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Hey, gang!

In light of the past week, which included some incredibly supportive feedback, and a conversation with Yoko, we've decided to take one more week to work on our buffer to get it back up to snuff. 

Working from update to update was one very big factor leading to my low energy and burnout, and as it is, I'll be jumping right back into the very same situation. Stuff at work is finally calming down, and we're getting into a more normalized production schedule now that we've started Season 2, so things should return to normal pretty soon here. 

I apologize for the rather short notification, but to maintain the quality of the comic for the rest of the chapter, I really think it's important for us to do. I promise I wouldn't do it otherwise. 

There will be a similar announcement on the website tomorrow, and I'll quickly make/answer some Reader Questions today to post on Tuesday and Thursday. I'll be pulling from the questions in the comments on the previous post, but if you can think of some new ones, feel free to add them!



Take the time you guys need. This story. This comic and it's characters are well worth the wait. All I ask are baby pictures without giving anything away. 😀


Thank you so much, Elizabeth! We're going to keep doing our best!!!


Good things come to those who wait.


If Orrig's wife knows Brent and Lyra, how does she deal with their 'working' relationship? Dotra doesn't look like the type who would ignore her husband's work and employees. So I figure if Brent and Lyra have been with Orrig for a while, they should've met her and might have spent time in Orrig and Dotra's home.


No worries, Meg


Halloween soon :D Are you two gonna stock up on candy forms of fuel? ^_^ Hope work is more forgiving for you soon. We'll get a little camp fire going and wait for you here


I know that you've mentioned before that you were inking pages using actual ink for a while. What magic were yall doing to get that to work so beautifully with the digital color?