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If you've been stuck playing Red, and want to venture into other viable color options, Green is one of the colors to pay the most attention to. Green is a color that has secretly kept up with Red for the longest time, but it always manages to go under the radar. If we look at OPO2, Kin'emon never really dominated any events, but there would always be some amount of Kin'emon lurking at top tables. Additionally, Supernova Kid was lowkey popping off in OPO2, but never got the clout it deserved. Then at the very end of OPO2, everyone decided to try Film Kid during a certain weekend(at the end of the format), and it got a ridiculous amount of tops. Even just now in OPO3, WilltoWinGaming recently got top 16 with Kuro in an online regional, and Andrew Dovale got 2nd place with Kin'emon at the GenCon offline regionals! Red is always a dominant color regardless of deck-list, while Green seems to be much more untested and unexplored, but has potential for great results.

This is my current view on the meta, and as you can see I rank Film Kid at the top of A. Film Kid rose in popularity in OPO2, because it was very strong against Whitebeard and Zoro, and the same is still true now. Especially with 4 Cost Marco being reduced to 1, Zoro is more susceptible to dying to a double 12K swing from Kid than ever! Krieg also might be the strongest addition from OPO3 to Film Kid.

  • Strong against Doflamingo because it allows us to keep up with board
  • Strong against Zoro because Krieg's "double attack" puts them in range of dying to Kid
  • 6 Cost is strong against Three-Thousand Worlds and Sakazuki

Krieg appears to be one of the greatest game changers in OPO3, and I'm excited to see how far it can push the deck.

Current Film Kid Deck

(1 8 Cost kid and 1 Totsuka are my current flex spots)

This is my current Film Kid I plan on testing, and as you can see the decklist is pretty simple, but has a lot of potential. About 40 Cards in the deck are fixed, so there are 10 cards you can mess around with:

2 Barto (I'd always run 2-4 Barto though)

4 Krieg

1 8 Cost Kid

3 Totsuka

As I mentioned earlier, Krieg seems to be one of the strongest units in the game right now. The pressure of having double attack for 1 Don, pairs beautifully with Kid's aggressive leader skill. Doffy rising in popularity makes this cards "on play" very threatening, and being 6 cost dodges three thousand worlds!

(Green's Diable Jambe)(Totsuka + Krieg is also broken)

Totsuka is a card that shined when 4 Cost Marco was in the format, between Totsuka and Punk Gibsons, 4 Cost Marco would literally get stun-locked. Even with 4 Cost Marco being restricted to 1, the Totsuka + Gibson combo is very strong for making blockers useless for the rest of the game!

8 Cost Kid is a lot less valuable in Film Kid, due to the lack of low cost blockers. However, I think this card still has a lot of potential depending on how it is used. At the moment I consider this card as a "5th copy" of 7 Cost Luffy. Due to Film Kid flooding the board prior to 8 Cost Kid being played, being able to attack 5K, 5K, 7K, 7K and then being able to play Kid tap it and call another attacker is very strong! Our opponent generally has to commit their entire turn attempting to clear Kid(unless they have a debuff card), and 7 Cost Luffy can be sacked in order to protect Kid if necessary.

Lastly, we'll talk about the goat of this deck, 7 COST LUFFY!!! This card is the whole reason Film Kid is so powerful, not only is it a 7000 Blocker, but it gets to call a 4 cost or less unit FOR FREE. And when combined with 2 Cost Barto, this card replicates 7 Cost Kid from set one. How you use this card is directly linked to winning or losing. Attack when necessary, and don't attack when you need defense. Also be very concious of what units you play off Luffy's ability.

About Fire Fist

Gordon + Fire Fist is the number one losing streak against Red Zoro, but this deck has plenty of in-built ways to counter it.

Some people will make the mistake of saving Brook to combine with 7 Cost Luffy's ability, but just play this card as soon as possible. The truth is if you play 2 units using Brook, and leave these cards standing until after your first 7 Luffy turn, you will have too much board pressure at the same time. If they do choose to fire fist Brook and a 3 Cost early, this does also require them to have more Gordon/Otama to deal with 7 Cost Luffy in the future!

How to use Brook against Zoro:

  • Play it as soon as possible
  • Avoid tapping until after your first 7 Luffy turn(unless there's more than 1 unit you need to attack into)

I see a lot of people attack with their film 5k attackers too early, and it makes it 10x easier to clear the board.

This card is absolutely disgusting against Fire Fist because it is a threat Zoro must answer! This card will force out an early Gordon/Otama, and if there's no Gordon/Otama and you follow up with 7 Cost Luffy the next turn you've basically won the game. Honestly I wouldn't bother swinging with this unit until after the 7Luffy turn either, unless you can defend through Otama/Gordon.

This is the cookie cutter combo for handling Gordon + Fire Fist. Krieg and Brook are icing on the cake, but calling a 7K and 6K body at the same time is too much for Zoro to handle because they need multiple debuff cards. Even if they end up destroying the Luffy, and only keeping Zoro alive, thats huge for us because the sooner we get  Zoro down to 1 life, the closer and closer they are to losing to a 12K double swing from Kid!

The God Curve against Zoro

Go Second

T1 Bonney

T2 Brook + 3 Cost

T3 Krieg

T4 Luffy + 4 Cost Zoro

This is similar to the dream curve of Kid in set 1(Okiku > Hawkins > 7 Cost Kid), if you hit this curve, the Zoro player has to pray on a 4 leaf clover.


This is it for this article for now. I'm very excited to start testing Film Kid, and hope I can end up taking it to Florida in 2 weeks!!


Ryan Baker

How do you feel this compares to Nova kid, which had some success recently?


how would you play around 4c Brook? I feel like you auto lose to that card


I prefer this build to Nova Kid arm. Both nova kid and film kid get buffed when Zoro is running less debuff cards. But I think zoro is a lot better at competing when Green has those debuff cards. I also prefer 7 Luffy in matchups like Black, and I think film overall has better marchups(outside of Blue). I will say I am also interested in supernova kid starving zoro and then clapping back at once with Krieg and 8Kid, so that may be a build that changes my mind.


You have to see Totsuka early or waste a Gibson resting it, that’s pretty much the only way. Thankfully 4C brook isn’t searchable, and if you go second therir 4C brook curve is weird, but it’s kinda weird. X Drake and Krieg go crazy against that card though