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Just in time for May: Amelie Session 1: Dronification (Director's Choice)

An awesome  session with a wonderfully responsive, fun, and bratty subject.

Bratty... when they're able to be, that is. Amelie's one of those fantastic subbies who's obedient to the point where you can simply tell her that her bratty self is removed, (or captive inside) and their attitude and behaviour will transform entirely!

LOTS of shenanigans in this one with eye rolls and derps and blank faces a-plenty. Everything's framed from an objectified "Robotic" standpoint, hence this being a Dronification session, but she's in turns a Brat, a Dancer, A puppet, A Milky HuCow, A Sexy Tutor, and at one point a very confused librarian.

Definitely worth picking up just to watch her attitude turning on a dime between smirking brat, to wide eyed slavegirl, to embarrassed librarian and back again!

So many highlights...

  • Thinking they're speaking normally, when all she's saying is "I'm a mind controlled robot."
  • Denying I've got any control, all whilst her body follows my every order
  • MASSIVE dilated pupils any time she gets carried away
  • The ever popular "My name is DERP!" suggestion returns. 
  • ... also she naturally makes that Derp face quite a lot. ;)
  • Giving her a thumb sucking obsession, and watching her become very agitated any time she couldn't reach one.

Amazing session. Definite Director's Choice!

Current Completionists should see a copy in their inboxes. 

Everyone else, she's now available as a reward from the Mesmerist tier up. 

Hoping to have her back soon!




Here's a +1 for her coming back soon as she's adorable :).