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Chapter One

It was a wonderful, normal summer’s day in Konoha - if there could be such a thing! - and Hinata Hyuga was outdoors, training. The further she got into her routine, though, the less herself she felt. As she landed a wonderful open-palm strike on the chest of the training dummy with her left hand, she gave voice to her concerns.

“I’m feeling weird…” she managed, her long dark hair whipping out behind her as she moved, eyes wide with worry. The oddness was concentrated around her chest and had been building up for the entire session. The young kunoichi had gotten really very uncomfortable and so paused her training to check herself over.

The instant Hinata stepped back, it happened.

Her top whipped open as her breasts positively exploded in size. Hinata gasped as the warm air hit her sweet, sensitive, and suddenly seriously sizable spheres. Once the explosion was over the firm flesh slapped back onto her slender torso, and was so big it was difficult to see her navel in between… but it wasn’t the only boon Hinata was going to be blessed with.

Round behind she had been blessed with a very, well, round behind. Hinata’s ass surged through her underwear and pants, a wonderful firm and round echo of the enormous tits that had suddenly sprung from her torso. Her butt managed to look firm as well as juicy, pounds of delicious flesh clearly coating some serious strength.

Hinata must have looked very panicked, because Sakura stopped her own training regime to come over and investigate. Perhaps the sounds of pants ripping had drawn her over, but whatever it was, she was soon at Hinata’s side, her face radiating concern for her friend.

“What’s happening, Hinata?” Sakura asked. “Do you need help?” The pink-haired medical-nin tried to sound soothing and helpful, as she could well be - she knew a few healing chakras. If all else failed, though, the village’s resident healer could be summoned. She would know what to do about this sudden and weird body part growth!

In response Hinata only managed “I…”. Her tits and ass were not the only things that would change for the young woman that day: as she faced Sakura, her neck began to thicken with muscle, and a series of veins began to swarm up the sides of her neck and across her chest between that neck and her still-swelling udders. Hinata’s expression was one of pain yet pleasure, topped off with a blush as whatever the transformation was continued its work.

There followed what can only be described as two explosions.

A pair of pectoral muscles that easily outsized any man the pair had ever met burst from Hinata’s upper torso. They were huge, jutting slabs of the most powerful and vascular strength, and they forced Hinata’s hefty hooters apart as a powerful crevasse of muscle cleavage formed to take the place of her more traditional one. Hinata’s eyes popped wide as her body changed again, blessed with this burst of brutal, bulging beef.

Around her bulking neck came traps that threatened to swallow Hinata whole. A second explosion of meaty muscle, huge and hard, erupted up from the black-haired kunoichi’s shoulders like a pair of volcanic bombs, if volcanic bombs were covered in rivers of thick veins. Hinata’s jacket tore clean away with the massive and muscular expansion, the young woman herself able to see much of what was happening - but only in her peripheral vision.

Nonetheless, Hinata looked terrified as her body changed without her say-so. Her pale eyes were wide and near-wild as her hair blew out of position with the sudden expansion of her traps. Her teeth clamped together to prevent the scream she could feel was building up inside her.

The sudden bout of nudity was not the only indignity Hinata suffered. As her pecs practically shoved her tits out of the way, Hinata’s left boob was shoved roughly towards Sakura’s face! Unable to get out of the way in time, Sakura only had one option, and she took it.

In fact, Sakura took Hinata’s naked, throbbing nipple into her mouth. As she told everyone later, there really was no choice: it was that, or be full-on smacked in the mouth by a tit so big and firm that it outsized her head - and she’d have been knocked out, too. As it was, Sakura’s reactions saved her from that horrible possibility.

It was the turn of Sakura’s eyes to burst wide open at the weird position she now found herself in: her friend’s thick, sweet-pink nipple now firmly inside her mouth, throbbing longer and sweeter as the moments passed. The wonderful yet horrible thought that it was actually quite pleasant flitted through Sakura’s mind before it was chased away at the disgust of this, this… invasion. She was just about to shove Hinata when something else happened.

She latched on to Hinata.

An absolute torrent of the creamiest, most delicious milk Sakura had ever tasted burst from Hinata’s invading nipple. Even if she had been prepared for it, the pink-haired woman wouldn’t have been able to swallow the load Hinata had ready for her; unprepared, the soothing hot milk shot out of her nose as well as down her chin, to be sadly wasted on the ground below. Sakura shut her eyes as her belly filled with the deliciousness.

For an instant that lasted an age, the pair stayed like that: Hinata, in the middle of some kind of muscular transformation, body parts powering up seemingly at random; and Sakura, unfortunate victim of said transformation, suckling at the suddenly-lactating tit of her friend. The spell only broke when the vibrant and vivid horror at what was happening turned Sakura’s stomach (albeit a rather full one, thank you very much!). The pink-haired woman found the strength to get away from her friend’s massive mammary and run.

“I’ll get Lady Tsunade to help you!” Sakura exclaimed, turning to look at Hinata one final time. Fear stood tall in the pink-haired medical-nin’s eyes in that moment: fear of what was happening to her friend, but also a touch of fear for herself. Twin trails of Hinata’s breast milk ran down her cheeks from the corners of her mouth, falling to the ground as wasted droplets.

And so Sakura left the scene, running as fast as her toned legs could carry her, away from whatever was happening to Hinata and towards Lady Tsunade and whatever help she could provide for her poor stricken friend. As Sakura ran, though, her own remarkable transformation began. Unlike Hinata, the medical-nin’s lower half was the first to change.

As Sakura’s legs pounded down the well-worn path to Lady Tsunade’s office, they began to take on bulk the young woman would never have dreamed she could possess. Her quads and hamstrings ballooned into the sort of mighty mass that resembled tree trunks more than human legs. Fortunately her shorts managed to stretch to cover the tops of thighs that rivalled only the very strongest of men.

Sakura’s boots held, too, although the calves that now bulged over the top of them were stress-testing the fabric far more than the person who’d made them could’ve ever imagined. The balls of muscle were bigger than her fists and beautifully shaped, as if an angel had a hand in their creation. Whatever was happening, it certainly helped Sakura fly to her destination much faster than she ever had before.

Left behind, immobilised by the powerful effects of the metamorphosis, Hinata could only experience a pang of envy at her friend’s fluid flight. The transformation, whatever it was, was making its way down her body with the beauty and power of a waterfall. Hinata shut her eyes and groaned as the furious pain of change cascaded down her physique.

“Sakura, wait…” she managed to groan out through the tremendous burst of physical agony she was experiencing… but her words fell short of Sakura’s ears. The pink-haired medical-nin was already much too far away to hear Hinata’s plea. Those brand new legs of hers were making short work of the trip to Tsunade’s - Hinata couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy as her own legs were as yet untouched.

And so Hinata stood, frozen in place, with her body from the neck down transforming at pace, and pleasure layering in to keep her mind away from the pain. Her traps were so massive they looked like wings ready to unfold. Her pecs were layered with so much mighty strength that the colossal veins that criss-crossed them were like four lightning bolts at once.

But even with this incredible burst of the most amazing strength, Hinata’s most noticeable features were her breasts. The udders from which Sakura had unwittingly drunk near doubled the width of Hinata’s torso, with areolas almost the size of the young kunoichi’s face, never mind breasts far bigger than her head! The heaving celestial orbs, complete with nipples hard as steel with unbound pleasure, were held in beautiful separation by her pure power pecs, hung to just above her navel, and were clearly very ready to feed others the magical milk that was already doing quite the number on Sakura.

Speaking of Hinata’s navel, the changes had been rung down to the bottom of her abdomen. Much of her powerful, if not brutal, six-pack was unfortunately obscured by her bountiful bust. The portion that could be seen, though, spoke of serious strength.

In fact, to be honest, it roared of serious strength.

The outlines of each beautiful block of muscular mass were strong and true, carved deeply onto Hinata’s slender abdomen. A series of veins trickled down from what was still technically her cleavage to land in the space just above her pants, leading ever downwards to her pelvis, which was rushing with heat unlike any Hinata had ever experienced. Her belly button sat, shaped like an arrow pointing upwards to breasts that didn’t need any extra attention bringing to them, in the middle of the tight and strong landscape as a very bemused bystander.

Just then there was an explosion.

The source of the explosion was Hinata’s legs, and her pants the source of the sound. Sadly said pants were completely destroyed in the immediate aftermath, a necessary casualty of the continued path of the transformation down Hinata’s body. The cause of the explosion was now very clear to see.

Apart from her sleeves, Hinata was now naked, and what splendid nudity it was! The strength that had poured onto Sakura’s legs was perfected on Hinata’s: all four mouth-watering muscle heads of her massive quads were huge and hard and hefty. They bulged and writhed and seemed to compete for space on the black-haired young woman’s thighs, each more mesmerising than the last.

There was almost no fat to speak of to get in the way of the stunning sight, either: each block and ridge and groove was so well-defined they seemed to cut the air itself. The thickest and longest veins yet ran in jagged curves down their lengths, feeding them the precious blood they needed for pump and power alike. To put it simply, Hinata’s legs were built for speed for days.

Below these hypnotic hulks of brawn were Hinata’s calves. Although these bulges of power paled in comparison with her thighs, they held their own: each looked like it had been carved from solid rock and shoved into position with an expert sculptor’s eye. They too had the sprinkling of veins that such sheer strength required - no, demanded!

The destruction of her pants meant that every part of Hinata’s body that wasn’t inside her miraculously untouched sleeves was now on display for the world to see. The warm summer air whispered gentle heat over a body already awash with power and pleasure to such an extent that Hinata couldn’t tell them apart in the moment. Her pussy throbbed and clenched with wanton lust, gently peeking from between legs an artist would need a thousand lifetimes to capture perfectly.

A diamond in the buff.

The extra stimulation was all that was needed to push Hinata over the edge and her pussy gushed with gorgeous orgasm. The young and now colossal kunoichi’s thighs were coated in her own juices and any of the luscious liquid that didn’t land on those hefty hunks of huge splashed onto the ground between her feet as a sweet line of thick femmecum. The gasp that burst from Hinata’s lips echoed around the training space.

“I need to share this!” Hinata exclaimed. Although her teeth had come together and she was smiling, it didn’t look like a grin of sharing and friendship, no. Instead, Hinata’s lips were giving a rictus of intended power and domination.

The thought alone, the thought of what she could now do, the thought of who she could share her magic metamorphosing milk with, brought another squirting orgasm from Hinata’s happy pussy. She dropped her left hand onto the lower part of her abdomen, just enough to pulse in some extra stimulation for her nethers, which had an ‘I’m just getting started’ look to them. Hinata’s clit was a flame in its own right as a second torrent of femmecum added another layer of slick to her inner thighs and completed the pattern on the ground below her.

As all the possibilities of her powers whirled through her mind, Hinata knew a decision needed to be made. Despite the thrum of brain fog as her clit threatened to turn her into a mindless orgasm machine, Hinata found the path she needed. She gritted her teeth into a quite malevolent smile, her eyebrows knotting together at the same time.

“I’ll help Sakura with her ascension!”

Sakura was long out of sight, well on the way to reaching Lady Tsunade’s office to find help for whatever she thought was happening to Hinata. As her eyes had been closed at the time, the only way Hinata knew that something had happened to her friend was by the sound of the increasingly heavy footfalls as she ran away. Her mind had guessed, correctly, that something like her own transformation - ascension! - was happening to Sakura too.

Of course, Hinata’s own ascension was incomplete. The arms still held within her sleeves were an odd sight compared to the rest of her now quite inhumanly strong bod, as if a bull had forelegs as thin as a needle. Hinata decided that perhaps they needed a little helping along the way - if not, she would be doomed to look mighty strange for the rest of her life!

The black-haired kunoichi reluctantly moved her left hand away from her pelvis and into a classic biceps flex. As her arm bent into the mighty shape, a second explosion occurred. New and powerful muscle burst through and obliterated her left sleeve as if it were wet paper, levelling up with brawn far more in keeping with the rest of Hinata’s changed physique.

Hinata’s flexed bicep was bigger than her head, a colossal and perfectly carved mound of the most extreme might imaginable that reached almost to her goddess fist. The veins that were a hallmark of the rest of her tremendous form found echoes in her arm: they wriggled down her forearm as if they were trying to get free, but were comparatively restrained along the billow of her beautiful bicep with just the two. The whole gleamed with strength, particularly when paired with the arcing curve of a tricep whose shape resembled a hammock a giant could lie in.

Slowly Hinata turns to take in the sight of her arm. Her expression sets; her determination so big she’s surprised the town is still intact. With glorious purpose Hinata’s incredible new body rumbles forward towards Lady Tsunade’s office, and a destiny none of them could have ever imagined.

Chapter Two

The doors to Lady Tsunade’s office opened with the kind of bang that could only mean trouble was brewing in Konoha. As Tsunade and Shizune looked up to see who it was, the expression on the intruder’s face only confirmed that thought. As the sweat poured down the young woman’s face, she in turn noted the startled expressions of the two women and knew she would have to explain herself.

“Lady Tsunade!!” Sakura, the intruder, exclaimed, her expression communicating how worried she was, how serious the event could be. “Hinata has been infected by a dangerous virus!”

The only problem was that Sakura’s legs had grown into a pair of extraordinary, supermuscular limbs. Her shorts looked painted on to quads that looked like barrels, with her boots not faring much better on the lower half of calves that would be more than a handful for a large man. To put it simply, the entrance Sakura had blocked with her arrival was filled, for the most part, by her incredibly powerful legs.

Tsunade stood, her assessment of the situation quick, incisive, and complete. The busty blonde beauty leaned on her desk for support, for emphasis, before she reacted.

“Are you infected too?” she exclaimed, and she couldn’t keep a touch of worry - perhaps even fear - from her voice. Fortunately Sakura’s reply was decisive.

“No!” the pink-haired medical-nin replied.

Unfortunately, it would prove to be a lie - a lie she’d told because she didn’t know any better at the time.

Even though one quick glance at Sakura would confirm that something was up, both Tsunade and Shizune had a moment of pure relief. If either of them were to become infected, healing Hinata would be made exponentially more challenging. The two healers made their way round Tsunade’s desk to get more details from Sakura about exactly what had happened when events overtook them, and the conversation was cut short.


Sakura screamed, her head tilted back, the sudden impossible pain that threatened to tear her apart roared out through a body not capable of the task. Tsunade and Shizune took identical steps back from their stricken friend, if only to be in a good position to observe what they both grimly understood now to be the effects of the very virus Sakura had warned them about. It wasn’t - and yet was - a pretty sight.