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Adapted from a commission for D-S-M. (Thanks man!) 

This file gives the listener triggers to put them into different puppy mindsets for a trusted dominant friend. 


Remain human and able to speak, but find your mind and attitude become puppy like, focused on play, pettings, walkies, etc. 

Fully believe that you are a puppy. Barking, snuffling about on all fours, unable to remember or care about being human. 

Makes you into a horny dog, eager to do something about that... 

Increases whatever sensation or emotion you happen to be feeling.

Return to normal, recalling as much / as little as you like.


Hello there! Ready to relax and become my mind controlled puppy?

That’s good… because if you listen carefully… and focus on my words, we’ll have you wagging that tail, playing fetch, going for walkies, and learning lots of fun new tricks in no time.

Doesn’t that sound fun? ;)

Of course it does.

[Optional Explanation]

That’s why you’re choosing to listen to this file. It will give you a number of pet related hypnotic triggers. One where you remain human… but have the mindset of an excitable puppy… one where you’ll believe and behave you really are a dog… and another to make you feel like you’re on heat.

If that’s alright with you, continue listening. If not, you should probably stop.

Still here? Good…

[Intro Continued]

Get yourself comfortable, in whatever ways feel most appropriate for a puppy.

Maybe you’d like to put a collar on… snuggle under a nice blanket… or grab your favourite toy…

Whatever sights or feelings, sounds or smells you love the most.

Whatever things relax you and get you feeling nicely chilled out and comfortable.

Happy carefree… at ease… and ready to become the perfect hypno puppy?

All ready? Good.

[Induction begins]

Take a deep breath in, and give a big breath out… and just allow your body to begin to settle… your muscles to become calm and loose.

As you breathe… you relax… As you relax, following my words will become easier and easier.

Find yourself feeling peaceful already… comfortable… calm and carefree…


Letting yourself grow more still with each passing moment.

Letting your limbs relax and grow heavy.

Allowing your mind to center itself on my words, my voice and how much you enjoy the idea of following them completely.

Because you want to melt… so that’s what’s starting to happen.

Because you want to drift deep… so drifting deep begins to come so very easily.

And easier every time you listen… easier every time you drop for me…

Because you enjoy the idea of focusing fully… so pretty soon, that will become all that matters…

Focusing, fixing, slipping, sleeping.

Getting yourself as comfortable as you can possibly be… then allowing your muscles to go loose and limp.

Allowing your body to become more weighty with each moment.

From the tips of your toes, to the top of your head.

Every part of you calm and peaceful… relaxed and tranquil…

Every muscle group… flexes… then relaxes…

Your legs…

Your hips…

Your torso…

Your shoulders… arms… hands…

Your neck and face…

And every one of those little muscles in your face…

Feeling them loosening… Letting them relax…


The more you let yourself drift into that drowsy state… like you’re already asleep, the easier it is to drop deep and follow my words.

The more you let my words guide you… lull you… enchant you… the better you feel.

The more attentive… like you’re a pet… and they’re your Master’s words…

And it feels so nice to picture yourself in that place… doesn’t it?

So good to think of being petted and patted by Mister…

Stroked and tickled in that friendly familiar fashion as you drift down deeper…

It’s as if you’re already my pet…

Or if you’ve listened before, it’s like returning to a place you know and love…

Easy to imagine yourself being scritched in that soothing way…

Easy to enjoy that mindset of being my puppy…

Curled up at my feet…

Relaxing beside me…

Comfy in your basket…

Lazy and snoozing after a nice long walk…

Maybe resting your head on my knee whilst I stroke your face, your hair or your ears…

And as I do… letting your eyes grow heavier and heavier…

Letting each blink last a little longer than the one before it…

Letting everything within you slow and grow still…

Let those eyes close now…

Good puppy.

Now… in a moment I’m going to count down, and as I do… you’re going to allow yourself to let go of all of your everyday thoughts… until you find yourself so soothed and focused, that nothing will matter beyond the sound of my voice.

10… becoming more calm and comfortable with every moment

9… letting your waking self drift away, as you picture yourself as a sleepy spellbound puppy more and more

8… letting all your waking thoughts slow, and melt away, nothing but pleasant obedient focus inside you

7… more deep, and dreamy, and pet like with each moment

6… letting yourself detach more from feeling human with each breath you take

5… pleasant feelings of focus on my words filling you

4… melting so easily deeper and deeper

3… hearing only my voice, and growing so relaxed

2… feeling nothing else matters but my voice, so wonderfully calm

1… docile… dreamy… and ready to be trained

No worries at all now.

My voice is all that’s important, and everything else has just vanished away.

Your body will continue to relax for me… more with each moment.

Your mind will continue to listen…

Even as your own everyday human thoughts drift further and further away.

They’re vanishing now… not needed for the time being… they’ll return when they need to…

But for now… It’s as if you’re not even connected to your body any more…

Beginning to experience my words, my voice, my wishes as though you really are my pet… Sir’s pet… Mister’s puppy…

Imagining more vividly with each moment… visualizing as powerfully as you possibly can as you allow yourself to be trained.

Find yourself feeling very much like my pet, snoozing away in their basket… but listening for my voice…

Imagining how a dog’s ears might prick up when they hear their owner’s voice… even in slumber, they always enjoy knowing their master is near.

Easier by the second to sleep deep, to focus, to picture any scene that my words begin to paint for you.

Imagine yourself as a the kind of dog you feel most affinity for…

Maybe you’ve a luxurious mane of hair…

Maybe you’re built strong like a wolf…

Maybe you’re a designer dog… small… cute… friendly… intelligent…

Maybe you’re younger… Scruffier…

Bright eyes… Pink tongue…

And when you’re out and about… panting and playful…

Picture yourself as my puppy. Bounding in a field or park…

Maybe running alongside your owner… or running to them if you’re playing hide and seek… maybe chasing squirrels or a ball…

Everything in your mind’s eye created to soothe and enchant and relax you.

Everything you see, feel, smell increasing the sensation of being my puppy

Imagining what it would be like if everything you experienced further compounded the puppy feelings growing within you.

Imagining how the the voice of your owner would excite you… how eager you’d be to see them… to play and be a good dog…


Now picture yourself returning home after a nice long walk… having a lovely cool drink… and then taking the final 10 sleepy steps back to your basket…

10 sleepy steps that drift your mind more deeply asleep

9 sleepy steps leading you to let go of everything

8 now, deeper and deeper feeling so wonderfully relaxed

7 and you’re letting go of your body in reality to the point where you can’t even move a muscle

6 and everything’s getting so loose, not a care or worry or thought in the world

5 drifting deeply, so utterly enchanted

4 every inch of you peaceful and calm

3 every bit of you soothed and spacey and spellbound

2 almost at your basket now, yearning to collapse into it

1 final step, wanting to drop deep

0 taking that step

And flumping down into your basket, letting out a deep breath and melting down so wonderfully

So soundly asleep that all you hear is my voice…

Nothing else is important…

No other sensations… no other sounds… nothing matters at all..

Only my voice… everything else is washed away.

Your waking self, your human mind, your consciousness drifting away now…

Feel them floating up out of your body effortlessly… ascending up into the air

As they drifts up, your body and your unconscious mind relaxes deeper…

As your conscious mind grows light and dreamy, it floats higher and higher…

Drifting away… up into the sky, leaving your body behind…

And any second, it will disconnect, letting your body collapse down so sleepily into the deepest of trances

Feel it vanishing, drifting away as it disconnects completely… now.


There’s my good puppy…

Now… as you lie there resting, dropping ever deeper… just enjoy picturing and feeling yourself being stroked and petted and played with by me… Enjoying a lazy day. Enjoying how good it feels any time I praise you for being my perfect puppy…

For being my submissive pet…

I can scritch you under the chin, or pat you on the head, and it feels so nicely familiar, so deeply disarming, like you’re there with your best friend enjoying the warmest of moments…

I can work my hands down to your flanks… your sides… your hips… and it still feels so good, but there’s this rising pleasure and excitement down there…

I can take your collar… hook my fingers and tug firmly… reminding you of how leashed you are… your breath grows weaker… maybe… if you like being choked… you find that for a few moments, you’re totally at my mercy… so powerless and played with… so teased and docile… so perfectly pliable and ready to be trained…

Good Puppy

I can rest my hand on your thigh… and you find yourself wanting to spread those legs, loving my touch on your every area, the everyday, and the intimate, every square inch of you just adores thrilling or relaxing to my touch.

Such a good puppy

Happy pleasant shivers down your spine when I call you that. Can’t help wagging when you’re awake… can’t help recalling the sensation of wagging within trance…

Wonderful warm waves of pleasure in the base of your skull when you hear me praising you.

Good Girl.

Good Puppy.

Good Pet.

[Making sure they’re listening]

Now… listening carefully? Because I’m going to give you some magic words and phrases that are going to powerfully affect your feelings. These words are only going to work for me, or for your trusted play partners. If you hear them randomly, nothing will happen… If they are said by someone you trust… they’re going to affect you very powerfully. Just like you’re a real puppy. Your response to them is going to become almost automatic… just like instinct… you’re excited at this idea, which is why you’re going to listen very closely…


So from now on…


Any time I or your play partners use the words PUPPY-BRAIN: You’ll remain human… and you’ll be able to walk on two legs… but your mindset, your behaviour and your personality will all change to that of a friendly and excitable Golden Retriever, happy to see me, and eager to play. You’ll enjoy barking and ruffing, though you can still speak like a person if you need to… though the only topics that can enter your mind are those that a puppy would be interested in: Walkies! Dindins! Fetch! Chase! Tickles! Play! Hugs! Nothing else will make sense, nothing else will be important, and silly human topics like politics or movies or doing the laundry just won’t make any sense to you. Not when you hear the words PUPPY-BRAIN and all those everyday human things melt away. Making life into a fun and happy game.

Any time I use the words PUPPY-TIME: You’ll discover yourself becoming my puppy both mentally and physically. Forgetting all about those silly human things like walking on two legs, clothes, or language. Barking, whining and panting to make yourself understood will be perfectly natural. There’ll be no memory that you were ever anything but my loving and loyal Golden Retriever. Bratty and playful perhaps, but ultimately happy to be trained, leashed, collared, walked, and made to behave like my good little pet. Every time you hear me use the words PUPPY-TIME.

If I should say the word HEAT, then you’ll get horny, like a bitch on heat. Growing so very hot and feeling so very sexy, weak and needy. Wanting to fuck so very badly. Wanting to fuck as though you’ve been horny all week and you just have to do something about it… To hump. To be filled. To hang out your tongue and grind yourself enjoyably against anything that happens to be in the area and the right size… Legs… furniture… other puppies or people that you get on well with. When you hear me say the word HEAT, scratching that horny and growing and insistent itch in your sex becomes all that’s important.

And if I say the word SURGE, then whatever sensation you’re feeling increases, doubling, tripling, growing incredibly strong. If you’re excited to see me, you’ll be unable to contain how excited you are, just like a puppy needing to dash around, torn between the desire to be petted and the need to fetch me every toy so we can play. If you’re horny, you’ll become incredibly horny. Eager and desperate and consumed by your need to be touched, stroked, filled, fucked.

The word RELEASE will set you free.

The word RELEASE will return your behaviour and mind to normal.

You’ll also RELEASE automatically if you ever need to, for reasons of safety or wellbeing. Easily able to come to your senses if there’s ever an emergency or you ever really need to rapidly regain your senses.

[Wakeup Trigger with optional amnesia]

And when I use the word RELEASE you’ll wake, coming to your senses, returning to normal and becoming human again. You’ll recall as much or as little as you wish… maybe the whole thing… maybe just the sensations… maybe only the fact that you’ve been toyed with and messed with… or maybe you’ll remember and realise nothing at all, standing up if you were on all fours, dressing yourself if you’d undressed, and going on with your day with zero realization or recall about spending any time as a puppy.

Whatever you enjoy the idea of most, that’s what happens. Whatever you want to remember or forget, that’s exactly what happens.

Now… All of those special words and phrases firmly in place.

All of those triggers implanted deep in your subconscious.

PUPPY-BRAIN and you’re human… but your attitude is that of my puppy.

PUPPY-TIME  and you forget you were even human, fully behaving like and believing yourself my puppy.

HEAT makes you horny, my bitch on heat, needy and wet and craving to be fucked.

SURGE increases whatever sensation you happen to be feeling…

And RELEASE will return you to normal.

Now… it’s time to wake, so get yourself nice and ready to stretch and rise and feel like yourself again.

Here we go…

5… Feel yourself rising out of trance and growing more connected to yourself again

4… Feel the heavy weightiness of trance melting from your mind

3… Feel energy and awareness flowing back into you, more and more with every breath

2… Memories becoming clearer, or melting away, whichever’s most enjoyable for you.

1… Taking a nice deep breath of energy giving oxygen… having a stretch…

And 0… Wide awake, feeling fantastic. Having had the best rest. Feeling like you’ve had the most wonderful nap… and ready to enjoy whatever day, or play you happen to have planned.

I hope you enjoyed this. Please drop me a message if you’ve any feedback or you’d like your triggers toying with.


Tranceperience: Puppy Play Space // Hypnosis

Hypnotic Induction to be transformed into a mind controlled puppy. If that sounds fun, we’ll have you wagging that tail, playing fetch, going for walkies, and learning lots of fun new tricks in no time. That’s why you’re choosing to listen to this file. It will give you a number of pet related hypnotic triggers. One where you remain human… but have the mindset of an excitable puppy… one where you’ll believe and behave you really are a dog… and another to make you feel like you’re on heat. If that’s alright with you, continue listening. If not, you should probably stop. 🌀 DISCORD: http://hypnodolls.com 🌀 LEX'S TWITTER: https://twitter.com/entrancement_uk 🌀 INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/hypnodolls 🌀 PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/entrancement #Tranceperience #HypnotizeMe #HypnoKink I have a free “How to Hypnotize” guide on how to hypnotize your friends, that you can access here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/16877173


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