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Just a quick note to mention that my computer's hard drive (with Windows and all my editing programs on it) just died. 

No data loss (which is good!) but it does mean that I'm using wifey's computer to get videos out, and it's not quite so robust at the smut-forging as my own computer tends to be... I mean... when it *works.*

I've got plenty of shoots booked, so they should come out as usual... but for the next couple of weeks, the editing might be a little less proficient than usual. 

The drive that died was in warranty, so it shouldn't cost anything to fix (other than a couple weeks annoyance at my end. :P) 

Cheers for your patience!




Things happen, and don't worry, it's good that the drive was in warranty, at least you won't spend anything

Anya Twerk

Be strong ❣️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️💖💖💖💖💖