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February's full release. (Missed it by half an hour in the UK, but it's still February for half the globe! :P) is ROBOT TAKEOVER, a video I commissioned the folks over at Torvea films to create for me. I've always had a biiiig thing for Sinn Sage and her videos with Steve Steele, and Jacqueline's freeze videos are second to none, so when I had the chance to have them both follow a scene of my choosing, I set to work! 

Sinn and Jacqueline return home to find someone has kindly left drinks out for them. Thinking nothing of it, they both take a sip, little realising (until it’s too late of course) that these are not ordinary drinks! They’ve been laced with a nanobot compound and even as the ladies struggle to prevent themselves from greedily guzzling the whole of their drinks, the nanobots are going to work reprogramming them.

No sooner do our hapless heroines finish their drinks, do they find themselves stuck to the floor. “Physical Locomation Deactivated” they speak outloud. They panic and question one another about what on earth’s going on. Bit by bit they find their bodies freezing in place till they’re nothing but living statues, frozen in time, not even able to speak.

The nanobots are truly taking over now. Both girls robotically march to the sofa where their eyes begin to roll and they faint dead away. They lie limp and prone, bodies being reprogrammed, minds being overwritten by the nanobots.

Moments later, both girls open their eyes and pose for inspection, their robotic transformation is just beginning.

The following scenes feature stripteasing, slavegirl poses, puppeteering, mindless mantras, malfunctions as their former personalities try to reassert themselves and model posing.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a HypnoDolls shoot and is therefore scripted and fantasy. It contains no genuine mesmerism.



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