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Thanks for the people that participated, i really appreciate it if you haven't. then check your dms .3.
So, i got some questions and suggestions:

Would you ever make a comic?

Yess, i'd love to. but i don't feel ready for a project that big yet.
so, that'd be a plan for the future

Semi-realistic would be pretty cool.

You mean more fully rendered stuff or ? - feel free to dm me

really love continuity between art pieces as well, that might tell a continued story.

I have planned doing series of illustrations that tell stories, just wait a bit :3

Cooler angles 

i'm on it, haha. i knpw they aren't that cool yet
but i'm working on it

Thank you so much for your input, this helps me a lot ♥
if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to send me a message 


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