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It's been a bit, but this session marks the glorious return of Kacie James!

Kacie and Natalia are friends IRL who collaborate with one another regularly and even holiday together on occasion, which made the mental amnesia section pretty funny, hearing Kacie tell Natalia that she knows all about her seafood obsession, only for Natalia to deny that she's ever met this girl and accuse her of being a stalker!

Pretty good responses throughout, the ladies take really well to the "Very Deeply Brainwashed" suggestion, and there's some genuine confusion at the fact they can hear the other girl saying the phrase, but can't seem to register that they're saying it themselves. The "What the hell are Breasts?" scene is also pretty funny, watching as the girls bemusedly start baring and poking one another's breasts whilst seemingly utterly baffled by what they are.

A fun session with two beautiful ladies. Enjoy!

Folks who were Completionists during November 2023 should have received this in their inboxes. Everyone else, you can now request them via reward emails.


00:00:14 Pre interview
00:04:54 Induction
00:21:34 Bound poses
00:25:21 Kacie doll
00:28:37 Natalia doll
00:31:42 Five finger drop
00:35:26 Very deeply brainwashed
00:42:32 Mind bound
00:50:28 Memories bound
00:52:54 Memory switch
00:57:08 Faint touch
01:01:02 Switch - what are breasts?
01:06:33 Mindless doll mantras
01:12:51 Disgusting clothes
01:15:33 Exhibitionist switch
01:19:57 Master's brainless dolls
01:22:47 Mirror poses
01:23:52 Replay
01:25:59 Empty mind mantra
01:26:51 Switch - friends to lovers
01:31:19 Post interview



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