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20:11 Oh cool! A new $10 Patron! Thanks new supporter!

21:41 Oh no! Now they've had enough time to download all the image sets they've cancelled / set their pledge level to the minimum!

Please note, due to the frequency with which the above situation occurs: 

  • New person signs up at higher support level, 
  • New person downloads all the rewards they can scrape / download
  • New person drops pledge to it's lowest level or
  • New person cancels completely...
  • New person signs up the next month and tries to repeat this exploit.

I'm switching Patreon to charge up front.

I'm sorry to spring it unannounced, but hopefully everyone will understand. It's a loophole that lets people avoid pledging and Patreon are fixing it. 

You can read Patreon's statement on it here  

Most of you are awesome and honest and won't even be affected. Your support produces more HypnoStreams and images and other content for everybody and you have my profound gratitude!

What this means to new & existing Patrons.

New Patrons: 

  • Will be charged immediately.
  • Future payments will be taken on the 1st of each month.

Existing Patrons who aren't changing their pledge: 

  • Nothing will change! 
  • You'll be charged as always on the 1st.
  • Thanks for your continued support!

Patrons who increase their pledge during the month: 

  • You may be charged the difference immediately. (A couple of people in the Discord have asked, and after checking, they've not been charged for the difference yet.)
  • If you're switching up to a level that offers a reward and notice yourself being charged, please email me and I'll send you your reward ASAP. 
  • If you're switching to a level that involves a commission, please let me know what it is, and I'll get working on it as soon as I realistically can. (Bearing in mind I like having that month between payment and commission delivery. :P) 

Patrons who decrease their pledge during the month:  

  • You'll be charged the reduced amount from the 1st of the next month.

And in case any regular Patrons who do decide to reduce their pledge are worried that I'm annoyed at them: I'm not! 

I understand that financial situations change, and that I won't always have content available that suits everyone's tastes. 

You're more than welcome to reduce your pledge level and increase it later should anything new that I release appeal to you. 

This is really just fixing a little loophole that a few muppets are using to exploit the fact that Patreon's not quite as reliable a system as it could be. :P 

Sorry if this causes anyone an inconvenience! 

Thanks for your support.





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