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Two people stand in a secret research facility in Konoha, shortly after the battle with Pain: Hinata Hyuga, and Tsunade. The mood is serious, pregnant with gravity. Tsunade paces the room, arms folded, eyes closed, as Hinata waits with characteristic demureness for her thoughts to settle.

“I never imagined we would reach this point,” Tsunade begins, eyes still shut, as if she is reliving the horror of the battle. She pauses, and when she speaks again, it seems a decision has been made.

“What I’m about to tell you is extremely classified. You understand?”

Hinata holds her hands in front of her pelvis in politeness and patience. “Yes, Tsunada-sama,” she replies.

“Modesty aside, our village has proven countless times that we are the cradle of the strongest shinobi in the world,” Tsunade resumes. “But the times change, just like our enemies.”

It’s true, and Hinata feels it in a shudder down their spines.

“The attack of Pain on Konoha opened my eyes. Our enemies grow stronger each day, and soon they will be able to destroy us.” If the last line made her shudder, this one brings Hinata out into a full body tremble.

“In order to be one step ahead of them, we will have to use one of Konoha’s abandoned projects: The Shinobi God Serum!”

Hope flares in Hinata’s eyes, and she gasps at the revelation. Having not heard of such a serum, however, her eyes project incomprehension, so Tsunade explains.

“A unique serum, developed for generations using the DNA of the best shinobi. The serum not only gives the user abilities beyond a Kage, but also enhances other aspects of the human body like strength, beauty, sex appeal, speed, reflexes, etc.”

Tsunade pauses to allow the implications time to sink in to Hinata’s battle-weary mind, and also to debate her decision with herself one last time.

But there’s no turning back now.

“Because of your lineage and the courage you showed in the battle with Pain… I decided that you should be the one to test the serum, Hinata.” The young woman gasps again, but Tsunade is quick to continue.

“But in the end the decision is yours. Are you ready to do what it takes to protect Konoha? And those you love?”

It’s the work of a moment for Hinata to answer. She bunches her fists in a sudden but very real flare of determination.

“I’ll do it!” Hinata cries. Especially to protect you, Naruto-kun! she adds mentally, conjuring the image of the person she admires most in the world.

“I’m willing to do what it takes to protect Konoha, my friends, and my beloved ones!” Her body language completely agrees: there’s not even a trace of falsity in her words.

“So be it!” Tsunade replies, and removes a vial from the folds in her robes. The liquid inside is a pleasant blue, like a sky close to sunset.

“I must warn you,” Tsunade continues. “Once you take the serum there is no going back.”

“I understand, Tsunade-sama,” Hinata replies, undeterred.

“Let’s start then.”

First progress

Tsunade handed the young kunoichi the vial. Hinata stood in contemplation of it for a moment, hesitant despite her earlier assent. She held it steady in her right hand, looking almost mournful as she removed the stopper.

“I hope to not regret this later on,” Hinata mumbled. “I can feel a very powerful aura emanating from it.”

“Here goes nothing!” she exclaimed, and drank it all down. This is for you, Naruto-kun… she thought.

Gulp! At least it tastes good.” And it did: the liquid was sweet with a mild tart and tangy aftertaste, like blueberries or blackcurrants. Swallowing the serum in one go was proving a little troublesome, but Hinata managed.

“Jeez!” she exclaimed between pants, great gasps of air filling her body once more. “I never imagined drinking it would be so hard. It was like taking a bowl of military ration pills.”

“I wonder what will happen next…” she mused idly. “I wish I could dominate Naruto-kun…”

Words she had never thought privately, let alone said out loud, began to swirl around Hinata’s mind. As they grew louder and more insistent, a network of encroaching veins sprang up around the outsides of her eyes and her upper cheeks. The blue-haired kunoichi screamed.

Dominate Naruto! the invasive thoughts hollered, a voice that was not Hinata’s own - yet whose could it be?

“What is happening to me!?” Hinata cried, shrinking back in pain at the mental conflict, fingertips to her temples to try and drive the voice back.

Make him yours!

“Why am I thinking all this!?” she shouted to herself, shaking her head from side to side.

This is your true self without inhibitions! Hinata’s thoughts told her, but she knew that to be false.

“N… No… that is not me!” Hinata fought back with everything she had in her mind and heart, her sweetness, her gentleness, her light… but it was no use.

You are nothing! the mental invader bellowed, revealing its true colours at last. A hollow shell - that cannot hold me. Then it roared the words that Hinata was most afraid to hear.

You’re WEAK! Hinata rocked back and forth, keening.

THE TIME HAS COME!Tsunade handed the young kunoichi the vial. Hinata stood in contemplation of it for a moment, hesitant despite her earlier assent. She held it steady in her right hand, looking almost mournful as she removed the stopper.

“I hope to not regret this later on,” Hinata mumbled. “I can feel a very powerful aura emanating from it.”

“Here goes nothing!” she exclaimed, and drank it all down. This is for you, Naruto-kun… she thought.

Gulp! At least it tastes good.” And it did: the liquid was sweet with a mild tart and tangy aftertaste, like blueberries or blackcurrants. Swallowing the serum in one go was proving a little troublesome, but Hinata managed.

“Jeez!” she exclaimed between pants, great gasps of air filling her body once more. “I never imagined drinking it would be so hard. It was like taking a bowl of military ration pills.”

“I wonder what will happen next…” she mused idly. “I wish I could dominate Naruto-kun…”

Words she had never thought privately, let alone said out loud, began to swirl around Hinata’s mind. As they grew louder and more insistent, a network of encroaching veins sprang up around the outsides of her eyes and her upper cheeks. The blue-haired kunoichi screamed.

Dominate Naruto! the invasive thoughts hollered, a voice that was not Hinata’s own - yet whose could it be?

“What is happening to me!?” Hinata cried, shrinking back in pain at the mental conflict, fingertips to her temples to try and drive the voice back.

Make him yours!

“Why am I thinking all this!?” she shouted to herself, shaking her head from side to side.

This is your true self without inhibitions! Hinata’s thoughts told her, but she knew that to be false.

“N… No… that is not me!” Hinata fought back with everything she had in her mind and heart, her sweetness, her gentleness, her light… but it was no use.

You are nothing! the mental invader bellowed, revealing its true colours at last. A hollow shell - that cannot hold me. Then it roared the words that Hinata was most afraid to hear.

You’re WEAK! Hinata rocked back and forth, keening.



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