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Chapter One

Dark clouds had gathered around the shrine, the pregnant sky tainted an eldritch deep purple that promised the worst storm in living memory. Nothing had risked being outside: there wasn’t even a bird in the sky. As if to punctuate the horrific threat that hung in the air, a scream rang out; a young woman, unmistakeable.


Hinata Hyuga was trapped, her wrists and ankles bound to a stone platform by thick metal restraints, her arms doubly secured by strong chains. Her black hair was splayed beneath her prone form, her eyes screwed tight shut to block out the nightmare that was the man standing next to her, over her. Hinata wore a sleeveless crop top that emphasised the beauty of her breasts and her flat stomach, whilst a pair of shorts hugged her hips and upper thighs for comfort.

There was precious little of that.

Hinata panted, a futile attempt to recover breath after her scream. No-one had heard her, save the mad scientist who stood tall beside her, her captor. The man’s arms were folded and he loosed a little scuttering laugh as Hinata huffed oxygen back into her body.

Hair dark in a mirror of Hinata’s own, the monster Orochimaru began to speak. His face was pulled into a triumphant glare, his smile foreboding. Hinata made sure to listen to every word the malevolent man uttered, hoping to gather some clue as to his plans: fortunately, Orochimaru was quite forthcoming.

“I’m fed up with Konoha following him and spoiling my projects,” he began. “You’re going to serve as a distraction whilst I take the body of Satsuki. She was going to serve as a guinea pig for this latest invention with the virus, which causes muscle growth impossible in normal time and causes the body to produce male hormones which result in extreme arousal, which only stops after three days or if the subject satisfies this desire.”

Hinata noted every word, even though she couldn’t understand much of the villain’s plan. Male hormones? Extreme arousal? What could it all mean?

“Anyways,” Orochimaru continued, “you will forget all the explanation… but I had to explain such a work, even if you only remember it as a nightmare.”

The villain flicked his tongue out and a drop of saliva dripped from the tip, a moment that made Hinata shudder even more than the promise she would forget what was about to happen.

Sure enough, Hinata woke up and spread her pale eyes wide, face a gasp at the powerful villainy she’d just experienced. She grasped at the memory of her dream but it fell through her mind’s fingers like sand, just as Orochimaru had promised her. Hinata blinked.

She sat upright and raised her left fist to her forehead. Whatever it was that had frightened her so was slipping away: the only sensation that remained one of mild dread. Eventually even that settled into the background.

However, even as Hinata tried to lock on to what had occurred in her dream, veins were snaking the length of her forearms…


One hour later Hinata was going about her usual routine, which meant training at the dojo. She’d already worked with her shuriken and knives, both embedded in the face of the training dummy without mercy, and had moved on to hand-to-hand combat. Her stance was strong as she planted a particularly wicked palm strike with her right hand on the dummy’s chest, her face lined with concentration… but then her success was interrupted.

A sharp, painful sensation made her stop, a wordless cry bursting from her sweat-streaked face. Hinata’s right hand fell to her pelvis, the source of the hurt, and her questing fingers found something. Far more than there should have been.

“AAAAHRGH!!” she cried, half in agony, half in surprise. A bulge had formed in her underwear, thrusting a sudden tent into her pants. As Hinata reeled the bulge burst up and out, not content to be a mere tent any longer.

Fortunately, Hinata was not alone in the dojo. Her friend and fellow kunoichi, Sakura Haruno, was working through her own training regimen nearby. The pink-haired girl had heard Hinata’s scream and ran into the room to offer her help.

“Was it you who just shouted?” Sakura asked. Hinata had her back turned to her friend, so the exact cause of her predicament had yet to be revealed.

“I need help!” Hinata managed as sweat slid down her paled face. Something in her tone lit concern in Sakura, whose own face took on much of the worry of her friend. Sakura took a step forward.

“What is wrong?” Sakura asked, a hint of tremor through her words. “Turn around, Hinata!”

Once Hinata had turned to face Sakura, the problem was immediately obvious. Sakura leaned forward and got close to investigate the bizarre bulge in her friend’s pants. She pressed her index finger to the curious, thrusting bump in Hinata’s pants: it was warm, maybe even hot.

“Is that a joke?” Sakura whispered.

It was not.

Making contact with the strange growth proved to be the wrong thing to do: it doubled in length with an absurd and yet very appropriate bulge sound. Sakura moved her finger away as if it had been stung by a wasp. A clear liquid began to pulse through Hinata’s pants as the cause of the liquid did much the same.

“Wha?” Sakura exclaimed as she reeled away.

But she didn’t move far enough. The feelings that tore through Hinata - and the absurdly long, sweet cock that tore through her pants at the exact same time - forced her into action. She grabbed Sakura’s head with both hands as the urges Orochimaru had warned of robbed the black-haired kunoichi of her thinking mind.

Sakura, meanwhile, was utterly powerless. Hinata’s dick was deep in her throat: the hot, veiny expanse of pre-spattered majesty a most incredible part of her world. Her eyes popped wide as precum slicked down her cheeks and spilt from the rigid beauty of Hinata’s girlcock, so long that Sakura couldn’t fit it all in her slender body.

If the experience was good for Sakura, it was transformative for Hinata. The dark-haired kunoichi had shut her eyes to take in as much of the feeling of having her powerful prick sucked, the blush lighting her cheeks at the same time as her libido fired pleasure directly into her willing brain. The very highest peak of bliss was only moments away.

At the same instant as her thoughts washed away, the right sleeve of Hinata’s training robe exploded violently, the fabric instant confetti that flew far away from her burgeoning body. Hinata’s right arm had grown the most incredible muscle in an instant, just as Orochimaru had said it would. What he had not made clear was just how much there would be.

Hinata’s new right delt was as big as her head and that was only the beginning for her luscious limb. Beneath that dominating deltoid was a bicep to be reckoned with - more likely ‘run away from’, given the absolute brawn of the burly bulge, magnificent before Hinata had even flexed it. A pencil thick vein echoed its curve, feeding the meaty muscle with power.

But even the size and strength of her beefy biceps could not compare to the warmth and wonder of her tremendous tricep. An absolute feast of flaring, fiery force, it ran the entire length from Hinata’s delt to her elbow and tore into the air as size incarnate. Its colossal curvature took breath from the viewer’s lungs as wonderfully as it added strength to Hinata’s body.

The veins that ran down Hinata’s mighty forearm didn’t just speak of strength: they roared it up to the heavens so everyone could hear and know. In an instant it was as thick as her thigh and many, many times more powerful. Sakura felt the burst of heat the change caused through her hair as Hinata’s hands stayed resolutely where they were, holding her pink-haired friend in place so they could both work through the pleasure.

Orochimaru’s promise had not included the possibility of a lop-sided body, though, and so it proved a moment later when Hinata’s left sleeve burst open too. Her left arm became a perfect mirror of her right in terms of size; though the veins trickled different down the newly enlarged length, the same striking striations roared into lusty life. Hinata had been empowered beyond her wildest dreams, but the only thought running through her head was release.

The transcendent transformation was far from over, though. As the moment of all-important, all-consuming release neared, every part of Hinata’s body that had yet to change went under an abrupt and incredible transformation. After all, if Orochimaru was being truthful, then she needed to become before she could cum.

Hinata’s torso exploded in all available directions. Her traps bulged up and out to form the perfect complement to her distinctive delts, large and luscious power to grasp the kunoichi’s slender neck, itself pumped to new thickness to complete the look. The graceful arcs her trapezius formed were like mountain ridges; appropriate, given the boulderiness of her new bod.

Below them Hinata’s pecs formed a platform, a shelf of strength that began just below her neckline and did not quit for a second before her abdomen ablaze took the baton in the smoothest changeover possible. The slabs of pectoral perfection contributed to cleavage that ran from her neck down, the megamuscles knitted tight together in a bond that none could break. Hinata’s robe didn’t stand a chance and tore to pieces that fluttered away on the heat.

However, pretty much every pound of her beefchunk chest was hidden behind the largest and most perfect breasts ever seen in the region - even bigger and better than Tsunade-sama’s now humble-seeming endowments. Both beautifully rounded and deliciously shaped megamounds of mammary magnificence were bigger than Hinata’s head by some way. If she hadn’t been so concerned with keeping Sakura’s head in place, the black-haired buffbeauty would have grabbed them and kneaded them roughly.

As it was, the pretty perfection of her sweet pink areolas, a sensual and inviting oval shape, remained untouched. Likewise, the gentle urge of her thick nipples stayed unlicked. Of course, the one largest erogenous zone on Hinata’s body was receiving quite some stimulation - whether Sakura consented or not.

Unconcerned, Hinata’s abs popped up to complete the picture of a torso of which the strongest Amazonian warrior would rightly be proud. Eight muscles in total licked to the surface of Hinata’s skin, billowing with enough power to ensure she would never need armour to protect her midsection again. Her slender navel burst to the surface of her belly, crowning its delight.

Hinata had reached the point of no return. She let her head fall back as the promise of release surged through her, biting her lip as pleasure began its tickling overload. The blush coating her face deepened as her eyes half-closed: the black-haired kunoichi’s orgasm face.

She withdrew her obscene girlcock from Sakura’s lips just in time to shower her pink-haired friend in thick ropes of jizz, giving the smaller woman her own orgasm face. Sakura had just enough presence of mind to shut her eyes and purse her lips as the first wave of cum splattered from Hinata’s cannon. Her cheeks and chin were covered, with one particularly powerful spurt landing just above her left eyebrow.

That orgasm seemed to be the catalyst for Hinata’s growth to continue the aggressive expansion in quite a big way. The kunoichi’s pants ripped as her glutes burst from meek and mild into brawnbeef bulks of fabulously fitting forceful. The entire red-hot expanse of Hinata Hyuga’s hulking huge was now muscle made real: her lats and traps had made of her back an alien landscape of mass, whilst her arms were barbarian battering rams of the most strutting, steaming strength.

Hinata would be able to defend Konoha solo from now on - and her body still wasn’t done.

Sakura, meanwhile, could not escape being affected by the superspecimen Hinata was becoming, right in front of her eyes. By pure instinct she leaned forward to take Hinata’s gorgeous girthy girlcock in her mouth again. Sakura shut her eyes to drink in the sensations sucking Hinata gave her, as well as the tastes as she licked the appendage clean of any forgotten cum, the thickness of it spreading all around her mouth as she indulged.

Although she had the upper body - and ass! - of some forgotten goddess of muscle, Hinata was rather top-heavy… right up until monumental mass layered onto her thighs in an instant, tearing her pants into gleeful shreds of nothing. The moment was as explosive as her orgasms: her quads bulked wider than Sakura, each, by far; utterly in keeping with the impossibly well-built woman she needed to be. Pencil-thick veins streaked around each of the majestic muscle heads like a lover’s fingertips tracing the beauty they found there.

The moment pulled Sakura from her cum-hungry trance. The pink-haired kunoichi staggered back from Hinata’s cock and loosed the mighty beast from the comfort she’d given it, and couldn’t even look as the appendage wobbled about from the sudden release, its motion like a snake trying to mesmerise its prey. Sakura managed to stand and turn, a sudden squall of emotions bringing tears to her eyes.

“Leave me alone!” Sakura cried, eyes wide in true fear. She raised her right arm to block any revenge that might have come from Hinata, but the newly birthed muscle goddess was rooted to the spot. Sakura saw and seized her chance in the same moment.

She turned and ran for the dojo door as fast as her unsteady legs could carry her. Despite the devastation of cum and burst clothes on the floor, Sakura managed a wonderful turn of speed. For her part, Hinata watched the smaller woman go.

“Why are you running?” the new Hinata called after her now much smaller friend. Her eyebrows drew together in a dark frown as veins crawled up her face to reach, and yet not touch, her eyes, themselves lit with a dark flame. “I can see your bump!”

The ‘bump’ in question was a not-too-discreet bulge in the crotch of Sakura’s shorts. It was a pretty good replica of the one Sakura herself had investigated in Hinata’s pants only moments earlier, and it could only mean one thing for the pink-haired kunoichi’s immediate future. At that point, though, she was more concerned about finding help.

That’s why, a few moments later, Sakura burst into another room in Konoha.

“Lady Tsunade!!” Sakura exclaimed on finding the city’s great healer, Tsunade, an older blonde woman, with her apprentice Shizune, a great friend of Sakura’s. The emotions on Sakura’s face were a mixture of fear, anger, and disappointment in herself. She’d managed to clean her face of tears and cum on the way over, for which she was grateful: that would be no way to present yourself to your mentor!

“There’s something wrong with Hinata!!!” Sakura continued, hollering the emergency before either Tsunade or Shizune could act. “She’s…”

Sakura’s words came to an abrupt halt, as something about the looks Tsunade and Shizune were giving her felt very wrong indeed. The pink-haired kunoichi took a moment to study the pair of them, her eyes narrowed and brow furled into frown. When the realisation hit her, she couldn’t help but cry out again.

“Wait, you’re both drunk?”

The special blushes and dopey/hungry grins on both their faces told Sakura the answer more clearly than their words could have - and that was fortunate, as neither Tsunade or Shizune actually spoke. Shizune simply held her glass whilst Tsunade stared hungrily at poor Sakura, her robe open to reveal much of her large breast. The Strength of a Hundred seal still glittered on her forehead, but something about her expression spoke of intentions that were far from healing.

It was too much for Sakura. In that momentary maelstrom of emotion, the ‘bump’ Hinata had given her took over. She touched the underside of the bulge with her left hand, fingertips delivering the most gentle of caresses to what she found.

And that was all it took.

Sakura’s very own futacock tore through her shorts. It reached full mast instantly, an eye-watering length with both an amazing girth and the most wondrous of curves, guaranteed to be the envy of any man she knew. Its head was large and angry purple, whilst her egg-sized balls hung sweetly beneath.

With no warning whatsoever, Sakura experienced the first of her new orgasms. A virile volley of jizz shot from her cum-cannon in a great torrent, thick and sticky and everywhere. Once the monster had pumped her load, it stayed exactly where it was, proud.

The merest fraction of Sakura’s shot cum landed on the faces of her mentor and her friend. Shizune, standing slightly further forward, bore the brunt of the batter-blow, most of which covered the right side of her face in thick and sticky globs. Tsunade had been blessed, too, with one particularly powerful splash landing between her sweet-blonde eyebrows

Both women surrendered to the first change immediately, neither showing the restraint Sakura had managed as she ran from Hinata. Two more futadicks entered the fray, filling the chamber with strong, virile musk. Shizune grasped her new cannon with her right hand, barely able to hold more than a third of it with her comparatively dainty hand, whilst Tsunade revealed herself to be left-handed with her grip, shoving her little finger back hard against the root of her own beast to stimulate her beautiful balls.

If it was a race between the two to see who would cum first, then Shizune won at a canter. The merest touch of her new colossal appendage seemed to push her over the edge into a throbbing and powerful orgasm. Shizune’s tongue hung loose from her mouth as she grinned like a lunatic, blush decorating her lean face as another surge of semen spattered into the air.

Opposite Shizune, Sakura worked her own cock to another orgasm, fist pumping up and down its length as she shot her own load again. A second giant splash of thick jizz shot from her prick, raining onto the now quite slick floor in big globs of superspunk. Sakura’s balls began to churn mightily with production as she reloaded for a possible third round, for her fat girlcock hadn’t lost an inch of its impossible hardness.

That second torrent of futacum was enough for Sakura’s fragile control, fractured by the unbelievable events she’d experienced in the last ten minutes alone, to shatter into a thousand thousand pieces. The transformation rode her into muscle goddesshood in an instant: her back broadened as her biceps burgeoned and her belly bloomed with blissful brawn, abdominal armour harder than stone. Delts the size of her head and arms to punch through any city’s defences growled before they roared defiance and challenge.

The metamorphosis never lost sight of the fact that it was empowering women, though, as it blossomed Sakura’s curves into the bargain. Her breasts ballooned from ‘slight’ to ‘supersized’ in less than a second, tearing through the front of her shirt as her lats ruined its sides and her bulked-up back ripped its rear. The rags of ruin fluttered all around, most landing in pools of jizz too thick to be absorbed.

Now overcome, if not overcum, Sakura’s only thought was further release, to feel the overflow of orgasm thrill through her frame once more. Without word, ceremony, or consent, she grabbed the beautiful blonde head of Tsunade in her now extraordinary and powerful grip. The most powerful kunoichi of the land, the Fifth Hokage, did not even have time to register that she should struggle.

In the next moment Tsunade’s face was full of Sakura’s girthy girlcock. Tsunade’s throat was lined with a slick river of sweet precum as Sakura, eyes shut with the promise of future ecstasy, used the older woman like a toy. Saliva soaked the length of Sakura’s prick as her lower body burst with megamuscle, just like Hinata’s earlier: she now had a richly rounded ass, coated in purest power; thighs the width of her titan’s torso, but much more powerful; and a pair of split calves whose muscle heads almost glowed with vascularity.

Stood nearby in the heat and thick musk of the chamber was Shizune, whose urgent orgasm had unlocked her own transformation before Sakura could make use of her. The changes began with her chest, blowing up her meagre bosom into dozens of pounds of the softest, most gorgeous of flesh. Shizune’s kimono fell open under the pillowy pressure, and the bindings round her chest gave way to reveal the upper third of a very sensual pair of areolas.

Shizune looked down at her new assets with a gleeful blush on her pretty face, right up until the moment she was filled with explosive force. Then her kimono didn’t so much fall open as fall apart as her body widened with the same muscular gift Hinata and Sakura had received. The blessing gave her an upper body twice the width of the original, with enough majestic muscle mass on her traps and lats to make every movement as easy as lifting a finger.

Titanic traps rose to engulf Shizune’s pretty and slender neck, which throbbed to luscious and fitting thickness in a fraction of a second. Her delts erupted into the classic pumpkin shape as her arms gave a new definition to the word ‘size’ (and ‘definition’ itself!). As with the others, the transformation ensured Shizune’s femininity was retained when it bulked her waist, ensuring a (relatively!) dainty taper inwards to show off the most stunning of muscle hourglass shapes.

Shizune’s breasts - more like udders at this point, as her new ultrabody continued to rip through its colossal chrysalis phase! - were not-so-gently repositioned by the growth of incendiary pectoral muscle. Below those massive slabs of magnificent might sat a trail of abdominal awesome that swallowed the black-haired kunoichi’s navel as surely as even an expert shinobi would shatter the bones of their hand if they punched it. Sadly most of this show-stopping sight was obscured by Shizune’s positively huge cock, the veined and meaty monstrosity arcing into the air with the grace and power of a rhinoceros’s horn.

Away from that arresting sight sat arms to equal the sturdiest pillars of any temple or shrine. Shizune’s biceps had inflated from her svelte limbs to become stunning bursts of vein-soaked strength, each one the equal in volume and density of her torso before the changes. The accompanying triceps and forearms spoke of power with few rivals and the confident smirk on Shizune’s sweet face told of a woman who would not be afraid to use that power.

However, there was one woman in the chamber whose potential power would go untapped. Tsunade had had no opportunity to bring about her own orgasm when Sakura had forced the older woman to suck her mighty megacock. In the moments it had taken Shizune to rise into her destiny, Sakura had cum again down the throat of her mentor.

The fierce storm of futajizz had overwhelmed Tsunade, who’d passed out in a puddle of cum before her own transformation could occur. Sakura stood above her, panting out her second orgasm of the last three minutes. Cum was still leaking from her flaccid-yet-still-enormous penis, easily longer and thicker than the forearm she had woken up with.

Even that impressive appendage was only barely in keeping with thighs like barrels and calves that even a big man would not have been able to grasp in his hand - maybe both. The tip of Sakura’s vast futadick reached the middle of her knees and was on its own the size of Tsunade’s untransformed fist. Sakura found the patience to wait as her futacum pooled up around her feet.

Chapter Two

An hour or so had passed before Tsunade came round from her ordeal. All the cum that Sakura and Shizune had shot so freely around the chamber had soaked into the floorboards, leaving only a heavy musk behind. Tsunade rose slowly, like a snake uncoiling, and brought her right hand to her pounding head.

“What just happened?” she asked, giving voice to the only thought bouncing around her mind like a headache. As other thoughts filtered in, it seemed that her recent experiences had been wiped from her head as cleanly as the jizz had been wiped from her face. Soon, though, one thought struck louder than the rest.

“Damn, I must be late for the water inspection,” Tsunade almost groaned. She took her duties as Fifth Hokage very seriously, which was only fair and fitting, so the blonde kunoichi took her leave to head for Konoha’s water processing facility.


A short while later, Tsunade found herself in the company of Anko Mitarashi and Tenten, having to give an excuse that she herself was not sure of to disguise the reasons for her lateness.

“Good afternoon,” Tsunade began. “Sorry I’m late, had some extra paperwork in the office. Let’s work.”

If the others believed her or not, they certainly weren’t going to challenge the word of the Fifth Hokage there and then without further evidence. Tenten stood to attention, ready to serve the older woman’s needs, whilst Anko took a more loose stance, scowling out her more stubborn nature at the attentive Tenten. If anything, Anko was somewhat annoyed that she’d been made to wait.

Tsunade may have picked up on that vibe before she issued her instructions.

“Me and Anko will inspect that tank over there,” she ordered. “You check the pipes.” Anko, sullen and silent, began to walk away with Tsunade, but she cast a last glance at Tenten before she left.

As Tenten responded with her almost forcefully polite “Okay!!”, a pair of bandaged hands emerged from the mist behind her, targeting the brunette kunoichi’s neck. Tenten, whose eyes were closed and lips turned to the sweetest smile, seemed oblivious to the incredible danger she was in. And the others had already left…

Anko and Tsunade strode over to the water tank and made all the proper checks: it was neither leaking nor open, and so the reserves of water Konoha would need to rely on if their primary water source ran dry were safe.

“Well, everything looks in order,” Anko said, summing up the situation in her usual succinct style.

“Yes!” Tsunade replied. “That’s good.”

Tsunade had done a remarkable job of resisting the influence of Sakura’s jizz on her body and mind; she’d even completed the biggest task in her diary for the day. But it seemed that no-one, not even the strongest kunoichi and greatest medical-nin in the world, could hold out for very long. Words Tsunade never expected to hear herself say sprang from her lips in the next moment.

“Ya know, you look good today!”

Tsunade, beautiful, blonde, and busty, gave Anko a little smile, her sweet pink lips curling in admiration of the younger woman’s figure.

“Eh… thanks,” Anko managed in reply.

Thus encouraged, the next sign of the virus began to impress itself on Tsunade’s grey, three-quarter length pants. A long, beefy cock, lusty with girth and flirty with length, sprang to life and surged down a good portion of her left pant leg. Its sudden appearance forced the pants to their breaking point… but before anything more urgent could happen, a pained cry erupted into the sky from nearby.


Tsunade reached the obvious conclusion instantly and her protective instincts took over.

“Tenten!” she exclaimed, the anger at having left the younger woman alone evident on her face.

Tsunade and Anko sprang into action, leaping to the side of their stricken colleague with speed and skill. The two kunoichi take a moment to assess the danger. The figure in front of them is odd, to say the least.

It was a man, covered in bindings from head to toe, save one hole for his right eye so that he could see to accomplish his dastardly deeds. He also wore a short-sleeved kimono, tied at the waist with an obi. More important to Anko and Tsunade than his villainous appearance, though, was his prey: poor Tenten was unconscious, held in slump by the villain’s left arm.

“Meet your doom,” he intoned, the words sliding into place like a funeral bell’s morbid chime.

“A nukenin?” Anko exclaimed.

Tsunade had neither the time nor the inclination for thought. With a cry of “Die, you vermin!”, the blonde kunoichi leaned forward, put all her weight on her left foot, and punched her extraordinary left fist through the villain’s stomach. Blood and devastation splattered all around the group, not least from the nukenin’s mouth, which rang with “AAAAHRGH!” as his none-too-memorable last words.

Anko and Tsunade then spent their time on two important tasks: Anko made sure that the nukenin’s remains didn’t get into the water supply, and Tsunade, with her greater medical experience, made sure Tenten was okay. Barring a bruise that would surely heal in a day or two and the shock of the experience, the slender brunette seemed to be fine. Emotion got the better of Tenten and she grabbed Tsunade in the most fearsome hug she could manage.

“Oh, Lady Tsunade,” Tenten cried, “thanks for saving me!!”

Tenten rested her still-shaken head against Tsunade’s extraordinary bosom. The close contact, coupled with Tenten’s tight grip, brought a little gasp of surprise from the pleased lips of the older woman. The gesture was so unexpected that Tsunade had no time to reciprocate - besides, Tenten was holding the blonde’s arms tight to her sides with surprising strength.

The touch of the grateful kunoichi broke the final barrier for Tsunade and her pants finally tore: her huge and gorgeous erection broke through with throbbing beauty, the heat of its huge head tapping Tenten gently but firmly on the belly.

“What is this?” Tenten exclaimed.



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