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Longtime Patron Pyra requested a copy of my vanilla induction file without any backing. It's been years since I made it, so I didn't have such a version available. 

Pyra rose to the challenge and transcribed the whole thing, so just for her (well... and any other Patrons that'd like wants it I guess) here's a newly recorded version. 

Hope it's alright. I ran a noise reduction program on it to cut out background hiss, though it has got me wondering if I should invest in a professional mic with a proper pop shield.

Hope you like it Pyra!



(Listens to the first 30 seconds) Wow, I will say this, that is awesome thank you for making that. Secondly, having that track in full volume uninterrupted clarity and knowing that you recorded it with me in mind is giving me some goosebumps. Thanks again. will report back later.