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After their first (non-nude) Hypnosis session, not only did Danae and Karim really enjoy themselves and respond surprisingly well... but they asked if they could come back... and misbehave with one another in their second shoot! 🤯 

Never one to look a gift-exhibitionists in the mouth, I of course said "Yes!" and we had that second shoot. 

Alas, all did not go according to plan. They went under nicely again and were very responsive, but when we got to the uh... "spicier" sections, it kind of devolved from being Hypno Play, to straight up rudeness! 

They got really into their "lovers" scene, and I guess I didn't feel confident enough telling them to reign it in so I could make it a bit more mind controlly. As such we added some freeze scenes later, though these are far more fantasy than genuine hypno play. 

Guess we can call this vid 30% genuine trancing, 70% fantasy.

We're planning a shoot three because I think I know where I went wrong, and next time round will definitely be steering them back towards hypnotic waters. 😂

(Feb 24) COMPLETIONISTS should see a copy in their inboxes. Everyone else, their vid's now available as a reward.

  • Free: We did a public HypnoStream HERE



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