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Galqing : D


If you have any questions, you can always contact me on my social media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/QSX3EE

Discord: https://discord.io/QSX3



Subaru L

Do you share the costumes here? I think the rendering is very good!! But it seems to be rare to see people using boots that are a little above the knee And it seems that there are no mods for those boots with high heels (Translated by deepl)


こんにちは。あなたは日本人でしょうか? まず、お褒めの言葉ありがとうございます。どのコスチュームが欲しいか教えてください、Discordから送ります。ハイヒールは現場で作るのが大変でした。


Hello! I assume, you are Japanese correct? First of all, thank you for the compliment! Tell me which costumes you would like to receive, and I can send them over through Discord. The high heels were difficult to make in the scene. My Discord: QSX3#0842

Subaru L

I'm happy to be Japanese, I like this country, but I'm actually a Taiwanese (translated by deepl)