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Heya all. Just a quick update for those wondering where the "Choose your reward" email has gotten to. Pledges are currently at 27% and seem to be moving particularly slowly. So much that Patreon themselves have addressed it: 

Here's the message from Patreon: 

Hey creators,

As you might have noticed, payments are processing at a slower rate than normal, which means your patron’s pledges might take longer to process than they usually would. Our team is working around the clock to solve this issue.

This is frustrating, and we want to apologize for the delay in getting you your money. You will receive your anticipated total payout as soon as possible, and please know that we’re working as hard as we can to get our payments processing back to up regular speed.

We’re updating status.patreon.com as we continue to work on this issue.

Sorry about the inconvenience. As soon as the collection's complete, (hopefully no more than 24 hours I hope!) I'll mail out the reward emails. 


  • 45% processed on Feb 3rd at 13:00 
  • 53% Feb 3rd at 21:30
  • 86% Feb 4th at 23:20
  • 100% Feb 5th and you should all have your emails now!

Thanks for your patience and support!





Cheers 4 the update.