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How does your morning start?

Perhaps you wake up, barely unable to open your eyes fully, as you stumble with effort towards the kitchen, to grab whatever looks edible to the fridge or pantry.

Maybe you like to sleep-in? Maybe you don’t have a choice? Your hips and rear are in an absolute state from all the rough sex as you are simply unable to move, partly still in a state of ecstasy from the night before.

But eventually, even you have to rise and start the day.

It’s a challenge, and for someone like “GM”, a total cakewalk. He’s done this all before.

The bedsheets, a sticky, moist mess. In his mindset, if you’re using a condom, you’re wasting perfectly good cum. That warm cum could have a much better place to be discarded. Himself.

He waddles with care to the bathroom, clenching his anus as best as he is able to, as to not leak onto the floor, and cause even more of a mess. The bedsheets? Easy. Just put into the washing machine with an obscene amount of laundry detergent, and put on a heavy duty cycle. By the time he’s come to his senses, and he’s slightly more conscious than he is at this time, he’s capable of putting these bed sheets into the dryer, and they are ready to fit back to the bed.

Cum on the floor? An awkward conversation to have with the landlord that the house pet was sick again on the carpet, and then pray to the heaven above that he’s not going to bring out the backlight.

Maybe not a problem he’s going to have, given the venue he’s ended up in. It’s a typical end to the story most nights for most guests.

To the benefit of GM, he had the foresight the previous night to ask those who reamed his rear to fit proper boxer briefs on him before he passed out in bed. Proper cloth underwear has been kind to him, holding his loose anus from leaking other men's semen in a clear trail to the bathroom.

Because let’s be honest. He’s the kind of dude to wear as little fabric as possible. That just wouldn’t have worked out.

He eventually makes it to the bathroom, and begins to grimace in the face. His legs, no, his EVERYTHING, in numbing pain. He slowly began to squat and eventually sit on the porcelain throne. A small price to pay for all the fun he has.

Over the course of a few minutes, he pushes out all of the discharge that was stuffed, forced, and projectile shot inside his rectum out into the bowl.

Once he feels the first “clean bowel” sensation he’s felt since meeting the posse the previous night, he stares into the toilet bowl with a sly grin. The bowl is reasonably filled.

“Thanks boys” he whispers.

It’s early evening. Drinks are flowing, and a variety of fruitful conversations and “not-so-subtle” flirting is taking place throughout the venue.

GM, the lucky boy he was, has done the very probable and likely, surviving another “orbit around the sun”. As the majority of twenty-somethings usually do.

His friends wanted to celebrate the occasion. So along with paying for all his drinks this night, they would be doing something especially for him.

To be fair, they did swing “that way”, just not as hard and as much as GM did. It was GMs breeding ground.

I’m not joking about the “breeding ground” bit. He liked getting “breeded”, in which many individuals ejected their seed inside the person in question, because the person wanted it.

Oh yeah. They were in a gay bar. That’s probably an obvious, but important detail to mention.

The goal? Sex? No, not ambitious enough.

GM’s friends got to work with talking up some of the larger attendees of the bar that night.
Those orcs, those dragons, those simply built differently.

Why? Absolutely enormous cocks.

How do you make GM happy? Stuff him. The longer the cock the better. The heavier the balls the better.

They were out of their league, out of their element, but they were simply enquiring, the more who took hook-line and sinker, the better for fulfilling GMs birthday wishes.

“Are you interested in making my friend happy and full?”, they would ask these towering figures that felt twice the height of themselves.

At first, they thought these nervous deviants were playing a practical joke. Some ignored the tomfoolery. But some decided to ask GM one-on-one, out of morbid curiosity.

The first, a lion individual. Built like a pick-up truck, impossible to fell, but obviously wary that this could be entirely a sick practical joke.

He was barely dressed, Just enough to pass the dress code. Gym attire. White short shorts with black trim, and a navy sleeveless shirt. Burgundy fur, and a mane that would make even the most stringent of bread maintainers feel inadequate.

The bulge? Prominent. Barely contained. Clearly a salami running down the inside of his shorts.

The tip? Poking out at the bottom of the left short leg.

“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you there friend”, tapping on GMs shoulder.

“Hello.” GM confidently said, turning his head in the direction of that who was addressing him, with a sly grin.

GMs smug stature immediately faded, expression changing. Eyes widened slowly, but immediately. Mouth agape too. His crotch was only a couple of inches from his face.

The music, the conversations, the social interactions, it didn’t matter to GM. He was completely zoned out in awe of this lion’s exquisite member. Heavy balls. Long thick shaft. Barely contained.

He reaches his hand out slowly and rubs his open palm against the pronounced bulge on his shorts.

The lion interrupts his trance.

Woah. Ok then.” he mutters. He looks around, but is suddenly grasped by the arm of GM.
GM says nothing, and locks eyes with the lion. His sly grin returns.

“Oh, so your friend wasn’t pranking me. You seem to know what you want from me. Is that correct?” he responded.

GM slowly nods. He gets up from the seat at the round table. Grabbing the lion’s large stubby hand.

“Your name?”


“Bathroom. Now.” he sternly responds, still running his palm on his bulge.

The lion responds, “Well, can you at least tell me who you are?”

“I said NOW. What are you, some tabby kitten?”.

The lion concedes. This little pipsqueak wasn’t fucking around. Talking mad shit for someone well below the average height, when yourself towers near 7ft.

The law regarding building standards states that establishments need to accommodate for disabled individuals. Disabled facilities like wheelchair ramps, wide walkway berths to allow for freedom of movement, and more specifically, toilet facilities.

It’s a comment sometimes made by new patrons that, ‘Wait, why would you need 10 disabled bathrooms in a single bar?’.

The regulars however know that these are essentially private rooms for pairs or groups to have passionate gay sex.

Cause you know, it’s far easier to clean up at the end of the night when the room is all made of tile and porcelain. Just hose down the entire bathroom by pressure washing with a cleaning solution, and let the built-up musk and discharge wash down the drain in the floor.

You see? Work smart, not hard. Genius.

The owner of the gay bar was clearly playing 5D-chess with the building code.

GM and the Lion both enter one of these bathrooms, locking the door behind them.

“Take your pants off.” GM orders while kneeling down.

Khari does as such. His meat flops down and out. Easy 10 inches. It’s the girth that makes GMs heart flutter and brain overdose with dopamine. It slightly twitches.

“The name’s GM. And yes, my friend who talked to you about me. Completely true.”

Without delay, he takes his right hand and retracts Khari’s foreskin to expose his more sensitive penile glans. Opening his mouth, tongue out, licking and suckling on the tip of his cock.

Khari grins. “Oh, wow, haha, look at you go! Taking all that you can, sport?”

“I’m going to take all of it. Watch me.” GM confidently rebukes.

Khari firmly plants his hand on GMs shoulder. He does it in a way to try and grab his attention before GM does anything rash.

Khari belts out a hearty laugh. “REALLY? But you’re a petite squirrel! You couldn’t be serious?!”


Without delay, GM pushes himself forward, as Khari’s member slowly disappears down GMs unhinged throat. It takes him only a few seconds.

Khari’s jaw drops. Whatever pre-conceptions he had of this fluffy fiend prior to entering the bathroom was gone, just like his dick in the musty, musky bathroom air.

GM huffs deeply from Khari’s groin, before letting out a pleased sight, and backing out, Khari’s schlong leaving GMs throat and mouth.

He then pushes his face into Khari’s chest, taking a better chance to oggle and dabble in a bit of ‘cock worship’. His right arm caresses Khari’s inner thigh, as GMs eyes sparkle with excitement.

He looks back at Khari, eyes locking. They both grin.

“I know what to do, no need to instruct.” Khari replies.

Khari positions his now erect member squarely in front of GMs face. He takes both hands and sets them on each size of GMs head. GMs mouth is wide open.

Khari thrusts forward with force, and guides his hands on GMs head down his shaft. GM accommodates. He thrust backwards with equivalent force. GM can take it.

Khari begins to increase his thrusting speed. The noise of meaty slaps as Khari’s sack claps against GMs chin, GMs face as it slaps into Khari’s groin, as he uses him as a human fleshlight, is the primary noise in the bathroom.

Second to that is the grunting, more so from Khari, as he makes all the effort to satisfy both of their urges.

They continue to lock eyes. Khari clenching his teeth, and grinning. GM? Well, can’t really make a face when you have a lion’s cock in your mouth, so he sends his love back by softly having his eyes half open.

Khari is now at pace. GM is taking it all like a champ. This goes on for a few minutes, until Khari begins to let out a moan.

His heavy balls twitch as they pump out his hot seed right down GMs throat.

GM is startled for the sensations now in his throat, and removes Khari’s hands from his head. He takes control of the situation, backing off Khari’s member, still halfway guzzling it, as he takes his own hand to the end of the shaft.

Khari continues to splurt and shoot his load. GM catches it in his mouth and swallows. This goes on for quite some time.

Eventually, GM exits from the shaft entirely, and continues to give Khari’s member a handjob, squeezing out whatever he can get to glaze and finish his own face.

Khari’s member droops back towards the floor, now with a glaze of salvia and cum.

When all is said and done, both are gasping for air. GM puts his hands to the side, palms to the floor, still kneeling. He looks up to Khari, smiling playfully.

“Thanks for your delicious cum sir!”.

Khari was still partly delirious. GM had basically leeched on his member like a man dying of thirst encountering a drinking water fountain.

Or, a blood sucking leech. I don’t know, describing things is hard.

“Well, ah, woah. I take back everything I said. I truly do.” Khari spits out through interlaced breaths.

GM stands back up. He’s hard. Pants still on, but clearly sticking out. Khari comes back to his senses, and takes notice.

“Hey, looks like you need some pressure released too?” Khari comments, chuckling.

GM politely nods.

Khari proceeds to pick up GM. Not a hard task when you easily more than double him in terms of body mass and build. He puts him down on the sink and handbasin, a table of sorts, and begins to undress GM.

Taking off his shorts, revealing a black latex thong. It looked enough to contain his dick, his balls and that’s it. He took it off also.

He then repositioned GM such that his ass was sticking out, and his legs were in the air.

All that was left to move as an obstruction was GMs large bushy tail. Realising the clear oversight, he picked up GM, and had him put his tail under his back, a cushion of sorts.

“Perfect, now then.”
Khari stuck one of his fingers in his mouth, and swirled it around, covering it in his saliva. It was dripping.

He took this finger and began to rub around GMs asshole.

The sensation riled GM right up, as he let out a pleasured moan.

“Oh stop that, you’re making a scene.” Khari sternly states.

GM slyly grins. Khari then proceeds to insert his finger inside GMs ass. Hooking it towards the stomach, he’s found the prostate. He softly taps, rubs, and rolls his finger around the erogenous, sensitive zone.

GM is besides himself, his cock twitching like crazy, leaking plenty of precum. He tries to suppress his moans, to some degree of success. But his mind is a mess of pleasure.

Not long after, GMs hips shake, as his dick erupts with multiple shots of his semen. Khari doesn’t stop teasing and toying with his prostate.

GM continues to lightly spasm, as Khari is pivotal in chaining orgasms inside GM. He continues to shoot on the counter, the floor, the mirror, himself even.

Khari slowly takes his finger out of GMs rectum, and a light pop is audible. GMs legs collapse over the counter and hang to the floor, he shuffles his body to be sitting up, back resting to the mirror.

 Now I’m really in the mood. Are you?” GM askes Khari.

“Are you sure your balls aren’t empty?” he replies.

“Heh, are yours?” GM quips.

“Huh, fair point.”

GM hops off the countertop, still limber and barely a wobble in his legs. It’s like he was never violated in the first place. Khari is astounded.

“I’ll just need to wipe my body off, freshen up, and get dressed again. You can head back out if you’d like. Thanks for making my birthday a great one Khari! Do keep in touch!”

“Birthday?” Khari ponders to himself. GMs friends never mentioned a birthday, they must’ve been acting covertly so as to not associate with GM. Weird.

Regardless, Khari now has an idea.

“Yeah, have a good night you fluffy boy toy. Stay safe. Here’s my SNS contact if you want to have a future catch-up.”

“Sure!” GM chirps up. They exchange social media contacts, and Khari leaves the room.

After using a considerable amount of paper towels, and still somewhat reeking of another man, which to be fair, in a place like this, is the de-facto standard ‘Eau de Cologne‘, GM also vacates the bathroom.

He heads back out to the bar, and locates his friends seated at another round table.

“God damn! You look like a worn out sock!” says one of them.

GM, is unfazed. “What do you mean? That’s how I like my men.”

They all laugh. GM hails for a bartender.

“Hey boys, what are you looking for?” the bartender asks.

GM turns to the group. “Shots?”

“Yeah!” “Hell yeah!” “It’s on us man! It’s your birthday after all!”

GM turns back to the bartender “What do you have on offer?”

“Well, you look like someone who belongs here, and the rest of you look completely out of your element being here, so, prepare yourself. We have a certain theme for our drinks here.”

“Well, go on.” GM responds.

“Ok, so we have the Quick Fuck, the Orgasm, the Menage a Trois, the Slippery Nipple-”

All but GM spit out their drink they ordered while GM was getting frisky in the bathroom and burst out laughing.

“The fucking WHAT?” “Oh god I feel so out of place here, what the fuck, haha!” they say.

“Yup. Well.” the bartender responds without feeling sorry at all. “Any of them sound good?”

One of them responds. “Well, we’re the ones paying, so, I guess get us each one of each of those you just mentioned. Here’s my card, you can put the payment on there.”

“Certainly, coming right up!”

GM quips to the bartender, “I hope not in the shot glass, cause I’ve already had my orgasm fill!”

They all laugh. The shots are then served. Down the hatch they all go.

An hour or more passes. The bar is beginning to thin out of patrons, those leaving, more frequently in pairs or more. The group is wasted, apart from GM, who does pace his drinks fairly well.

His phone vibrates. Khari has sent him a picture. GM opens the picture.

“OH MY GOD.” he mutters to himself.

It’s a picture taken from top-down, four big dicks touching tips, and an address. With a single caption.


GM did not hesitate.

“Betcha.” he responded, sneakily snapping a pic down his pants, the image sent by Khari perking his sexual interests yet again, as it had multiple times this evening.

Not much after this, the friend group all stumble together out of the bar, alongside the jeers and wooos from the other patrons assuming they were heading out to fuck some more.

But not really, his mates were hammered, and they all eventually dipped out, sending their birthday wishes, as they were able to through slurred speech, and finally ordering rideshares to whichever parts of the city they lived in.

GM however, didn’t head home. Instead, he started walking to the address mentioned on the image sent to him.

A few minutes pass, and his phone vibrates again. He reaches in his pocket to pull out the phone, until he hits what felt like a brick wall.

He stumbles back, losing his footing. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I was checking my ph-”.

He looks up. It’s Khari. But now he’s with three other, equally built men.

GM quickly checks his phone again. A message. “Are you still at the bar? We’re coming to get you.”

He looks back up to the four men now towering over him.

Khari addresses GM. “So you’ve now seen what I sent you?”. GM nods.

“Ok. You don’t need to explain anything. We all know what your friends were doing, how they were scheming for you to get hit on, and you know what?”


“We wanted you to join in.” Khari whispers in GMs ear. His mind races.

“So.” GM nervously sputters out, “Who are each of you? Just so we know each other.”

The human speaks out first. “Well, I’m Samson. Nice to meet you.” offering a handshake to GM.

He’s wearing less than the lion. His shirt is actually a fishnet. Pecs prominent and nipples sticking firmly out in the cold night air.

The orc proudly offers his hand to GM, and Samson. “Hello there, I’m Hakan. I think we are all on the same page right? We’re gonna do what I think we’re gonna do to him?”
He’s a green buff orc. The most dressed of the group. Graphic T-shirt and trackpants.

Yeah, I said Trackpants and Orc. Imagine the size of the bulge down his trouser leg.

The devil individual chirps up once again. “Yeah, we’re on the same page alright!”, plunging his hand down GMs pants to his member, and the other hand once again to his left pec, toying with his nipple and flaccid member now. GM audibly moans.

“Oh, remember my name peon. Ashmedai. Say it.”

He begins to stroke GMs member.


GMs knees begin to buckle. He leaks precum.


Khari slaps Ashmedai in the face.

“I said do that IN PRIVATE! For god's sake man, you have no restraint! What you’re doing is nothing short of sexual assault!”

Ashmedai stops. GM gasps for air and his whole body quivers.

“Okay, okay, damn it, FINE. What’s your sore point for public play man?”

Devils like to bend and break the rules of social conduct. This purple oni is wearing the least of the bunch, a “cock sock” covering kind of jockstrap and a sleeveless shirt that would look more fitting of a female than a man like him.

“That’s not the point Ash. Besides, you might realise he’s more demanding than you think.” Khari exclaims.

“That’s ridiculous Khari! He’s petite compared to each of us, like he’d- ahhhhh!”


While he attention was diverted, GM wrapped his arms around Ash’s behind, and lowered his jock. He then lightly slapped Ash’s flaccid member, playing with it like a spring. Sound effects included.

On the tips of his toes, GM whispers back to Ash.

“I may be small, but I know what I’m looking for when I dress you down in my eyes.” He lustfully says, as he begins to slowly jack him off.

GM turns his head to Hakan and Samson, staring directly at their trouser bulges. His free hand gives each of their groin a pat-down.

“I know what I want from you, and you know what you want from me. So, shall we?”

Khari’s group is all smiles, and lust. Especially Ashmedai, who is now quivering with his cock sticking straight out in the cold air, a long string of precum drooling down. Serves him right.

“Yes. Let’s. Come on then, let’s head back.” Khari says.

“Haha! I like your style, little squirrel boy.” Hakan exclaims, scooping up GM to carry in his arms.

“Here, can you put this in your ass?” Hakan says, handing GM some sort of anal sex toy.

“Don’t worry, it’s brand new, unused. We’re all wearing one as well.”

Samson and Khari both pull down their pants to show they are wearing similar toys.

The toy is like a mix of a buttplug, and prostate massager toy, which hooks up to make contact with the prostate inside the rectum.

“Just something for fun when we’re out in public. Concealed so other people can’t see. Here, let me help you with that.”

Hakan one-hands GMs trousers and thong off, and slowly inserts the sex toy, turning it on, before helping him put the clothes back on again.

“Here, you can have the remote to start.”, Hakan says, handing GM a single button remote.

“It’s quite simple, but fun. You push the button once, and then hand it to the next person. When you push the button, at random, the vibrator will activate in any of us, and it can only be turned off, once again, at random by someone else pushing the button on the remote.”

“It could turn on or off all of our vibrators, some of us, or just one of us.”

“We can’t just get off anymore at the thought of a big day orgy, so, this,” Khari pointing towards his own rear, “is what we use to get in the mood.”

“Anyway, should we get going? We can continue this at mine.” Khari gestures to the group to get a move on.

The group walks off, Hakan still carrying GM.

Ashmedai puts his thong back on. The precum seeped through and denoted a clear wet spot on the front of his thong.

The walk back to Khari’s pad will take the group around about half a n hour. Partly suburbian, partly inner-city apartment. No need to drive drunk. Rather convenient.

Plenty of time to let the anal toys rub up inside the each of them and get them sufficiently in the mood for all the sucking and fucking the graveyard shift had in store for them.

GM however, in the back of his mind, was deciding between whether he’d crash at Khari’s or follow on back home afterwards. He lived further out of town.

However, his judgement and general motor skills were still somewhat out the window, after all the drinking prior.

His hand slips.


“Oh~!”, Hakan stumbles and falls, taking GM with him.

They both get back up. Hakan is groaning, but mostly moaning. The vibrator is audible to the rest.

Samson picks up GM on his feet. “Are you alright? That was a fair fall.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” GM responds.

Samson takes a second look, “You pushed it, didn’t you?”

Hakan continues to moan, his member getting more and more erect, the bulge in his pants reaching as far as his kneecap.

“I’m sorry Hakan, Khari did give me the remote first after all.” GM says.

“Y-yeah, mmmm, that’s fine. It’s just how the game goes.” Hakan shakely says.

Ash turns to Hakan “Ohhhh, bad luck man! Draw the short straw early, huh?”

Khari quips, “Looks like a long straw to me?”
Ash turns to Khari, as they continue to walk, Hakan more laboured in his walk cycle with the vibrator still violating his ass.

“Yeah, guess you make a fair point, haha” Ash responds. “However!”


“AHNNNNN~!” Ash immediately recoils.

Ash, during the events that transpired, snuck the remote off the ground and into his possession.

However, the vibrator roulette dealt him a bad hand too. Hakan’s vibrator is now off, but Ashmedai's is.

His cock flings out of his thong and into the open air again. The sensation is more intense than when GM gave him a sneaky handjob. Combined with the sensation of the cold air on the top of his already bursting member, and the ultimate stint of “karma” bites Ash right in the ass.

“O-HO-HO-HAHHHHHHHH!” Ash dropping to his knees, his dick cumming long and strong, strings of semen landing onto the footpath in front of him.

He couldn’t focus on the group that could now do nothing but laugh at him. All he could do was cum, the vibrator not playing too kindly to pinching and squeezing against his prostate, as he chained orgasm after orgasm.

Khari takes back the remote, “Heh, serves you right you deviant.”.

He clicks the remote three times and the vibrator noise stops.

Ash’s eyes roll back to their normal position. He comes to his senses. Looking down at the mess he’s made on the pavement.

He quickly puts his thong back on, as best as he can while still hopelessly erect. Eventually he just decides to tuck it up, under the shirt.

It’s still visible, but now held back by the fishnetting of the shirt.

Hopelessly erect and aroused. Flustered, he finally snaps back at the group.

“That wasn’t fair at all! Why does this always happen to me when we play this?! It’s almost like the remote is rigged against me!”

He reaches out to Khari, “Give me that, I deserve another go!”
They both tug and pull on each other.

*click* *SNAP*
The group all recoil. All the vibrators activated.

*click, click, click*
Khari now realises that the remote broke during Ash’s outburst.

“Well, time for hard mode guys. This remote ain’t working anymore, and we still need to get back to mine.” Khari expresses through his teeth.

“On we go. And you Ash?”

Ash looks up at Khari with worry. Khari lowers his pants and his musky member hangs freely.

“That’s where your mouth is going as soon as we get back. Got to repay me somehow.”

“In fact, guys? He’s gonna be the piece of fuckmeat tonight, after what he did.”
Ash’s eyes widen. The rest of the group laugh. He begins to leak again.
Thankfully, the vibrators are only running at a lower intensity this time, so it’s as if they are constantly being edged rather than chaining orgasms over and over.

GM goes flush in the face. There’s gonna be an orgy and he’s a part of it.

They continue on, their lust levels building throughout the rest of the walk, or more like waddle.


“Nghhh.” grunts GM, as he pushes the toy out of his ass, with his ass.

Thankfully, Khari had the backup remote at home. He deactivated the vibrators.

The group is now inside Khari’s property (and I don’t mean his ass), and are all in a mixture of undressing themselves, or eyeing up someone from across the room and dressing them down in their eyes.

Samson and Hakan, now butt naked, move to the centre of the living room.

“Alright then, are we all in the mood?” Samson asks the others.

“Yeah!” says GM, “Damn straight!” says Ash.

Khari retorts to Ash, “Ummm, don’t you mean ‘damn gay’?”

Ash pauses for a moment, “Huh. Guess a five way gay orgy isn’t very straight, isn’t it? Ha.”

They all laugh.

GM walks over to Samson. “So, can you fill me up first?”
“Oh, getting straight- I mean immediately to the gay shit are we?”

“Hey Khari! Come over here! We can spit GM if you’re down!” Samson calls out to Khari.

GM enthusiastically nods at them both.

“So which of you two reprobates and I slamming my dick into?” Ash says in a cocky manner.

Suddenly he yelps, Hakan firmly grabs his rear.

“No. You know what you have to repay us.” Hakan sternly says, bending his over, Ash’s ass sticking up, as Hakan kneels down, erect member hotdogging Ash’s cheeks.

“Hey wait Hakan! I’ve got a better idea! Something that can include us all together!” says Khari. “Bring yourselves over with us.”

Ash and Hakan joins the other three.

Khari looks down to Ash, who is kneeling. He feels like he has a hint on what the others are planning.

“Ok Ash.” Khari softly but sternly says, as he turns back to face Samson and GM.

He spreads his cheeks. His asshole is twitching back in Ash’s face.

“Start licking.”

But before Ash could get a word out, Khari took his right hand and forced Ash’s face into his ass, his nose poking into Khari's asshole.

The stench and musk immediately making Ash erect, and he opened his mouth and begin to run his tongue in circles on Khari’s donut.

Ash’s eyes then go wide open, as Hakan opens Ash’s rear passage with his dick, both of their balls slapping against each other as he aggressively begins buttfucking him.

Samson follows suit with GM, albeit with more passion and less revenge.

GM looks up to Khari with insatiable lust, and Khari points down to his long schlong.

Simple. GM opens his mouth and begins to slurp and slobber on Khari’s meat stick.

So. Sitrep.

Samson doing anal to GM.
Hakan doing anal to Ash.
GM giving oral to Khari.
Ash giving Khari a rimjob.
Got it? Right, let’s continue.

GM and Ash are the little spoons of the orgy. GMs ass is getting stuffed with gym jock meat and mouth clogged with a lion shaft. Both Samson and Khari are spitroasting GM, and thrusting in an alternating motion, with plenty of grunting and moaning being said by the both of them. GMs member flops against his chest, and then against Samson’s balls.

Ash is being punished for what he did earlier in the night to the vibrator remote. Hakan is grunting and letting out laboured gasps as he’s thrusting as fast and as deep as he can into Ash’s rectum. Ash’s mind continuously goes blank as he looses his mind to the incomprehensibly amount of pleasure he is currently experiencing, leaking precum onto the carpeted floor.

Yet he is unable to focus on blowing his load for this reason, and his face is stuck and forced into Khari’s ass, his tongue poking inside of Khari’s asshole.

The rimming brings Khari to clench his ass, which twitches his dick, rattling all inside GMs throat. Khari’s tenses up, and cums first.

” Khari moans and groans

GM feels the same warm sensation in his throat that he loved earlier in the night. His body shake and quivers. This then sets off Samson, who slams his dick one final thrust into GMs rear and holds it there. He orgasms.

Now GM feels two warm sensations.

” Samson moans out a bit louder.

They both stop thrusting and hold their meat inside GM for a little while.

All the while, Hakan is still going to town against Ash, who is drooling a little from the mouth, face fallen from Khari’s asshole, and laying on the floor. His ass is still sticking up towards Hakan, almost like he’s had conceded fault for what he did like the naughty devil slut he was.

Khari looks to Samson, “God, Do you want to switch holes?”

“I promise you, his mouth is like a living condom, you’ll love it.”

“Sounds good to me.” Samson responds.

They both slowly exit GMs holes and GM flays himself out on the floor.

“And you GM?” Khari asks GM.

He doesn’t respond, he curls up on the floor, licking his lips, a warm smile on his face, a light jitter shakes across his body.


“Little fella needs a moment to recover? Hmmm?” Khari softly says.

He picks up GM and carries him to the couch.

Before he can get seated, GM springs back to life and reaches up to Khari’s face, kissing him on the lips, and using his tongue to open Khari’s mouth up for a sudden French kiss.

They embrace.

“Oh, so that was a fakeout, huh?” Samson quips.

GMs exits the french kiss. “Can you believe he called me a pipsqueak earlier tonight? This fool didn’t think I could take his size
” GM responds.

“And, let’s be fair, I doubt I’d have trouble with yours

GM reaches out and begins to play with Samson’s cock and balls, before not long after performing the same deep blowjob on Samson.

“Well, no need to keep myself waiting then” Khari says, as he pushes his lion cock into GMs now looser asshole.

GMs eyes light up. He was right. Giving Samson a BJ wasn’t going to be a problem at all.

Khari dick was clearly bigger, and it was giving GM a real belly bulge as Khari thrusted in and out of his ass.

Meanwhile, Hakan looked over at the detached three, and got an idea.

Throughout this whole period, he was doing all he could to satisfy himself, but let Ash have nothing.

This mostly involved pulling out when he began to feel Ash’s asshole clench.

But this satisfied neither party, and Hakan was on the verge of busting.

Hakan reinserted his vibrator, the spare remote, and sat on the couch. He took the delirious Ash with him.

Hakan spread his legs and pointed to his member, looking at Ash, who was now slowly coming to his senses.

“Sit down.” Hakan directed.

Ash, now fully submitting to whatever would happen, lower himself on Hakan’s ungodly Orc member, and turned to Hakan.

“A-are we gonna cum now?” he asked.

“We?” Hakan asks?

He turns on the vibrator, shuttering a little as his asshole clenches. His dick twitching, giving a same response to Ash.

“Huh?” says Ash, not fully grasping what was Hakan’s grand plan.

Hakan suddenly wraps his legs over the top of Ash’s legs, locking him down to Hakan’s member. Now Ash couldn’t get up. But Hakan also couldn’t thrust or hump him.

“I just wanna watch our new friend get it given to him, that’s all. Care to join?” Hakan slyly states.

“But, what about-” Ash is interrupted.

“No no, you’re still being punished. Naughty boys don’t get to cum. But I do. Now let’s just enjoy what we are seeing.” Hakan sternly whispers.

“But, but can I just-” Ash, taking his hands to jack himself off.

He is quickly stopped by Hakan, grabbing his arms and putting them behind his back.

He locks Ash’s hands in padded handcuffs, and repeats what he just said.

“Naughty boys don’t get to cum. But I do.”

Ash’s member is semi-flaccid, but is twitching like crazy.

“Now. Just. Watch. Them.”

Hakan takes his two index fingers and sticks them in his mouth, slobbering them up. He then reaches around to Ash’s bare chest and starts to rub, squeeze and tweak his nipples.

Ash’s nipples stick right out, and his cock twitches wildly.

This jump from sensory deprivation to the sudden touch of another man drives Ash crazy.

“Hoooooo-ah-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Ash, thrashing around, unable to get off Hakan’s member, or to get himself off either. It’s not enough to make him cum.

Hakan continues to clench against the vibrator in his ass, his member pulsing inside Ash’s ass. He lets out progressively louder and louder moans as the vibrator rubs more and more against his prostate, the twitching more and more.

While all this orgasm denial is going on, GMs lets out muffled moans, as he cums yet again, spraying out onto the floor. The sounds of pleasure completely break Ash, as he begins to shout.

“I want to cum! Just let me cum please, oh god please!” Ash pleads to Hakan.

GM turns his head to Ash, pinned down seated, hopelessly aroused, erect, leaking, but unable to cum. His eyes seem to sparkle to his helplessness.

Hakan becomes angry. He puts two of his fingers into Ash’s mouth, as Ash moans more.

“That’s enough. No talking.”

Ash drools some more, and then he sees something he’s been waiting for.

Hakan reaches his right hand down to Ash’s member and begins stroking.

“Yes! Ye-”
Hakan stops. “NO TALKING.”

Ash quickly nods his head.

Hakan continues.

Ash moans as softly as possible as he finally starts to get some pleasure.

“Keep watching them.” Hakan orders.

“We’re going to time this, ok?”

He nods his head again. It doesn’t matter, he’s finally going to get to climax after the orgy started.

“F-fuck, how are you still this tight GM? I’m gonna-” Khari stumbles through his voice while slamming his dick deep into GMs ass.

”, says Samson, his body shaking as he forces his shaft fully down GMs throat.

Ash begins to flail around the best he can. He’s close too. His asshole is twitching like crazy.

Hakan behind Ash, grins like an evil villain.

Khari and Samson blow their loads yet again, GM moaning with delight as he is fed once more.

Ash closes his eyes, preparing for the greatest orgasm of his life, finally, after all of this teasing and bullying, he’ll get to-

Hakan removes his hand from Ash’s meat stick.

Ash opens his eyes again. “No” he thinks to himself “No, no no no, please I was so close, PLEASE NO, NOOOOO!!”

Ash begins to thrash around again, trying to inch out the last bit of sensation needed to come to orgasm. He is interrupted by Hakan again.

“Repeat what I said criminal. REPEAT.”

Samson and Khari exit from GMs holes again, GM now overflowing from both sides, barely able to swallow down the multiple load left by Samson this time.

““Naughty boys don’t get to cum.” Ash, now a defeated man responds.
“A-and?” Hakan mutters, seemingly close to orgasm himself.

“But, you do.”

Hakan explosively cums. Ash can feel the strength of his stream as it fills his shitter. He grits his teeth and tries his best to not moan too loudly.

The funny thing? Hakan is done with Ash. He couldn’t give a shit, he could moan all he wants.

But he won’t say.

It overflows out of Ash’s ass and splatters against Hakan’s groin and Ash’s buttcheeks.

Hakan moves his legs off Ash’s legs, and unclips the handcuffs. He stands up.

He pushes Ash off his still erect member, and Ash collapses to the floor.

He’s a shaky, quivering mess.

Hakan splurts whatever was left in his dick onto Ash’s limp body.

“Now we’re even, punk.” Hakan spits out to Ash, like a school bully.

GM gets back up and waddles over to Hakan and Ash.

Ash, his member still twitchy constantly, sexually frustrated.

“Is that dick taken?” GM asks Hakan.

“Up to you.” Hakan cockily said.

GM didn’t hesitate, he took Ash by his shoulder and started trying to drag him back to the couch.

“Come on man, it’s time to come” GM says to Ash.

This brought Ash new life, as he put his arm up to signal to GM that he was going to make his own way back to the couch himself.

Ash slumps his back onto the couch, like a couch potato, and GM straddles on top of him. He takes his hand to position Ash’s devious, but strained member over his entrance, and then looks down at Ash, who’ at this point is partly lucid, anticipating his release.

“Ready?” GM asks Ash.

“Yes!” Ash enthusiastically responds.

“Hold it.” Hakan interrupts.

Ash looks at Hakan, devastation on his face.

Without talking, Hakan shuffles both GM and Ash on the couch to different positions. Ash is still lying on the couch but his head is now properly against the armrest. GM is straddling in the middle.

Hakan lays down on the other size of the couch, lifting Ash’s legs with his own legs to be under Ash, his dick now standing tall and touching up against Ash’s dick, frotting almost.

“Ok, go for it, pipsqueak.” Hakan says to GM.

The pipsqueak comment offends GM somewhat, and after shuffling both members again to ready himself, he takes a deep breath and then immediately drops his body all the way down both shafts, taking Hakan and Ash by complete shock and surprise.

“Woooooahhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” they all simultaneously moan.

Ash immediately cums. He continues to moan through gasps.

“Hah-hoooh-ooooooHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Ash screams, his hips bucking wildly as before

He shoots his shot inside GMs ass-womb, the intensity of Ash’s loads bucking GM up slightly, as he can feel his gut feel fuller and fuller.

Looking down, he sees his gut inflate bit by bit, being filled with that sweet nectar.

Ash continues, in his deranged state, to empty his balls as much as he can. A solid minute of cumming concludes.

GM looks down to Ash, “Thanks, but I’m not done yet.”
He rises back up and slams back down, increasing in speed until his rectum is being stretched and melded in whichever directions the phalic penises collide with the internal walls.

All begin to clench their assholes. Especially GM, who’s having his prostate not so much rubbed against, but having assault and battery against, smacking their dicks right against it, sending GM into a state of delirium.

Hakan tries to reach his arms out to GMs chest, it’s tough work to do so, his dick getting slammed make the job difficult, but eventually he reaches GMs chest.

He runs his fingers across GMs nipples, causing GM to moan and clench his loose donut hole even tighter, GM moans deeply.

“Ohhhhhh- Yes, fuck!” GM shouts.

“I’m gonna cummmmm~!”, followed by a strong stream of fresh cum flying towards Ash’s face. Ash opens his mouth wide, not only to catch the cum, but to also annouce he was gonna cum again
“Ahhhhh!~” Ash moans out, as he is interrupted by GMs thick cumstring slapping against his face, chest and into his hair.

Hakan softly but sternly moans to himself, as his orc dick erupts also. GM is taken by surprise. It’s the biggest load of the evening.

GM gasps, “Ah-ha-ah-ha-ah-ha”.

He concentrates on his breathing as he’s stuffed even further, now with orc cum rather than the devil’s baby batter.

A clear belly bulge was forming, almost resembling a “beer belly or beer gut”.

They all gasp for air, and try to collect themselves.

GM attempts to lift himself from both dicks, but his legs give out on him, and flops back onto both dicks.

Hakan, looking concerned, looks to Ash, who is still experiencing the best post nut clarity of his life.

Khari and Samson watched it all unfold, their dicks stuck right out at a perfect 90 degrees, move over to GM. “Here, let’s help you out.” Khari says.
GM holds his arms, like a cat wanting to get lifted up for a cuddle.

They both lift GM up. GMs legs quake as both the dicks leave his ass.

He oozes and leaks cum at this point. He is sitting back down, his leaking cum staining and soaking deep into the couch cushion.

Immediately after being assisted, still dazed and confused, he crawls back on top of Ash, but not to ride him some more, but to cuddle up against Ash.
“Awwww, look at those lovebirds” Samson mentions.

GM and Ash subconsciously interlock hands and fingers, rubbing their naked and messy bodies against one another, their phallic penises rubbing up against each other.

They open their mouths, and lock into a deep French kiss, with tongue. They exchange saliva and cum. They are in complete lust for each other.

Hakan, sits back up, and looks to Khari.

“Khari, do you have those extra large plugs?”

“Yes, why?” Khari responds.

Hakan points to the oozing and leaking mess that is occurring out of GMs asshole.

“Gotcha.” Khari says, walking over to a chest located in the room, opening it to a large cache of various sex toys and apparatus.

He finds a pair of large anal vibrating buttplugs, with the related remote that controls each of them, walking back over to the two lovers still passionately making out on the couch.

“Ok you two, open wide” Khari mentions to Ash and GM.

He inserts a buttplug into each person, who gives out a small moan as they feel their holes stretched out wide.

Khari then switches them both on a teasing setting. This continues their sensual moaning.

Their bodies still rubbing against one another, the smell of cum and sweat creating a bubble of musk they are both breathing and sniffing in, arousing them even more.

He then clips the remote to his collar, and reaches his hands down to Hakan’s ass, gripping it firmly.

“Oh!” Hakan quickly speaks.

Khari parts Hakan’s asscheeks to the side, giving him the entry point for him to stick his finger inside Hakan’s ass, reaching to massage his prostate.

Before he can get there, Samson does the same to Khari.

Khari responds by taking his free hand to rub and tease Samson’s left nipple.

Any free hand left over of the three was being use to grope and tease one another.

Once all the three were aroused, they walked over to stand tower over GM and Ash, still in their element, not even aware of the other three.

The three begin to jack off each other, Samson to Khari, Khari to Samson and Hakan with the both of his hands.

They were bleeding precums in deep long strings, the same as GM and Ash, although not visible, and mixing in with the sweat and cum from earlier.

Khari looks to Samson, and eyeballs to the remote against his collar.

“Samson, push both the red buttons.” Khari asks of Samson.

Samson nods his head, and does just that.


The buttplugs increase in intensity violently, as the two lover on the couch moan as loud as they can before locking back in their kiss, short sharp moaning following as their hips buckle and shiver, they are both cumming at the same time. And again, and again, the cum seeping out from their chest sandwich they’ve gotten from hugging and embracing close.

The three follow not long after, strings and streams of thick semen splashing and slapping against mostly GMs back, but also their sides and faces.

Everyone was at their limit, they were spent.

You could hear them all moan three floors or, up or down.

When all was said and done. Khari turned off both plugs.

Everyone was gasping for air, collecting themselves.

GM and Ash finish their long kiss and embrace, ending with a kiss of each other’s lips.

“Thank you so much.” GM softly says
“Y-y-yeah” and exhausted Ash says, before passing out to sleep on the couch, plug still inside him.

GM falls backwards onto the other side of the couch, the thick glaze of sweat, precum- and cum visible on both of their chests.

GM is spent, used, and full. He closes his eyes and smiles, licking his lips, before also falling into a deep slumber like with Ash.

The other three bara boys, still standing.

“Might be time to turn ourselves in, ay?” Samson asks the other two.

“Yup, definitely.” Hakan agrees.

“We should probably deal with these two guys first, they need a deep restful sleep.” Khari mentions.

“Oh for sure”, “Yeah, let’s tend to them first.” Hakan and Samson respond.

Samson reaches over to the passed out Ash, lifting his legs, and softly begins to pull against the butt plug.

There’s some resistance, but eventually it plops out. Samson carries it away into the dishwasher to get cleaned and sanitised, as with the prostate toys.

He then picks up Ash and carries him away into one of the many bedrooms in the property, to tuck him into bed to sleep.

Khari tries to do the same with GM.

“Mmmmmm-noooooo.” GM tosses and turns.

“Hmm?” Khari ponders, then it comes to him.

GM is the kind of person who loves to be filled, and love the sensation of being filled.

“Ah ok then.” Khari responds with, poking against GMs cumflated belly bulge, to the pleasure of himself.

Khari picks the limp but smiling GM in his arms, and carries him to another bedroom.

He rests his head on the pillow, lying his body out across the bedding.

Khari runs his fingers through GMs hair, causing GM to turn his body to the side, his tail tucking up between his legs, his arms reaching out to wrap his arms around it, cuddling his own tail. He lets out a comfortable purr.

Khari smiles. “Good night my little pipsqueak. Love you.”

GM mumbles back “lub yuu too”

Khari, reaches for his collar again, and pushes the green button. The buttplug softly vibrates on and off in a pattern.

GM lets out a satisfied moan, as he snuggles up closer to his tail.

Khari leaves the bedroom to rejoin with the “bara three”, cuddling up and napping against each others naked bodies on the other “clean” couch.

GM is left in the bedroom to himself, the buttplug softly shaking all the infill in his ass, teasing his prostate in a gentle but sensational way.

He’s now completely in a deep sleep, but he continues to leak and cum throughout the rest of the night.

Life is good.

How does your morning start?

Perhaps you wake up, barely unable to open your eyes fully, as you stumble with effort towards the kitchen, to grab whatever looks edible to the fridge or pantry.

Maybe you like to sleep-in? Maybe you don’t have a choice? Your hips and rear are in an absolute state from all the rough sex as you are simply unable to move, partly still in a state of ecstasy from the night before.

But eventually, even you have to rise and start the day.

It’s a challenge, and for someone like “GM”, a total cakewalk. He’s done this all before.

The bedsheets, a sticky, moist mess. In his mindset, if you’re using a condom, you’re wasting perfectly good cum. That warm cum could have a much better place to be discarded. Himself.

He waddles with care to the bathroom, clenching his anus as best as he is able to, as to not leak onto the floor, and cause even more of a mess. The bedsheets? Easy. Just put into the washing machine with an obscene amount of laundry detergent, and put on a heavy duty cycle. By the time he’s come to his senses, and he’s slightly more conscious than he is at this time, he’s capable of putting these bed sheets into the dryer, and they are ready to fit back to the bed.

Cum on the floor? An awkward conversation to have with the landlord that the house pet was sick again on the carpet, and then pray to the heaven above that he’s not going to bring out the backlight.

Maybe not a problem he’s going to have, given the venue he’s ended up in. It’s a typical end to the story most nights for most guests.

To the benefit of GM, he had the foresight the previous night to ask those who reamed his rear to fit proper boxer briefs on him before he passed out in bed. Proper cloth underwear has been kind to him, holding his loose anus from leaking other men's semen in a clear trail to the bathroom.

Because let’s be honest. He’s the kind of dude to wear as little fabric as possible. That just wouldn’t have worked out.

He eventually makes it to the bathroom, and begins to grimace in the face. His legs, no, his EVERYTHING, in numbing pain. He slowly began to squat and eventually sit on the porcelain throne. A small price to pay for all the fun he has.

Over the course of a few minutes, he pushes out all of the discharge that was stuffed, forced, and projectile shot inside his rectum out into the bowl.

Once he feels the first “clean bowel” sensation he’s felt since meeting the posse the previous night, he stares into the toilet bowl with a sly grin. The bowl is reasonably filled.

“Thanks boys” he whispers.

Taking a closer look into the mess he caused, he notices a black object also inside the bowl.

He reaches down for it, and pulls it out, messy and all. He is shocked.

It’s a large vibrating buttplug.

“Was that in me?” GM asks himself.

“You didn’t want me to pull it out.” a voice says to him.

“Ahh!” GM turns his head, slipping on the mess he’s caused on the floor, having to catch the side of the hand basin to catch his fall.

Khari walks over to GM to help him up on his feet.

“Steady now, little guy.” Khari says.

“Thanks friend.”

They look at each other. GM drops the buttplug to the floor, and holds Khari’s hands. They lock eyes.

Khari drops to a knee, and they reach in for a kiss. They touch their lips.

They look back eye to eye, and Khari looks down to his chest. It’s a sticky mess.

Of course, GM didn’t get a chance to clean himself up at the end of the night, for the above reasons.

“Oh, you’re still a total mess. I’m sorry I didn’t help you clean up before tucking you in.” Khari apologises.

GM puts his messy hand to Khari’s chest. “No, no, it’s fine-, oh, OH SHIT SORRY!”

Khari laughs. “Hahaha, well, guess we both need to clean up then?”
GM nods his head. “Absolutely.”
They both walk over to the shower, and GM steps in. Khari takes off his boxer shorts, meat hanging in the air. He walks in too.

Both are now in the shower. Khari’s dick resting up against GMs messy chest.

Khari turns on the tap, and the shower turns on. The room fills with steam.

They both begin to brush and rub down each other with soap and shampoo.

No, not that type of rubbing down.

No, the horny sex shit is over. Story over, they’re washing up.

Oh alright then.

Once the crusty dried semen has been cleaned off and washed down the drain, they stay in the shower for a little while longer, arms around each other, embracing, GMs tail wrapped around Khari’s back, as a tail hug.

“I love you” GM softly says to Khari.

“Me too, pipsqueak, me too”.

In the other room, GMs phone vibrates.

(4) new friend requests.



I skimmed it, stopped when I read belly, loved it


He gets pretty filled -⁠ᄒ⁠ᎄ⁠ᄒ⁠-