largest muscles of her upper body. To call them ‘massive’ would be to miss out on an opportunity to use words like ‘gigantic’, ‘enormous’, or ‘hypertrophied to the most amazing extent’. Yakumo’s were the biggest, baddest deltoids in the room - and, given the colossal company she was keeping at that moment, that was saying something.

But there was more mind-melting might to be considered. It was mainly her biceps that had squashed into her super-sized spheres, testing firmness against firmness in a contest that made anyone who viewed it into winners. The bulked brawn of Yakumo’s blistering biceps was perfectly shaped, incredibly sized, and awash with throbbing thick veins: a thrill-ride of mass most extraordinaire.

Perhaps the most amazing part of Yakumo’s pose was her triceps. In flexion their true, devastating shape was revealed: the horseshoes blowing up and out of her fearsome frame would have shoed a beast three or four times the normal size, such was their insane beauty-bulk. Put simply, Yakumo’s bicep-tricep combo outmassed her delts to a point that should have looked ridiculous, yet looked amazing. Stupefying. Dumbfounding.

Even beyond those bountiful biceps and terrific triceps there was megamass to be found. Yakumo’s forearms were like battering rams, thick with and full of most majestic muscle. The thick veins that criss-crossed her entire body found their ends in the backs of her hands, still as numerous and wide as they were further back.

As Yakumo settled into her newly massive bulk and power, Ino’s metamorphosis was slowing to a halt too. The two women couldn’t have been more contrasting if they’d aimed for it: where Yakumo was mass incarnate, Ino was lean strength. Despite the differences, both women were far more powerful than the average Konoha resident by several orders of magnitude.

Where Yakumo had celebrated the end of her transformation by posing for the crowd, Ino opted for something slightly less traditional: the orgasm. Her cock had refused to go down, as obstinate as the woman herself, and its size obscured all but the top row of her most impressive ten-pack abs. In addition, the absolute fountain of futacum Ino was spurting further blocked the view of her most impressive form, though most particularly her overdeveloped bust.

Despite the extra width afforded by lats that helped enhance her hourglass silhouette, Ino’s goddess-shaming gigaglobes are second only to Lady Tsunade’s for both heft and beauty. Her areolas are wider than her head and her nipples would be more than a mouthful for most people - though there would be no shortage of folks willing to try to stuff the gorgeous lengths between their lips.

Beyond those mind-altering megamams, Ino was simply shredded strength, definition redefined and upgraded. It would be no exaggeration to claim that pretty much the only fat on her figure was in her chest, bouncing and luscious. So numerous were the veins running up and down her physique that you’d have needed more than four pairs of hands to count them all.

With her body fat so low, every muscle on Ino’s body popped magnificently, and none more so at that moment than her biceps. The thick hulks of huge heft showed the most beautiful and obvious split peaks of any woman who’d transformed up to that point, and it really looked like rocks had been stuffed under her skin to play the role. The overall impression Ino’s upper arms were giving as her body finally settled into its new size was a bridge holding two boulders that bulged over their sides ominously.

Although Ino’s waist was slender - in comparison, as after all, it still needed to hold her fabulous abs, rippling obliques, and sweet serrati - her body rounded out again with an ass that competed gamely with the width of her queen’s quads. Her glutes were ready for any task you could give them with their delicious roundness and more-than-impressive power. To see them from the front, though, was to miss out on the full force of their appeal… although, of course, the fact that they could be seen at all from that angle was astounding in and of itself.

‘As above, so below’ seemed to be the motto of Ino’s formidable physique, as her quads were just as ripped and shredded as the rest of her. The hills and valleys of mesmerising mass were the most prominent of the women in the room; although not the largest, her definition made her perhaps the most intimidating. Either way, there was no denying that Ino’s thighs were ‘quad goals’.

Ino’s throbbing, thick pecs bulged from her upper body like they’d been born for the task. What felt like dozens of pounds of grade-A beef backed up her breasts so perfectly that they gave her cleavage an average person could put their hand between. Put simply, Ino’s body seemed made to show off her breasts, breasts that would make any goddess of love either mindlessly drool with pleasure or steaming mad with envy.

When the dust had settled - well, when the cum had settled into thick gobbets of virile seed on the poor wooden floor that creaked in protest at the sudden massive increase in the pressure on it - a huge smile spread over Lady Tsunade’s face. She turned to each of the newly-minted muscle goddesses in front of her in turn, appreciating the differences between their superbuilt megabodies. The blonde couldn’t help but nod and may even have licked her lips.

“Impressive, girls!!” she exclaimed. Of course, her words came backed up by her own impressive physique, with pecs up to her neck and traps like two sides of a loaf of bread swallowing her neck. In short, Tsunade knows ‘impressive’ from personal experience.

“Now take this,” she continues. “It will help you.” Tsunade passed each woman a small pill, and didn’t have to explain its function. The three smiles that greeted her told Tsunade they all knew what it was for. She nodded at the trio to dismiss them, but couldn’t help but make one last comment.

“Congratulations on your new body, Yakumo,” Tsunade smiled. “You look lovely!”

The brunette smiled in return. Keeping her eyes locked with Tsunade’s, she flexed her right arm to sizes that few could compete with, even amongst the transformed. Yakumo was radiant in more ways than one as her eyes gave back the compliment a hundredfold.

Then the women got to work.

Chapter Six

To be continued...


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