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  • game previw 2.mp4



in the last seven days i learned how to make a more complex scene. currently you can switch from the resting position to dick kissing or hand job and from there to blowjob. the idea for the final game is to have a lot of different small loops like this to choose from also it should be possible to randomize the loops so its not the exact same loop over and over again but i havent worked on that yet.

the second thing i learned about is camera movement. i made a camera that can be  rotate aroud the two characters by using Q W E and R. also i plan to make it possible to zoom in and out and add POV cameras but i couldnt finish that yet.

at the moment i would say it takes two or three weeks to finish most of the game features and then i can focus mostly on animating.

but for now i will work more on the current animation project


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