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Hi Everybody!

I'm just wrapping up my vacation. 

We've had a great time in sunny Scotland, which has been pretty tropical compared to the rest of the UK which apparently has been pretty sodden! (Though one of the hills we walked up still managed to somehow be both hill and bog!) 

We're heading back home tomorrow (the 3rd) with a quick stop-off for a birthday event in the Lake District. 

As such, internet's not going to be reliable for another couple of days, so rewards *will* be coming, but it'll probably be the 5th that I send the "Choose your reward" emails out. 

Hang tight, thanks for your patience. 





I hope you had an amazing vacation. It's 22° C in Kansas City MO, which is practically freezing!


Hope you had an enjoyable time and that you will post more videos from Rahel too :)