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WELL gosh you guys - I find myself in a bit of a conundrum (a good one!), and it's going to affect Thursday's update!

Yoko and I still find ourselves behind on pages and recovering from the holidays. 

I'm also involved in a super duper top secret project that I literally cannot say anything about yet and I have to do a bunch of work for that this week! So on top of continuing to produce DotL pages, it's put a bit of a dent in our production. I'll be finishing my work for it as quickly as possible, though! 

All this in mind, we'll be uploading some artwork inspired by that super fun DnD podcast we were a part of, the Legion of Renob, as a way to promote the episode.

Yoko and I have resolved to not commit to so much work in this new year. Boy, we're off to a great start! 

Did y'all have a fun Holiday? How was your New Years? Do you have any resolutions for 2017?


Shield Generator 7

Can't wait for the super awesome secret project! Sounds cool!

Shield Generator 7

My new years resolution is to waste less time on the internet and overall get better at adulting.