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I'm the kind of person who is incredibly hard on themselves and expects perfection at every second of the day, so when I get such overwhelming support from you guys when I admit any kind of weakness, it really means a lot to me. Thank you all so very much for being so wonderful and kind.

What questions can the cast answer for you?



What made Orc-dad choose/like Thistle out of all the mages who applied for the initial job posting?


What is Lyra ' s family like?


What was the first flower Thistle was able to 'conjure' up? (For lack of a better word. I'm at work >_> hehe)


Beyond drinking and fighting, do Lyra and Brent have any favorite hobbies?


What kind (if any) ice cream do they like?


If they could go anywhere in the world for vacation, where would it be?


Would the team prefer to fight Brody as is, or as 1000 toad sized Brody's?


What is their favorite animal of any kind? What is their favorite pet, either their own or one they enjoy when someone else owns it?


My day job is art full time, so I HAVE to ask: how do you balance your workload with updating your comic twice a week? And major props for doing so :)


Do any of the main 3 have a favourite poem or genre of writing?


OH LOOK, you won a week long pleasure trip to the fantasy Bahamas!! Where do you lie in the "ammount you pack" scale; from only the bare minimum, to everything but the kitchen sink? edit* This can be for the team or Meg in this case lol


Orrig. Have you ever tried to put a tunic top on and gotten your tusks/brow horns caught on it?


And you are sharing a marvelous talent and story with us all ^_^ Both Meg & Yoko, you deserve every success for your efforts.


Lyra, what did you get into first, martial arts or archery? And what got you started in them?


Hey Brent, I hear the ladies like poetry and stuff, ever try writing a sweet poem for the gal you're crushing on?


Orrig, what is your favorite cookie?

Siegfried Pinzer

A question to all of you four, what was the strangest or outright bizarre encounter you ever had since all of you are a team?


Does Thistle carry any exotic or poisonous plants, or fruit bearing trees?


Who are the team's heroes and/or role models?

Brian Kim

Is Thistle willing to give lecture at the college?


To the team: Please choose a mascot/animal companion to your team. (To Meg: You get to design fantasy creatures should someone suggest one??)


do you guys have any ships you support? without being too specific, do you have ships that are going to be canon, you would like to be canon, or that are never going to be canon but you like them anyway?

Jon Krupp

Will we eventually get to see Thistle without her disguise? If so, how long till?


Well, is this really necessary? I mean I have every confidence it would be well done, but I'm really fed up by the classic "cute/ennoying/useless mascot" you find in a lot of comics or anime. Disney is doing it to much for exemple. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Disney and I don't say it's not a good idea, I say I've had enough of this in other art and I don't feel the need in this specific comic.


I've been dying to ask this for a long time... In the end I'm not sure I want the answer though ^^ If you do answer it Meg, can you please make a spoiler alert or so ? Cheers.


Hahaha this is entire appropriate considering...


I'm not sure if this is a questions for the artists or the characters... I know Dotra for sure has like a million ships. Especially of her and Orrig. She keeps trying to set Brent up with nice girls (who are all taller and wider and greener than him).


Thistle: her dad Brent: his parents Orrig: his grandfather Lyra: herself


Definitely not the dangerous or harmful kinds, but definitely the pretty and nice kinds. So no poisonous things but a couple fruit trees.


HAHAHAH ooohhh dude that's gonna have to be the focus of a whole chapter, not an answer to a RQ.


I wrote something for the comic about this and I can't even post a photo of it without potentially spoiling future story points. :(


Martial Arts first, then Archery. Archery came second because she wanted to work for Orrig and had at least a little bit of experience in it, so she started picking at it more seriously. How she got into it...?! Gosh, I have to think about that.


Thistle: LOTS of suggestions Orrig: Mercenary Guild Paperwork For Dummies Lyra: XXXXXX Brent: none


Thistle likes honeybees, earthworms, and everything that helps her garden grow. Brent: Puffball Fluffbutt Lyra: likes cats Orrig: *grumps*




Thistle: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Lyra: Tibet Orrig: home Brent: *shrugs*


Thistle: mint chocolate chip Orrig: chocolate chip cookie dough Brent: chocolate Lyra: rocky road


Lyra likes working out and winning drinking contests and making stupid boys who hit on her extremely uncomfortable. Brent likes working out and picking up chicks and finds farm work relaxing.


Oooooooooo dang Stitchfeater, asking the important questions.


Lyra's dad died when she was about 12. She has a lot of extended family but has never connected with any of them. Her relationship with her mom is strained at best.


Hopefully, this can still get answered and isn't too late. What famous person would best voice each one (from Meg's perspective)... then what famous person would they themselves think. i.e. Brent thinks Vin Diesel would voice act for him,.... but actually sounds like Matthew Broderick.


Brent: Vin Diesel Actually: Jason Funderberker Orrig: The mild mannered dad in Stranger Things Actually: An Actual Viking Thistle: oh i would just be an extra Actually: ??? Lyra: Scarlett Johanssen Actually: Scarlett Johanssen