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Chapter One

Zelretch gave a smile that managed to be both warm and cold as his first victim, Hinata Hyuga, ran out the back of the hostel as fast as her legs could carry her. His magic easily prevented the others from witnessing her departure from the bar, especially when they were so absorbed in drinking and conversation. This is almost too easy, he thought. Now, let’s see how that little bird is getting on…

Hinata - kind, demure Hinata - had run from the building with a complete lack of grace, like a charging rhinoceros that needed the bathroom. She wrapped her arms around her slender belly.

“Feels like I’m on fire!” she exclaimed, gritting her teeth as she doubled over in pain.

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the tricky, meddlesome grump, stood at the window to the small courtyard that contained the pained Hinata. His lip curled in a wry smile, and that in turn became a grin of real amusement as the magic deep within the drinks he’d been handing out like flowers at a festival began to take effect on the lithe kunoichi’s body.

Such strange white eyes, Zelretch thought, even as Hinata screwed them up with pain. Her loose dark hair, reaching to the middle of her back, flickered this way and that as she rocked, as if she could somehow loose the horror that was building up inside her body. Zelretch grinned again, most of his face hidden in shadow, barring those gleaming white teeth. No such luck, little bird.

“Hrngh! Argh!” Hinata grunted and growled as she fell to her knees, legs unable to support her slender form anymore. A wind began to howl its bitterness through the trees that surrounded the courtyard, trees that had shed their leaves, and were now tilting from their usual twisted tableau. As Zelretch looked on, it seemed more and more as if the trees were turning towards the stricken Hinata…

As that idea floated into his consciousness, Hinata leaned back on her haunches and roared at the heavens, her little fists clenched. The sky remained impassive, unmoved - but Hinata was anything but. As the echoes of her forceful yell died away, the most remarkable transformation began to take hold of the lithe kunoichi’s body.

It began - well, it began everywhere. Hinata’s navy blue pants, already tight, started to rip as the four writhing muscle heads of her quadriceps bulked. The armour beneath her jacket felt a sudden increase in pressure as her abs began to pop and ripple forth, and yet more higher still as Hinata’s pecs, lats, and back muscles all billowed and bulged into sensual strength. Hinata’s roars of pain took on a deeper and more forceful quality.

Little Hinata’s arms took on more and more muscle as the moments ticked by, capped at the top by deltoids blossoming into power incarnate. Her poor coat filled to capacity and then beyond, the stitching stress-tested harder than her pants had been moments earlier. With the addition of her swelling traps into the mix, pushing her body wider by the second, it was a small wonder her sleeves didn’t burst into confetti.

Zelretch’s concoction wasn’t just designed to endow strength to its drinkers, though. Hinata moaned quietly at the loss of her breasts to pectoral power, right up until that most feminine of flesh began to bud anew - and then some. Riding the wave of her pulsating pecs like a surfer on an eternal wave, Hinata’s boobs returned to prominence as vast and perfect orbs, wonderfully set above her brimming bod with delicious veins easily visible on her pale skin, and capped with a fine pair of areolae and simply beautiful nipples; thick, long, and inviting.

Little Hinata was definitely not so little any more! In the shadows of his hiding place, Zelretch grinned until the light caught his teeth and twinkled at the sky. It works! Now to see how high this little bird can fly…

As her body broadened with billowing brawn, Hinata’s coat finally gave up the battle it was always destined to lose and tore in two down the back. Even her beautifully-made mesh armour found it difficult to hold back the tidal wave of expansion ripping through Hinata’s physique. Gaps appeared and grew as she did, giving the watching Zelretch wonderful peeks at muscles built and building, power gained and gaining.

Hinata sank to her knees on legs both longer and thicker. The pulsing of her calves bulged into the strengthening of her hamstrings and even as she beat her fists on the ground in agony, Hinata rose as a result. The sheer bulk her quads took on necessitated a widening of her hips and a strong push on her glutes.

Further up, her tiny thin navel was swallowed whole by the bubbling and brewing of an amazing abdomen: eight of the toughest muscles in the country bulged into block-like being, pressing hard against her armour. Of course, the biggest problems the mesh weave faced were higher up… although Hinata’s boobs were made of softer flesh than her diamond abs, the pecs powering up behind were much more powerful and pushy. Shoulders broad and strong grew up and out, forcing her mighty arms away from her sides with awesome inevitability.

And then it was over. Hinata stayed kneeling for half a minute, panting breath back into her body as she took stock of what she had now become. Slowly she rose to her feet, looking over her massive forearms, patting her burly abdomen, or feeling the incredible sweep of her dominant quads.

“Wow,” Hinata whispered. “I can protect Naruto with this new strength! In fact - I can protect everyone!” The not-so-little-anymore kunoichi laughed as she flexed her chest and abs, ripping her poor armour even further.

Well done, little bird - looks like you’re an eagle now! Zelretch laughed to himself. Now, let’s see how the others are getting on…

As Zelretch walked away, whistling merrily to himself, he didn’t see Hinata gasp, hear her burp loudly, and drop to her knees once more. The now bulging kunoichi pursed her lips and a cloud of green gas emerged. Hinata’s eyes went wide as saucers and she started to tremble.

“Wh-What’s happening now?!” she whispered, slamming her hands to the ground, on all fours once more. Hinata’s thick forearms began to take on a stunning amount of mass, and they weren’t alone. Her upper arm power set billowed up in exactly the same fashion.

More interesting - although ‘worrying’ was the better word for Hinata - was the way her torso was blowing up in all three dimensions at once. The warrior’s abs that had sprouted on her formerly flat tummy were multiplying rapidly vertically until it seemed like she had an impossible twenty-pack… right up until they began to merge horizontally into single bands of waist-width power. All up and down her mighty back muscles grew up and into strange, darting peaks.

“Oh - oh no. It’s not over!” Hinata mumbled. The transformed and transforming kunoichi leaned back into a sitting position like a dog. The breasts that had billowed from her torso - the signs of womanhood she had been so grateful for just moments earlier - began to recede. Hinata didn’t have time to mourn their loss.

Because of the pain.

The tidal wave of change burying her in its wake was higher than the tallest temple, the strongest shrine. Things were very, very different this time: Hinata gasped as she watched her fingers lengthen and turn into what she could only describe as ‘talons’, all the while her arms swelled to identical thickness all the way down. Her skin changed colour; paled to the gentle silver shade of her eyes as it became rough and ready, a far cry from the smooth, womanly beauty she’d possessed only a few minutes earlier.

Her lats spread wider and wider like giant wings waiting to unfold - right up until they became wings, sprouting from her side like a cloak she’d hidden somewhere, the same dark blue as her hair; long, reaching, powerful wings. They brushed the sides of the courtyard that held the changing Hinata but, as soon as they hit the walls, they folded upwards into a resting position and wafted, slowly, ready to engage at any moment. Tears streaked down Hinata’s cheeks and pooled on the uneven flagstones beneath her.

The speed and bizarre nature of the changes continued. Hinata’s neck began to lengthen, projecting her head far above the courtyard walls, which itself began to change wildly from the sweet and demure original. Every strand of her hair disappeared as her nose and mouth merged in what could only be described as a snout, just as her ears shifted up the sides of her head to rest on top and the skin beneath where her eyebrows used to be bulged out into a ridge to protect her eyes.

Perhaps the most unusual change of all - though the list was long! - was when Hinata’s hind end began to swell and extend behind her with some speed, the snake-like slither of flesh eventually hardening with scale to give her a long, shapely tail, as silver-white as the rest of her incredible new form. Spikes jutted from the very tip to form what could be an extremely effective club, if the need arose to use it. By this point, Hinata was certain what was happening and her soul wept its hardest.

With one strong, tearing leap, the dragon Hinata rose into the sky and stayed there, her powerful wings unfolding in an instant to keep her hovering a few feet from the floor. Instinctively her four legs tucked up under her long, scaly body, to give her form the aerodynamics it needed to soar and strike fear into the hearts of any being who saw her. The last of the changes played out, and very few traces of her original humanity remained: just her eyes, their sheen the same, and her voice, had she tried to speak instead of keeping her anguish an internal emotion.

I’m a monster, she thought. The outcast I’ve always been, only now I come with wings and claws and a fire-breathing face.

Sadness threatened to overwhelm Hinata and she was almost powerless to stop it; the melancholy a way to keep the trauma of the change at bay until she was ready to deal with that, too. From the high of being made a strong, capable human to the low of becoming one of the foulest creatures in the world, her dream shattering and scattering around her like broken glass, all snatched away in an instant. Hinata simply let herself drown.

With a soundless cry the Hinata dragon beat her mighty wings and flew away, soaring through the clouds, hoping their fluffy barrier would stop anyone below from seeing her. From seeing the horror she had become. Once hidden from view, she changed direction and flew away from the inn as fast as she dared.

For not only was Hinata determined to leave - she was getting hungry. Very hungry indeed.

Chapter Two

“What was that jolt?” Sakura asked no-one in particular. The inn was filled with revellers, most she knew, some she didn’t, and the hubbub of so many other conversations drowned her words, even from those she was standing close to. So the pink-haired medical-nin took it upon herself to investigate.

With a quick bow to excuse herself from her comrades, she followed the maze-like corridors - getting lost more than once! - to the courtyard at the back of the inn.

They must have tended to horses here at some point, Sakura thought. As she looked around, Sakura sensed nothing out of the ordinary - right up until a serious pang of queasiness settled into her stomach with a loud gurgle. She breathed a sigh of relief when she looked around nervously to check if anyone had heard it… and she was, in fact, alone.