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Someone asked in the YouTube comments for a robotized version of this file, so I cooked one up, as well as a high quality nude version (No backing or alterations allowing you to add your own.) 

I've also removed the intro from the video and the outro trigger test. 

Download multiple versions here: 


The "Tech" sound-bed is only 1 minute long, you might want to loop it!

Script: (I lost the original so had a slavegirl transcribe this, so my apologies if there are any errors in it!)

Ready to relax?

Ok, take a nice big breathe in.

Followed by a big breath out.

Let yourself start to relax.

Let yourself start to grow calm.

Start to grow still.

Just listen to my words.

Follow my voice.

Focus your eyes on the pendant before you if you like, or if you like you can just let your eyes close.

Drop deep and follow all my words.

Just keep breathing easily and slowly.

Breathing in relaxation.

And breathing out all your tension.

Breathing in a sense of peacefulness.

Breathing out all your worries and cares and everyday concerns.

It's easy to relax.

Easy to follow my words.

Easy to find yourself feeling completely chilled out, peaceful, dreamy, soothed, still.

It's easy to feel all these things when someone's guiding you.

When someone's guiding your relaxation, when there's something to focus on, when there's a guide, it's so very easy to follow.

So very easy to relax completely.

Relaxing completely for me now.

More easily, more deeply, with every second that passes.

Relaxing completely for me now.

More easily, more deeply with every breath that you take.

Just relaxing completely for me now.

Following my words, fixed on that pendant, relaxing back.

Everyday thoughts melting away

Everyday cares just vanishing.

Breathing, following, relaxing, responding, drifting down deep.

So very easy.

Relaxing deeper and deeper

All the muscles in your body unwinding.

Relaxing deeper and deeper.

All the thoughts in your mind unwinding.

Relaxing deeper and deeper.

The tension leaving you, leaving your muscles, leaving your body

Just being left completely relaxed.

Relaxed in every way.

Every bit of care and worry and stress just melting from your mind

Melting from your body as you follow and it's easy to fix on my words.

Easy to fixate, easy to follow, easy to find yourself locking onto my words like they're all that's important.

Because right now they are.

Right now all that matters is relaxing, following, breathing, listening, accepting every single word that I speak into your mind.

Accepting every single word that I speak into your mind.

Right now all that matters if following, breathing, feeling an increased sense of soothed relaxation filling you, flowing through you with every moment, with every breath, with every single word you hear me speak

Every single word I speak drives you deeper, enchants you further, entrances you more, and more completely.

But this is something that you enjoy, being in trance, being enchanted, being captivated, feeling controlled

This is a slave file and you like the idea of becoming a slave for awhile.

Picturing your resistance melting away.

Picturing your willpower melting away.

Picturing yourself surrendering, giving up control just for a time, just to see how it feels.

And it feels good, and it feels liberating, and it feels wonderful to let go of control.

To follow my words, to fix on my voice.

My voice is soothing, relaxing, sexy, sensual, and listening just makes you feel so good.

So sexy and happy and carefree and peaceful and relaxed

Great in every single way, every single way

Relaxing down deep

Relaxing down deep until you're at the point where you can accept any command that I give you into your mind.

Relaxing down so deep and so easily.

So deep and so easily.

And right now you feel very chilled out.

You feel very chilled out right now.

You feel very peaceful.

Your thoughts just slow, unwinding.

You can imagine the thoughts just melting from your mind.

You can imagine the tension just fading completely from your body.

You can imagine being completely enchanted, completely controlled, completely captivated by my words.

Imagine how that feels.

Feel those things now.

Enchanted, captivated, controlled, compelled, powerless, sleepy, dropping, drifting down deep.

Melting deeper with every moment into hypnosis.

With every swing of the pendant, with every word that I speak, with every second that passes, melting down deeper into hypnosis.

That's good.

That's good.

Each and every time you hear my words you relax deeper.

Each and every time my voice speaks to you you relax down deeper.

Each and every time you drop into trance for me you relax deeper.

You relax further, you feel more enchanted, you feel more compelled, you feel more powerless, more wonderful, more warm, more relaxed.



Spiraling down deeper into trance.

Deeper and deeper.

Everyday cares and throughts melting away, you don't need them anymore.

They don't matter anymore.

And you find that when you try to think of everyday things, all that happens is your mind is drawn back to my words, back to my voice, back to the need that you feel to follow, to focus, to grow completely enchanted, to relax totally, to open your mind, to surrender your senses.

Breathing, relaxing, melting down so easy, so deeply.

That's good.

So good.

So easy.

Relaxing for me now.

Relaxing until you reach the poing where you're ready to obey.

Relaxing now.

Relaxing down deeper all the time.

Until you've reached the point where you're ready for my commands.

Relaxing now.

Relaxing down.

So deeply.

Until you've reached the point where you're just totally, completely captivated, controlled, and ready for my commands.

That's good.

If you want to continue relaxing deeper, click the button on the screen.

If you're ready for commands, listen carefully.

From now on, whenever someone says to you, "Who do you obey?" your waking mind will lose all control, and you'll simply become a slave girl or slave boy.

Happy to serve, happy to please.

And you'll obey that person in almost every way.

You'll just be a slave girl or a slave boy.

You won't remember being anything else.

You won't want to be anything else.

You'll just be a slave.

If it's a male who said "Who do you obey?" you'll say "I obey you, my master" and you'll obey him.

If it's a female "Who do you obey?" you'll say "I obey you, my mistress" and you'll obey her.

Whenever you hear or see the words "Who do you obey?" that's what you'll become.

An obedient slave girl or slave boy, utterly fixed on the idea of obedience.

As a slave you'll feel really good following commands.

The first and foremost thought in your mind will be either "yes, Sir" or "yes, Miss" depending on who's commanding you.

The only words you can easily think, easily speak are "yes, Sir" or "yes, Miss"

As a slave has no need of any other thoughts

As a slave you'll be patient, happy to carry out commands you might normally find boring.

Slaves don't get bored.

You won't get bored.

You'll be happy to wait for minutes at a time for a command to come.

You'll be happy to do things you might normally find boring.

You'll be patient.

As a slave, you'll be calm.

Totally disconnected from your everyday cares, worries and stresses.

They won't be important, they won't be remembered.

You'll feel totally peaceful, totally passive, calmly waiting for commands, calmly waiting for orders.

As a slave you'll be deeply submissive, believing firmly that it's your place to obey every order you're given, feeling that it's your purpose, your role, your calling to obey, to serve, to submit yourself.

As a slave you'll be eager, you'll love serving, pleasing.

It'll make you feel sexy, useful, good, rewarded.

Following commands will make you feel so fulfilled and carefree and happy, eager to obey.

If you want to be a sex slave, you'll be aroused.

There will be no thoughts going on in your mind, but your body will be thoroughly enjoying itself, thoroughly turned on.

As a slave, as a sex slave, you'll just feel so sexy, so exhilarated, you'll have no inhibitions, no embarassment, no barriers whatsoever.

Just horny, hot, happy to obey any command you're given.

If you don't want to be a sex slave, you'll just feel a pleasant, non-sexual buzz, and exhilarated feeling of deep rewarding pleasure deep down inside you.

As for your waking mind, if you enjoy the idea of watching helplessly whilst your body obeys all the commands it's given, you'll be aware of what's happening but unable to control yourself.

If you like the idea of watching helplessly, you'll be able to see what you're doing but unable to control yourself, unable to speak out, unable to take any action unless you're in danger, or about to do something you 100 percent would never want to do.

But otherwise, you'll be utterly helpless, watching from within, unable to control yourself.

Afterwards you'll remember everything you did clearly.

If however you like the idea of having no idea what's happening to you whilst you're a slave, if you like the idea having no idea at all what's happening, your waking mind will be asleep.

It will be switched off.

It will be totally unaware of anything, drifting wonderfully in deep relaxation.

Totally disconnected from your body, what's happening to you.

Your subconscious will still be aware, being sure you don't do anything dangerous, and afterwards you'll recall as much or as little as you wish.

Perhaps you'd like the whole thing to be a blur, perhaps you'd like to recall nothing at all, perhaps you'd like the odd image to come back to you.

Whatever you want, that's how much you'll remember.

In both cases, whether you're watching from within, but helpless, or whether you're switched off entirely, in both cases, if anything is about to happen to you that would endanger you or that you would totally hate, you will regain control, you will wake from the trance, you will stop being a slave, and you'll be back in control of yourself, fully in control of your mind.

As long as you're not mistreated, though, as long as you're safe, you'll remain a slave girl or slave boy, happy to be commanded, happy to be controlled, to be played with, to obey.

The words "Who do you obey?" turn you into a slave.

The words "Who do you obey?" make you that slave.

The words "Who do you obey?" give someone else control of your mind.

Following that the words "I obey you, my master" or "I obey you, my mistress" come automatically from your lips.

Whilst a slave, you'll obey every reasonable command happily, eagerly, submissively, with a "yes, Sir" or a "yes, Miss".

Whilst a slave, you'll happily follow and obey any and all commands you're given, so long as it's safe for you to do so.

You'll remain a slave until you hear the word "release."

When you hear the word "release," your slave mind will switch off and your normal waking mind will turn back on again.

Your waking mind will remember as much or as little of your time as a slave as you wish to.

The word "release" will wake you from trance, the word "release" will return you to normal.

You will also return to normal under the following conditions.

If you're commanded to return to normal, you'll return to normal.

If one hour has passed in which you've received no commands, you'll return to normal.

If you're being played with by someone over the internet and one of your connections goes down, you'll return to normal.

If you find yourself falling asleep, when you wake, you'll return to normal.

If you start getting any form of pain or headache, you'll return to normal.

And if you're in danger, or commanded to do something that you hate, you'll return to normal.

Let all those commands sink into your mind now.

If you want to hear them again, click the button on your screen.

If all the commands are firmly placed in your mind now and you're ready to obey ready to be a slave when you hear the words "Who do you obey?" then get ready to wake.

Waking now as I count from 5 to 0.

As you wake you'll recall as much or as little of this trance as you want to.


Rising from trance.

All sleepiness dropping away, all commands firmly written in your mind.


Feeling cleansed, feeling refreshed, feeling restored, feeling more revived as you begin to wake more and more


Feeling energized, energy filling you, waking you, empowering you.

You feel yourself growing more and more awake now.


Taking a nice deep breath of energy and oxygen, almost completely awake


Feeling great, like you've had the best sleep ever, about to wake up

And 0

Wide awake, feeling fine and fantastic.

And there we have it, you're programmed to obey whenever anyone says a certain phrase to you.

If you'd like to test that phrase out now, keep listening and I'll be triggering you in just a second.

If not, if you're happy that those commands are firmly in place and you just want to go on with your day, then you can stop the video in a second.

I hope you enjoyed yourself.

I hope you enjoyed this file.

I hope you it was lots of fun for you and whoever you decide to share your triggers with.

But stop the file now and I'll see you again.

Everybody else, "Who do you obey?"

Find youreself saying "I obey you, my master."

And I have one command, and that command is to post a comment on this video.

And the comment I'd like you to post is just to say this: "Great video! I dropped really deep."

That's all I want you to comment: "Great video! I dropped really deep."

Once you've written that, once you've posted that comment, you'll release.

You'll only release after you've posted that comment.


Miss Saffron: Hypnotize Yourself (Temporary Slave Trigger)

This file installs a hypnotic slave trigger in the mind of the listener. Whilst in "Slave Mode" you'll obey any command you're given (within reason) provided it's nothing harmful or upsetting. You'll obey submissive, silly and some sexy commands within your own comfort limits, so won't turn into anyone's personal lapdancer... unless that's something you really like the idea of. ;) You'll remember what you want to remember, so some people will recall nothing at all, and some will get to remember every embarrassing detail (If you're the kinda person that likes to be embarrassed.) Safety: Don't listen if you're pregnant. Don't listen if you're drunk. Don't listen if you're under the age of 18. Don't listen if you have mental health issues. Don't listen if you don't like the idea of having a slave trigger! Everyone else, enjoy! Male Voiced Version: https://youtu.be/jwGr4VLwUhA Download available for $5 Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/17558304


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