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It's been a while coming, but here's the Female HUMAN voiced version of my Primer file!

Echo is very nicely voiced by Miss Magenta

Previous Versions: 


Note: The video version contains "Like, comment, subscribe" commands at the end of it. The above MP3s do not. 

MP3 Script: Entrancement Primer
Written by Lex



File designation: Serenity One. Entrancement Primer.

File Contents are as follows: Introduction. Fractionation based Induction. Programming Integration. Trance Conclusion and Conscious Emergence.

The Entrancement Primer, allows for the enhancement of receptivity to hypnotic programming, for the purposes of: Recreational enjoyment, Mental enhancement and Personal development.

Choosing to proceed beyond this point will be taken to constitute consent to the commencement of this process. 

You will be guided into a programmable hypnotic state, post-hypnotic-triggers will be implanted in your mind, and you will receive programming to expedite and facilitate future trances.




Breathe in, for the count of three… two… one… 

Breathe out, and relax. 


In a moment, I will ask you to close your eyes. 

As you do, I want you to imagine a warm, wave of relaxation, passing through you. 

Flowing through you, from the top of your head, to the tips of your toes. 

Every time your eyes close, allow yourself to envision that wave. 

Every time your eyes close, enjoy how easily you relax deeper than the time before.

Let your eyes close now…

And take that deep breath…

And imagine that wave now…

Picture the slow surge of warmth washing your cares away. 

From the top of your head…

To the tips of your toes…

Allowing you to access a calm state of focus, just for a moment. 


Open your eyes. 

Close your eyes. 

And relax deeper

Deep Breath in. 

Big Breath out. 

The wave taking you deeper. 

Slowing you. 

Calming you. 

Soothing you. 

More and more every time you close your eyes. 


Open your eyes

And close your eyes. 

And enjoy how closing your eyes immediately relaxes you.

You want to experience trance, 

So that’s what you find yourself feeling. 

That’s what this is

Every time you close your eyes for me. 

Every time you breathe and relax and picture that wave. 


Open your eyes

And close your eyes

Picture yourself as you feel the wave washing you deeper. 

How you look

How you’re seated

How someone else might view you

Allow the image of yourself relaxing in your mind’s eye to grow more vivid.

Do whatever you need to do as you drop deeper to let that image grow clearer. 

Relax in whatever way you need to to make reality resemble the image within your mind. 


Open your eyes… and feel more alert.

Close your eyes… and feel more calm than before. 


Feeling that wave more easily with every deep breath in. 

Feeling your cares wash away more completely with every breath out. 

Because you want to relax deeply

Because you want closing your eyes to become a trigger

Because you want it to become a sensation that you can easily embrace

An automatic reaction to the action of closing your eyes. 

More enchanted when your eyes close

More animated when your eyes open

Open your eyes

And close your eyes

Waves of relaxation

Calm… receptive… 

Detached from your cares

Focused on my words. 

This is how trance feels. 


Easy and Effortless

To allow yourself to follow and focus. 

Easily and effortlessly 

To allow these feelings to expand as you experience them

When your eyes close, you feel so calm and spaced out. 

When your eyes open, you feel more energized and wonderful


Open your eyes

And close your eyes

And now as you experience the wave that takes you deeper. 

And as you picture yourself relaxing in whatever position you’re in. 

And as you become aware of how every breath relaxes you more than the last. 

Imagine that from here on, each number causes your eyes to grow heavier and heavier. 

Imagine yourself reaching the point where your eyes become too heavy to open. 

Imagine how good that will feel… 

Imagine how enjoyable that will be… 

How calm you’ll find yourself feeling as you try to part eyelids too heavy to open

How good your unconscious mind will feel knowing it’s now in control. 

Knowing that my words are guiding and directing you.

At that point, it’s perfectly fine to find your eyes stay closed. 

To find that they strain momentarily… but remain stuck shut.

At that point, it’s perfectly fine to just think about opening your eyes. 

And to relax all the more deeper as you imagine them closing again. 


Try to open those eyes… 

And close those eyes…

Perhaps finding it a strain…

Perhaps finding it already impossible… 

Perhaps finding it easy to imagine being helpless to open them…

Every outcome is totally fine.

Every outcome leads to deeper trance

Every breath you take

Every word I speak

Every moment that passes. 

Waves washing deeper. 

Eyes fixing shut. 

Mind melting more and more. 


Trying and failing to open those eyes

Closing those eyes

Dropping deeper and deeper. 

Easily and effortlessly. 

Accepting and embracing every sensation. 

Fixed on my words like nothing else matters. 

Because nothing else does. 

Every experience deepening your trance

Every slow and soothing breath

Every thought that tries to form then washes away

Deepening your relaxation

Deepening your trance


Imagining trying and failing to open those eyes. 

And closing those eyes.





Focused on my voice. 

Fixed on my words. 

Enjoying how you can barely even try now. 


Trying to imagine the effort of opening those eyes isn’t something you feel you can do. 

Closing those eyes drops you deeper and deeper. 

And every time your eyes close for me. 

Every time you listen to my words. 

Every time you drop for me. 

You drop deeper… easier… more effortlessly and enjoyably. 





Begin Programming Integration.

Find yourself feeling calm... 




So easy in this state to follow suggestions.

So easy to just relax and obey.

So easy in this state to allow your mind, your behaviour, and your feelings to be shaped and guided. 

Trance makes you feel tranquil...



and content...

In this mindset, trying to resist only relaxes you deeper. 

In this mindset, trying to think only spaces you out and slows your thoughts.

In this mindset, trying to rouse yourself only makes you feel more enchanted, more entranced, more enthralled.

You are hypnotized.

You are focused. 

You are relaxed, and ready to obey. 

From now on, 

Every time you listen to my voice, you will easily and effortlessly find yourself relaxing, engaging, and if you wish to, obeying. 

From now on,

Every time you hear my words, it will trigger pleasing sensations throughout your whole body. 

From now on, 

Dropping into trance will become easier, more powerful, and more potent. 

My words excite you..

They tease you...

Toy with you...

And you eagerly find yourself following them like nothing else matters. 

Because nothing else does. 

I speak...  you listen.

I guide... you follow. 

I command... you obey.

From now on, 

It's the easiest thing in the world to allow your thoughts to be organized in a manner that benefits and pleases you.

From now on, 

It's the simplest thing in the world to allow your habits and behaviours to be sculpted in a way that improves your quality of life. 

Because you desire freedom from distraction. 

Because you desire the elegance of simplification. 

Desiring something, pursuing it, attaining it. 

Bad habits and behaviours that impede you are being reduced. 

Good Habits and behaviours that benefit you are being increased. 

Skills you wish to develop will become easier to focus on.

Investing time in habits, hobbies, relationships and skills that you desire to cultivate, is becoming more easy and rewarding.

You can easily allow this to happen.

You can easily allow my words to lead you. 

Because a strong mind can happily allow itself to be guided. 

Because exercising your mind makes it stronger.

Because a strong mind can more easily affect change. 

It's so easy to be. hypnotized. 

It's so easy to organize your thoughts. 

It's so easy to develop skills. 

It's so easy to surrender to those you feel drawn to.

To be a plaything, or puppet. 

To be a drone, or doll. 

To be a slave, or minion. 

To be a pet, or servant. 

To be a robot, or maid. 

To be eager...

To be captive...

To be brainless...

To be brainwashed...

Sleeping when you're told. 

Dropping into trance when you're told. 

Easily and effortlessly. 

And waking when instructed. 

With whatever feelings, alterations and reprogramming that you wish to have placed in your mind. 

Consciously recalling as much, or as little, of the experience as you wish to retain. 

Full recall if you desire. 

Dreamlike recall and aware mainly of the relaxation if you wish. 

Zero recall and confusion as to what is occurring if that is enjoyable. 

Or Zero recall and also being oblivious to the fact you have even been hypnotized if desired. 

Easy and effortless. 

To be transformed in whatever ways please, and excite you, and your Dominant.

You may listen to my words again if you wish to. 

Every time you listen, you drop more quickly and easily into trance. 

Every time you listen, my words become more potent and powerful. 

On waking, you will:

Feel wonderful, refreshed, restored, alert, happy, lively and well rested. 

Retain whatever level of recall that you desire, as you go about your day feeling energized, happy, and productive. 

Waking feeling wonderful in 5.

Rising from trance.


Heaviness and sleepy sensations melting away.


Feeling energy flowing into you, lifting and restoring you to wakefulness. 


Feeling cleansed by crystal clear spring water. 


Taking a nice deep breath of energy giving oxygen. 


Wide awake. 

Feeling Wonderful. 

Thank you for listening, I hope you enjoyed this file. 

This has been Serenity / Echo / Lex 

File Ends.


Echo 1: Entrancement Primer

Voiced by Miss Magenta: https://www.patreon.com/mistressmagenta Scripted by Lex: http://patreon.com/entrancement A robotic style hypnotic induction to enhance receptivity to hypnotic programming for the purposes of: ♦ Recreational Enjoyment ♦ Mental Enhancement ♦ Personal Development ♦ Submission to designated dominants ✔️Patreon: http://patreon.com/entrancement ✔️Twitter: http://twitter.com/Entrancement_Uk ✔️Tumblr: http://hypnodolls.tumblr.com ✔️Email: Lex@Entrancement.co.uk


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