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Things to look forward to in Chapter 6 (EEEEEEE).

The script is pretty much entirely fleshed out at this point, I'm just moving big old chunks of it around, taking some stuff out, putting some stuff in. Just playing at this point, which is the best part of writing. 

Chapter 6 is a lot of talking, but concerns itself with a lot of FAQs about things that have happened and hinting at larger events that will unfold in Book 2. It's going to be a great time!




That's totally not Thistle and Brent being all romantic awkward, right? (please let me be wrong please let me be wrong please let me be wrong please let me be wrong please let me be wrong)


We are laughing, because we think it is an early story-board sketch (or whatever you call that), but in reality, Meg is deciding on a bold new direction of artistic style for the next chapter :D